The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1787: Father is not going to work (10)

Chapter 1787 Father is not going to work (10)

Bai Fengyi, his gaze gazing at the plain and elegant face, a warmth flowing through the heart.

It turns out that... it is also extremely important for plain clothes.

Then its efforts since these days have not been in vain...

"it is good."

Bai Feng smiled, and the voice was full of joy: "Want to go, let's go together. If you die, I will definitely die in front of the plain clothes."

But if it is still alive, the plain clothes will not be hurt.

The south square looks like Tieqing, and Su Yilian is so gentle on a phoenix. Why didn't he give him a smile?

"The owner, can't let her leave with the old master, who knows where she wants to throw the old master."

"This kind of person who is disobedient and unfilial, shouldn't have left her with a soft heart, look at it, and now it is causing trouble."

"And Miss Nanluo, who is also eating outside, even helped Nan Suyi and this phoenix. She has forgotten who gave her the life of her food."

Nan Luo's face changed slightly, and she lowered her head. No one could see her expression at the moment.

Of course, no one has time to pay attention to her...

"Hey," Su Yi turned his head, and his gentle eyes looked at the old man who was lying on her back. "You don't sleep, don't sleep, we can go out soon. If you sleep, maybe... you can't see it." They are..."

Perhaps the words of Suyi had a role, and the old man on the back moved, but he still didn't have much strength to open his eyes, and even the cough became a little exhausted.

After seeing that the old man had some movements, the plain clothes only turned, and she carried the father step by step.

"The purpose of my coming is to take me away, no matter if you block it, today, I will go out!"


At the time of the appearance of Suyi, Nanfang did not want to control Baifeng again. Therefore, Baifeng’s brain is now much better, not as painful as it was.

It fell from the void and fell on the back of Suyi, and gnawed his teeth: "Suyi, come up."

Sustained a meal, silent for a moment: "Can you do it?"

"Suyi, I am also a boy, you can't ask me if I can't, I can do it!"

For Suyi, you can do it even if you can't.

As soon as the body of the clothing was in the vertical, it jumped into the back of Bai Feng.

Nan Luo was a little panicked. She rushed to the side of Suyi, with timid eyes: "Aunt..."

Su Yi was slightly addicted: "Take her out and find a place to put it down. She helped me after all."

"it is good."

Bai Feng also does not like Nanlu, but he will not violate the plain clothes.

However, it does not allow Nanluo to sit on its back.

Therefore, when the claws were raised, Nanlu was caught in the claws.

Nanfang Xu knows what they are going to do, and his face changes, and he screams: "All surrounded, no one is allowed to escape today!"

"Yes, home!"

All the elders changed their faces and quickly went to Baifeng.

Bai Feng’s body slammed into the sky, and when it flapped its wings, it swelled huge winds around it...

Nan Luo has never been so high, not to mention, she was still phoenix and paws, if she accidentally fell, so she was so scared that her face was closed, she closed her eyes and did not dare to look down. No bottom ground...

Countless elders quickly entered the void and surrounded Bai Feng in the middle.

However, Bai Feng did not pay attention to those who blocked it, and the huge body continued to fly higher.

Ps: I finally finished the ten chapters, and finished the noise of the decoration next door. Ah! Feeling so hard

(End of this chapter)

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