The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1761: Silver snake queen

Chapter 1761 Silver Snake Queen

"Nine emperors, who is this dumb around you?"

The little soul brows wrinkled, somehow, he looked at the woman lying on the ground, there is always a feeling of familiarity...

The light shrouded the body of Xiaoya, the silver light with holiness, wrapped around her body.

In an instant, the woman who was lying in Tang’s hidden mind was gone, replaced by a silver snake...

At that moment, the pupil of the little soul gradually began to enlarge, and the breathing was tight, and the hands placed on both sides were tightly held.

Silver snake? Wait a minute, how many silver snakes are there around the nine emperors?

"It turned out to be the Queen of the Silver Snake?" The young woman also looked at Xiaoya, who was shocked and looked down on the ground. She sneered, "The half-orc is special, but this animal is still the silver snake queen, snake sex, it seems you Having such a physical condition is also a destiny..."

"To shut up!"

The end of the world sighed and the momentum was approaching again.

Due to the horizon in front of the world, the Tsing Yi woman did not have time to talk more, her body was forced to retreat, with a cautious look.


Inside the house.

The little soul is dying with a fist, and the face of a beautiful white and white is paler.

But at this time, no one knows what he is thinking...

"Green han, is there any way to save her? Is there any way?" The sound of the wind is shaking, she seems to have a sad overflow.

She seems to think of that day again, in the back of the family, it is the first time I met, but it seems to have known for a long time...

Xiaoya doesn't like to be born, but she is sexually sticky.

From the first day she met, she stayed with her.


Seeing that Qing Han did not answer, the wind shouted and shouted, her body trembled even more, and the fist was stunned.

"Mothers..." Qing Han’s eyes were red and apologetic and bowed his head. "I am too stupid. I don't understand these methods. I have no use. I can't help my mother."

The wind closed his eyes slowly...

The familiar voice seems to have crossed the millennium and rushed into her mind for a long time.


"Small silver snake, you are lucky to meet me today, and you have not been taken away by the eagle. You will follow me in the future."

"No, my father is sick. I am looking for medicine to go back and treat him."

"Then take me to see it. After you have cured your father, you will follow me. I have a lot of beasts, but I have a pet snake alone..."


"Small silver snake, you really don't want to go out, and go out alone. You are not strong enough now, and you are killed by alive. Fortunately, when I went to the Tianling people some time ago, the people of the Tianling people took the treasures inside. Gave it to me, you swallow this holy spirit flower, and since then, you are not old, I will take you to revenge after waiting for you..."


Not old or not?

The wind is like an incentive to return to God: "Xiaoya should not die, she can't die."


An old monster that has lived for a thousand years.

If it is not not dead, she will not live for so long.

Tang Yin had no expression, and even did not move.

Even Qing Han is somewhat distressed and looks at the wind.

The mother is sure to be overly sad. Xiaoya has been stabbed in the heart. She obviously has no breathing. How can she... not die?

"I am useless."

If she is strong enough, she will not let this group of people bully, and the mother-in-law is so sad.

Qing Han’s eyes are full of guilt, and he is sadly watching the silver snake in the pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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