The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1582: Windbreaker Banquet (2)

Chapter 1582, Windbreaker Banquet (2)

Who knows that Helianyue of Helian’s family has been angry with others? Such a person, is also very embarrassed to say that she is full of bad water?


In the absence of the upper city, once the wicked man had only one Helian month, now there is another wind like a dump!

"Wind girl," the wind jumped a smile, convinced the inner hatred, and slowly said, "Then we said it, tonight I will hold a banquet in the General's House, solemnly apologizing to the girl. I also hope that Feng girl will come to participate."

The wind is picking the lips: "You can rest assured, I will definitely go."

With the guarantee of the wind, the wind jumpsuit no longer talked, she smiled and turned, but at the moment she turned around, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gloomy.

"Small dump."

The heart of He Lianyue sinks: "I don't believe that the wind and the clothes will really know the mistake. If she really knows the wrong, she won't want to harm the little fat man."

In the past, He Lianyue did not like the little fat man. Although she was equally arrogant in her daily life, she could not be used to the same person, as if she had grabbed her limelight.

However, nowadays, because of the wind, she and the little fat man can be regarded as companions, not to mention the common enemy of the wind and the wind!

Wind Sweater once wanted to use her, the same, she still harms the little fat man!

Anyway, He Lianyue has long recognized that the little fat man will be punished, and it must be the ghost behind the wind and even the clothes!

"I'm tired."

The wind yawned like a lazy, smiled and said: "Go back to rest, tonight... I am afraid I have no way to rest."

She left the words and ignored the puzzling Helianyue and walked slowly toward the direction of the house.

The girl's eyes twitched gently, and there seemed to be a strange light flowing through her eyes.

He Lianyue couldn't figure it out, and he didn't think too much. He chased the wind and left the pace...


That night.

The moonlight is like water.

In the banquet hall of the General's House, there was a lot of trouble.

Numerous young talents hold folding fans, laughter and laugh, and talk to people around them.

More girls are shy and crisp laughter, like a bell, and spread throughout the house.

The corners of the windy clothes were smiling and sitting beside these young girls.

In fact, in her capacity, she was not qualified to invite these people to be guests. But whoever does not know that she is the general of the military, the people of the world, and who does not give the face of the world?

He is a general, and his strength is super hero. On this non-returning continent, where strength is respected, his position in the city is unparalleled.

"Lianyi girl, what do you want to invite us to the end?"

"Is it true that the generals and Lian Qinggongzi are back?"

Everyone looked at each other and whispered to each other. They didn’t know why the wind suits called them today.

The wind and the clothes covered the smile of the corner of the mouth, and the money got up: "You, some time ago, I made a mistake, I think you all have ears. When the wind brother lost the error, the little prince, I was worried." I was afraid that when I was asked to sin, I would push the responsibility to a girl..."

For this matter, the people present were only half-baked. Now that the wind and the clothes are in public, they are a little surprised.

"But I went to the door to apologize that day, the girl was furious and angered me out. I must have been sincere enough. Now I have a big feast and I intend to personally admit her."

(End of this chapter)

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