The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1715: Big black anger (1)

Chapter 1715, Great Black's Fury (1)

Nanfang sneered into the black dragon and walked in the corner of his lips. "Our home is the destiny of the world, and the beasts of the world must obey the orders of my South. Like you, you are not willing to obey." traitor."

The black lungs are about to explode.

It turned out to be a traitor?

Ridiculous, it's this world, just the black of ninety-nine!

Other people will never be in his eyes.

"Black Dragon, I will only give you the last two months. If you don't obey after half a month, then we can only completely obliterate you. We don't need disobedient obedients in our south."

Black Dragon said indignantly: "Who is obedient? Don't say that I am not a beast. Even if I am a beast, I have the right to choose freely. This world has autonomous choice. You are doing this now. Are you afraid of retribution?"

"Retribution, hahaha!" Nanfang laughed twice, and the smile was scornful. "The retribution is for the weak, like me, even the heavens can't control me! Come!"

His lips are raised and he swells in shallow curvature.

"Give me continue to use the sentence!"


The voice just fell, and there were countless currents on the giant cage. These currents all fell on the black dragon.

The severe pain caused the black dragon to tremble, and for a moment, the burnt smell came out.

But he never stopped screaming from the beginning to the end, with a bloodthirsty and cruel light.

No one saw that the breath of his body was gradually rising, with the anger of destroying the earth.


An old man walked to the side of Nanfang and looked at the black dragon. He did not have any evasiveness. He said directly: "We found the person that the black dragon wanted to find through the treasure wheel of the family."

The eyes of Nanfang picked up slightly and turned to look at the old man.

“So fast?”

"Yes, we first followed the guidance of the roulette to the Supreme City. People who have been in contact with the Black Dragon will have their breath. Unfortunately, there are no human beings and black dragons except the spirit beasts on the mainland. So we It will be easy to find her, oh, yes, she not only knows the Black Dragon, but more importantly, I find that she has stolen many of our beasts from the Spirit Mountain Range..."

The old man’s revenge report.


Nanfang punched the wall and looked angry with the light: "A big courage, dare to steal the beast from our spirit beasts, who is that person?"

The old man hesitated: "The granddaughter who has just recognized the end of the world, what is the wind."

"End of the World!"

This name made Nanfang gnash his teeth again, and his eyes flashed with anger.

In fact, the South and the end of the world are enemies, just for a trivial matter.

The South has always been to conquer the beasts for fun, so some of the beasts are not willing to obey, just like a cat.

The cat was caught by them and escaped. When they hunt down the cat, they met the end of the world...

Tianya loves cats like crazy, everyone knows, so he killed the master of the South for the cat, causing the South to stay with him afterwards!

But the words of Tianya still let Nanfang gradually calm down, because he understands that if you want to kill people from the hands of Tianya, it is not that easy.


"Long, find some of the masters of the realm of Wudi to attack the city!"

The old man’s eyes were shocked: “Homeowners, don’t say that this person is not easy to provoke, even if you are irritated, the people behind him are not very irritating...”

(End of this chapter)

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