The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1830: Let them get married? (two)

Chapter 1830 Let them get married? (two)

"Oh," Tang Yin said with a nod, "Nalan cousin, I can be strong now, although there is no small pen and dog man strong, but ... I have been stronger than Nalan cousin, not the one who wanted you. Protected waste."

Nalan Net: "..."

I don't know why, I always feel that this sentence is a bit jealous.

"So..." Tang Yin smiled, revealing a cute tiger tooth. "You will follow me in the future, I will protect your safety."


Nalan's expression was a little bit sloppy. He looked at the little smug look of the little girl, and he couldn't help but smile.

"it is good."

This feeling of being protected by her is also very good...


The door was pushed open, and Nalan’s child just walked in from outside the door. At first glance, Tang Yin, who was holding the chest of Nalan’s chest, was seen.

Her eyes were sharp and her eyes were full of mistakes.

"Hey?" Tang Yin looked at his head, and looked at Nalan's nephew if he didn't know. "Your brother woke up, how do you feel unhappy?"

Nalan's nephew slowly returned to the gods: "Oh, there is a watch sister, the brother can't die, it is not too unexpected."

"..." Nalan net licked her chest and always felt a little pain in her heart.

This time, Nalan’s son left this sentence and turned away. He also closed the door for them.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, Nalan’s exhaled breath, excitedly rushing toward the front yard, and the delicate and tender face was filled with a smile.

"Table sister, cousin!"



The wind was sitting on the chair, and two leopards were peeling the grape skin for her.

Her body leaned against the man in the snow-colored gown, and sneered at the corner of his lips, looking at Zhang Tianlei, who was miserable in the hospital.

Suddenly, a voice of joy came, and the wind looked like it, and I saw Xiao Xiaoer rushing over.

It was just that she had not yet caught herself in the arms of the wind, and she was carried by a hand and thrown aside.

The gaze of the South Strings swept over and scared the little sisters to swallow.

Somehow, she always felt that her cousin was a bit scary.

Oh, yes, the cousin seems to still dislike any girl around the cousin.

"Sister, I am here to tell you a good news."

Fortunately, the child is still the child's heart, and soon the matter is brought to the back of the head, the beautiful little face smiles, and the eyes are turned into crescent.

“Good news?” The wind was like a meal. “Is the cousin awake?”

"Not only that, but I also saw Xiao Yin sister and cousin in bed and kiss."

On the bed... kiss and hug?

The wind was so stiff that she was hesitating for a moment. She hesitated for a moment: "The cousin has not recovered, now... the best, or restraint... but they have been so many years, it is normal to have impulses, I will give him later. Get some tonic and you will give it to him."


My nephew smiled.

If the mother knows this news, she will be happy and mad.

And oh... it might be dark and dark.

After all, I have always thought that Xiaoyin’s sister is too naughty and often ruined his property. Xiaoying’s sister is a self-family, and it’s ruined and unscathed. In short, it’s too stingy.

This will make my brother unable to marry a daughter-in-law.

"Oh, there are..." The wind is like a sigh. "National division, we have to prepare for a wedding for them. We can't let Xiaoyin be so unfair."

(End of this chapter)

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