The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1659: The fall of Xiaoya (eight)

Chapter 1659 The Fall of Xiaoya (8)

In the royal family, there are no husbands and wives, only monarchs.

He said one thing, no one can change the decision.

What she is asking for is just the usual love of the husband and wife, the father and the filial piety, and then looking for a good person for her daughter, and I don’t want her to marry in the future...

So she is tired.

I am so envious of the wind girl, I can live as I like, and I am not involved in anything.

"Your Majesty, Chen hasn’t been back to her family for a long time. I’m going to go home and look at it, and please take it.”

Her tone has no initial anger, and she is alienated.

It is also difficult for Qi Qi to answer the question.

At least for a while, he sighed: "The commander escorted you back."

"You don't have to, the courtiers bring the few ladies, and they have some strength."

Qi Yuyi listened to the Queen to leave, and suddenly anxious: "After the mother, I will not go, I want to stay with my pretty sister, follow her to learn a lot."

Qi Yuer also nodded hard and looked at the Queen with anticipation.

The Queen smiled and said: "I didn't intend to bring you. I am following the wind girl. I am not at the palace. Maybe I will not lose your life at any time. Don't worry, I just go back and let go, naturally. Will be back."

"it is good."

Qi Yu was relieved, but Qi Qier was not at ease.

"After the mother...when are you coming back?"

"Three months, I will be back in three months."


Qi Yuer raised a smile: "Then I am in the middle of the wind sister's home, you can rest assured that we will not return to the palace, or we will die in the palace."

She is already a dead person. For the palace, she is full of fear, but she does not have the kind of peace of mind beside the wind.

Looking at my wife and daughter, I am so sad.

Before that, he and the Queen loved each other, but it was a pair that everyone envied. The nephew was also extremely admired by him, and there was no home that would not want to return.

Is this this time...

Is he really doing something wrong?

Qi Qi fell into silence, and for a long time, he could not return to God...


Cloud Magic State.

Duan Jia.

A sneer voice swayed through the courtyard through the breeze.

"I don't know why the younger master brought back a ruined dumb. It is obvious that the second lady is so beautiful, how can such a dumb compare?"

"Oh, don't say this. I heard that this dumb used to be a young lady. As a result, when the other man ran away, now the man abandoned her, and also hurt her to such a degree, she returned. Come back and find us less."

"The poor master is really poor. He abandoned the second lady for her. Finally she ran with others. I heard that she hooked up more than one man outside. Later, the men's wife found her and ruined her. , poisoned her."

"That is also her self-sufficiency, deserve it! Such a woman, it is not worthy of our young master!"

I still want to continue to say that suddenly I saw a man in a robes with a bowl of medicine in front of me. I suddenly closed my mouth and bowed my head to do the work in my hand. I dare not talk more.

Duan Qiong’s mouth was smiling, and he took a bowl of medicine and walked slowly toward the backyard with a smile on his face.

This is the elixir that he obtained from his father in the face of death. It is said that the effect is very strong and will surely cure the nephew of Yaer.


Ps: The new text has been opened, the sisters searched Xiao Qiye, or Feng Yu Kyushu, brothers and sisters to collect one, tomorrow this old text issued ten chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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