The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1689: The wind is clear and sad (6)

Chapter 1689 The sadness of Feng Lianqing (6)

Her words are somewhat meant to be somewhat embarrassing.

"Month, you..."

"I promised my aunt, I want you to let me know. She told me to be guilty of you. How can I die for me? Don't think I don't know. When I was in the General's office, you pushed me. I want to harm me."

Helian Ying’s face changed: “Moon, what are you talking about? We are sisters, how can I do this?”

Herliany’s expression became more and more impatient, and she has already said this, and Helian has not let it go!

"He Lian Ying, what the **** are you looking for?"

"Oh," He Lian Ying bite his lip. "I just envy my sister. I know the identity of Miss Feng and I have become friends with her. I don't have the luck of you, and I don't have the chance to meet Miss Feng." ”

"Get out!"

The temper of He Lianyue came up: "Otherwise, I will tell you to bully me!"

Herlian's face was once again stiff, and she was somewhat unwilling. After all, she still walked aside a few steps.

"Herlian Ying," He Lianyue glanced at her. "You want to marry the wind and clear the Qing. This is always the first pass. Believe me, the person she is not satisfied with, the grandfather of Tianya will not let the door enter." Feng Lianqing now has a heart for her, and she is not allowed to appear.

"And me," He Lianyue raised his chin proudly. "Is it a person who likes it! You think that if I open my mouth and say that I want to marry the wind, then the wind will not refuse me again? Are you still there? opportunity?"

He Lian meets the pale face, she understands that He Lianyue is telling the truth.

"So you better not to provoke me, I am already dead to him now, you must not let my love rekindled, now I have to go to the city gate and wait for the grandfather and Xiaopen, you are not going to roll?"

This time, He Lian Ying was not blocking He Lianyue. She looked at the girl who was eager to rush out of the door, and her heart was full of discomfort.


When Yueqin rushed in, he happened to see He Lianying standing in the breeze. She was quite distressed. "Well, what happened? You are not looking for the wind to clear it? Who is bullying you?" Already?"

He Lian Ying dropped his throat and bit his lip: "I just don't understand why He Lianyue has such a big fortune, and he can have such a good relationship with the granddaughter of Tianya. Why can't I meet her?" ”

If it is replaced by her, maybe... can get better with Miss Feng.

After all, she is more likely to be a man than He.

“Welcome,” Yue Qin smiled helplessly. “Herlian’s character, how many people do you like her? This is just before the girl does not recognize her ancestors, she will become friends with her. Now, as a girl of the wind, I will be dealing with a gimmick that is uncultivated, savage and unreasonable."

Helian Ying did not speak.

Yueqin continued: "The end of the world is good for Helianyue, just because your grandfather is the most painful of the month, and your grandfather has fought side by side with Tianya General. He will naturally look at your grandfather's share. As for the peace. The girl is the best don’t have to worry about it. You see that there is no city, how many thousands of gold will like He Lianyue? She will only be disgusting."

"Really?" He Lian Ying quietly breathed a sigh of relief. "Mother, just now, Li Lianyue said that the wind girl likes her very much, as long as she opens her mouth, even Qing Gongzi will surely marry her."

(End of this chapter)

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