The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1765: Big dog? (four)

Chapter 1765 Big Dogs? (four)

Perhaps I was worried that I could never go back. Xia Xia immediately stood up, and the ghost screamed and ran to the front, yelling and yelling while running...

The two-year-old little girl, who is too short, walks without the stability of an older child.

This time, she directly fell out, scared to close her eyes, pale face pale.

No, the pain of the hunch has never been heard.

The little girl opened her eyes and found that she was soft and comfortable.

She looked down and was on a pair of beautiful eyes.

Yes, these eyes are very beautiful, like the sea of ​​stars, beautiful is hard to ignore.

"Go down!"

The silver wolf king who was pressed under his body was cold and cold, and his tone was a bit cold.

The little girl was not afraid at all. The two hands hugged the silver wolf king under her body, laughing like a bell, completely forgetting the fear and panic.

"big dog."

The silver wolf's face is black and black: "I am a wolf."

"Big dogs! Grab thieves, they steal children."

Stealing children?

The Silver Wolf King picked up his eyes and his eyes cast on the two people coming in front of him. They were silent for a moment and asked.

"The thief who steals the child?"

Mo Shuang sneered and said: "Hand over the children in your hands."

Silver Wolf King: "..."

He looked down at the little girl lying in its arms, and there was a struggle in his eyes.

He has been in this place for many years, has never been in contact with outsiders, and he does not like to be idle.


I don't know why, the little girl's bright smile made her heart finally give birth to a few points, and turned to look at Mo Shuang sisters.

"Let's go, this kid is going to be."

Mo Xia's face is slightly changed. After Tianya returns, he will surely catch up soon. They can't delay the time here. Otherwise, they are too bad for them...

"Mo Shuang, we must solve this wolf as soon as possible. I have a hunch that the people of Tianyafu are coming soon."

Mo Shuang also has a dignified face and naturally understands the interests. She did not say a word. In an instant, she has already reached the top of the Silver Wolf King.

In the hands of the Silver Wolf King, this attack can be blocked, but when it just wants to resist, it suddenly sees the little girl who is on its back.

The hesitation at that moment had already brought Moss to the front. It was too late to escape. He quickly pulled the little girl off his back and pressed the whole person under him.


A punch fell on the back of the Silver Wolf King, and the Silver Wolf King spurted a blood and dyed the ground he had given birth.

"Great dog?"

Looking at the blood that the silver wolf king spit out, the little girl’s mouth slammed, and the tears of the shuttle rolled down.

The Silver Wolf King is speechless, and it is the injury. What does this girl cry? Could it be that it just hurts her?

"Big dog," the little girl had a lot of tears. She couldn’t stop. She raised her hand and touched the head of the Silver Wolf King. The voice was soft and the milk was milky. "Would it hurt?"

The silver wolf king stunned, it was low, and the opposite was the little girl with a distressed eyes.

I don't know why, at that moment, like a string in his heart, was provoked.

Such eyes should be used to laugh, not cry!

The silver wolf king put the little **** its back, and the voice was low: "Sit steady."


The little girl smiled softly, and her pretty little face still had tears on her face, which looked pitiful.

After seeing that Xia Xia was stable, the Silver Wolf King roared and quickly rushed toward Mo Shuang.

(End of this chapter)

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