The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1665: The Secret of Tang Chong's Life Experience (6)

Chapter 1665 The Secret of Tang Chong's Life (6)

Cloud Magic State.

On a hill outside the main city, the wind stopped, and her fingers stroked Xiaoqing. The brow scorned: "Although I speeded up the speed, but the speed of the south string will be faster, why is it so long? He hasn't caught up yet?"

"Oh, maybe it's lost?" Xiaoqing squinted his head.

The wind is like: "..."

The man who lost his way is a plain clothes! The South String is only a bad memory.

"Xiao Qing, how do you keep the mark, are you sure that the South String can find us?" The wind stroking the fingers and stroking the chin, asked.

"Oh, I took a trip along the road. If the owner smells it, I will definitely be able to smell it. I will be able to follow us and find us."


Ha ha! People with a sick brain see a glimpse on the ground and will come close to smell it!

The wind was like a sloping face, and when I picked up Xiaoqing’s snake tail, I threw it out: “Go to the South String!”

Sure enough, it was a three years pregnant, she was stupid enough to believe in a snake!

Xiaoqing smashed, and then hit a few more rolls, and quickly rushed to the wind.

"Princess, don't leave me, I don't know the road. When I don't find the owner, I will lose my way... I will become a homeless snake."

Xiaoqing’s crying is horrible, pathetic and pathetic.

The wind is still black with a face: "When I find Xiaoya, if the South String has not followed, I will kill you first!"

Xiaoqing was scared, and pity: "Princess, a section of the family, you are not playing, why must the owner follow."

"I can only kill you if I see the face of the national teacher."

Xiaoqing’s is even more powerful.

But somehow, it has the feeling of being stuffed with a dog food.

Well, this single snake is not able to experience the feeling that it is not seen every day.

"Let's go," the wind is like a faceless expression. "Let's go find Xiaoya."

Xiaoqing didn't cry, it was silent for a moment, and some people were not afraid of death. "Princess, if you go to Duanjia, Xiaoya refuses to follow you?"

The wind is like a cold, sweeping the eyes of Xiaoqing: "Duan Qiong has other women, why do you have to occupy my family's Xiaoya?"

"But he is Xiaoya's husband, after all, if Xiaoya loves him deeply, refuses to leave?" Xiaoqing squinted. "Do you want me to stun Xiaoya and take her away?"

The wind is like a sinking eye: "I don't think Xiaoya will have a good time in Duanjia. The people in Duanjia don't like her. Duan Qiong has other women. She will only be hurt there, if she really doesn't Willing to go with me..."

She was a little bit annoyed: "Then I can only let the small pot shot."

"Is the people in the section all killed?" Xiaoqing's eyes were a little excited.

"No, we can become slaves. We will make them slaves of Xiaoya in such a gentle way. If they are not willing to become slaves, I will call them to obey Xiaoya!"

The wind is like a sloping sleeve, her red robe, her eyebrows, the voice is more domineering, and the mouth is sneer.

Xiaoqing is afraid of shrinking his neck.

Well, my princess is really different from other people.

Switch to other people... It is estimated that Xiaoya will be taken away.

Oh, turn the Duan family into her efforts... This... He couldn’t help but have some sympathy for the family.

There are still some gloating disasters...

The wind is like a head, and the eyes are staring at the gates not far away. The sneer is gradually spreading, and even the shackles are full of chills...

(End of this chapter)

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