The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1869: The wind is like a dump (9)

Chapter 1869, the wind is like a thing (9)

His black cockroaches burned with flames, and strong anger swayed from the whole body, burning the surrounding trees in an instant for ashes.

The trail here is still surrounded by trees.

In an instant, it has become a ridiculous, not a land.

Former life, he and her brother, but no blood relationship.

They are brought by the reorganization family.

However, she was not happy in this family, so he left with her without hesitation.

No one knows that from the moment she met, she occupied his entire heart and could no longer accommodate other people.

She... doesn't know.

The flame in the eyes of the youngster is even worse, the blood in the eyes is red, and the wind is blowing. His robes are shallow and he seems to be a little crazy.

No one in the past lives knows that he likes her, and he happened to be her younger brother.

But he never expected anything.

As long as... can look at her.

Even if I use my brother's identity, protect her life!

With him, he is very satisfied.

At least, he thought that this world would not... completely lose her...

"I don't ask for anything else. I just want to have her existence in this world. Why do you want to deprive me of this right? Why?"

Not far away, everyone retired, with horror and panic.

"This guy... seems crazy."

"He is a madman, let's go first!"

One of them turned and left. Who knows for a moment, the boy has already arrived behind him, his palm slammed through his chest, and then quickly pulled out, full of blood, **** and terrible.

"After hurting her, no one can leave!"

"You, nine people, I will never let go!"

"Everyone, **** it! All **** it!"

Every time a teenager says a word, one person will fall into a pool of blood.

The juvenile's eyes are full of madness, and the whole body exudes a strong gloom.



The battle is still in progress.

The world is full of blood and ragged clothes. Even so, there is no wretchedness.

His eyebrows are arrogant and his eyes are as sharp as a sword.

Suyi looked a little embarrassed, her arms were cut a few times, and the wounds were awkward.

Of course, compared to the plain clothes, the more serious injury is Bai Feng.

Its wings have been folded in half, but they are still comforting the plain clothes.

"I have nothing to do with the plain clothes, it doesn't hurt at all. The wings are not big enough to fly, but I can still walk and jump, there will be no impact, really, it doesn't hurt at all."

Listening to the comfort of Bai Feng, Su Yi has some want to cry, her eyes are red, and her eyes are full of distress.

"When I come back, I ask her if I can help you grow the wings. You can't fly as a phoenix."

"It doesn't matter, I can't fly, I can't take you to heaven in the future."

Bai Feng smiled.

There are enemies attacking in front of you again. Suyi is too late to talk to Bai Feng again, and he needs to face the next battle...

Everyone was a little tired after a few days and nights of war.

If it is not supported by some spiritual medicine, I am afraid that it will fall down.

"Right, before I fell... I seem to have given us the spiritual medicine?" Suyi seems to think of something, and the heart trembles. "If she met the pursuer, how can she heal and recover her strength?"

Bai Feng stunned a bit, and some stunned.

A strong uneasiness rushed into its mind, and its look gradually became anxious.

Ps: I promised that your chapter is finally finished. I have to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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