The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1704: Nanxian back (2)

Chapter 1704, South Strings Back (2)

Upon hearing this, the little maid standing next to the little girl stood up. Her eyes were round and annoyed: "It is obvious that you don't have long eyes! My lady is well, you haven't seen the road and hit it!" ”

"You fart!" Xiao Xiao ran out in front of He Lianyue and pointed to the little maid in front of him. "You hit my lady, it is your fault anyway!"

Seeing the little maid still talking, the little girl picked up a good-looking brow and seemed to have dissatisfaction.

"Thousands of condensate, what do you and their nonsense do? We have more important things to do! How do you have time to pay attention to this group of people?"

She hasn't seen a small dump for a long time.

There are so many enchanting goods on the outside, what if the other family has a small person outside?


Thousands of condensed grin, wait until the wind girl knows, and then settle with this group of people.

"Let's go, thousands of condensation."

Before Tang Yin’s departure, he also fiercely glanced at He Lianyue, and immediately turned around, and went back to the general’s house with a thousand heads.

On the way, she heard countless times about the generals of the end of the world. Moreover, Tianya recognized her granddaughter some time ago, and no one knew the whole city, so she asked all the way.

As soon as I thought of seeing the wind, I could see the face of Tang Yin red, my heart pounding, and some shyly caressing my cheeks.

"Qian Ning, have I been thin for a few months? Xiaopeng doesn't like thin people. If I lose weight, she doesn't like me."

"And I haven't washed my face today, will Xiao Ting not dislike me?"

Qian Ning: "..."

She would like to tell her own lady that she is not only thin and thin, but also fat!

Fortunately, Tang Yin had already said the way before, and followed the directions that those people pointed out. He was far away and saw the courtyard of the general plaque. The excitement in her eyes was even worse.

When he walked to the front of the general's house, Tang Yin stopped, and she eased the excited mood. She was about to go forward, and there was a cry from the cold.

"Why are you two of us going to follow us?"

This voice made Tang Yin a glimpse. On the sidelines, I saw that a master and a servant who had just collided with her just stopped beside me.

The talking maid was staring at her with a vigilant color in her eyes.

"It is obvious that you are following us!" Thousands of condensate rushed out, her hands on her hips, proudly carrying her chin, "You followed my lady, what is the idea?"

"It’s ridiculous," Xiao Xiao snorted. "My lady doesn't know you, why should I follow you?"

The eyes of Tang Yin and He Lianyue are also opposite in the air. The anger in front of the entire general army is a bit arrogant...

Just under this grim atmosphere, an unpleasant sound sounded.

"He Lianyue, how come you again? My princess has my master's care, don't bother you to worry, be careful that my master will let your father marry you out." Xiaoqing swayed its snake head and climbed from the gate. Come out, its eyes slowly turned, suddenly, facing a familiar face.

The whole snake froze, his eyes widened, and he looked at the little girl standing at the door in horror.

Suddenly, it quickly climbed toward the courtyard, and the screams rang throughout the general.

"Master, your love is coming! You love the enemy and you robbed the woman, throw her out!"

Tang Yinben still smiled and said hello to Xiaoqing. After hearing this, the delicate face suddenly froze...

Ps: I will try to give you breakfast as soon as possible. Now I am going to sort out what I want to write tomorrow. The new chapter officially started~

(End of this chapter)

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