Chapter 1931 Heartache

The guard bowed his head, facing the brutal old man, he didn't dare to keep talking.

When the old general saw that the guard no longer spoke, he turned his head and looked at Qin Yi: "Yi'er, you are still the same as before, you must protect the safety of the female dependents, and the safety of these people is left to you."

In this sentence, the veteran general even shook his voice. He closed his eyes a little reluctantly, and then opened it after half a ring.

Qin Yi stepped forward and nodded firmly: "Dad, rest assured, as long as I'm alive, I will definitely not let these people encounter any danger."

"it is good."

The old man patted Qin Yi's shoulder heavily. He turned and walked firmly outside the house.

Every step of him was heavy, and fell on Qin Yi's heart step by step, letting her heart hold up tightly, watching the old man leave.


At the gate of the city, the corpses ran across the wild.

The blood converged into a river, wandering above the streets.

When the old man arrived, he saw a man beheading and killing a little girl with a sword.

His eyes were red, and he looked at the corpse on the ground, his eyes filled with blood, and a blood spurted from his throat.

Those lying on the ground are the people of his Liuyun country!

Each body was like a knife, digging his heart fiercely, dripping his heart with blood, his eyes filled with anger.

Damn, these people are all damn!

The old man tightly held the sword in his hand, an armor, and awe-inspiring power, but compared with that year, he was still quite old, and his white hair was a little dazzling in the wind.


The moment Nalan turned back, he saw the old man running towards this side.

His expression was angry, his body trembling, and there seemed to be a rush of blood on his head, almost losing his mind.

"Dad, why are you still here?" Nalan Chang laughed bitterly.

He knew that his father couldn't ignore it.

The kingdom is with him, and the people are with him.

The family is in trouble and the child is lost. He cannot remain indifferent!

"I don't know who you are or why you came to my country of Liuyun!" The sword in the hand of the old man pointed at the old men headed by the group, and his voice was shaking, "But you so-called strong men are So cruel and unscrupulous? Because you are strong, you can ignore the lives of ordinary people? "

"In my opinion, you do not deserve the name of the strong. The true strong are protecting the country and protecting the people! It is not you who insults the people, regardless of his beast!"

This group of people is the real beast!

No, I'm afraid that even beasts are not as cruel as they are!

The old man in the void looked down, and looked coldly at the old man standing on the ground, and said blankly: "We are looking for someone named Feng Tianyu and let him out, I naturally let these innocent people, if he If I do n’t come, I slaughter the city! No one stays! ”

The old man in the void was also exuberant when he said this.

This momentum is like a storm, and people under this momentum have no resistance.

Naran raised his head in panic: "Daddy, this ..."

This power is too horrified to be irresistible.

Nagan's body shivered. Where did these people come from?

Could it be today, really can't keep Liuyun country?

The old man clenched the sword in his hand.

He knew there was no way to resist.

These people in front of them are too powerful, so strong they are no longer able to fight.


"I am the general of Liuyun Kingdom, my daughter, the queen of Liuyun Kingdom, and the wife of Feng Tianyu. If you have anything to do with me, don't let your people kill these innocent people!"

ps: I will write some more today, and I will write after I get up.

I promised you to write five chapters before, but couldn't do it.

I haven't said the reason, because it is just a weak excuse to say more.

There is no way to explain it now.

I did have a minor condition, and I was going to have a minor operation on Friday.

In fact, this problem persisted for some time, but I didn't pay much attention to it myself, and later found out.

However, it is not a big problem. The body does have some discomfort, but these can still be tolerated. After all, I have tolerated the discomfort before.

I just found out that I couldn't accept it all of a sudden. These days, this situation has been the same all the time. It's very muddy, and I'm really sorry for the girl who supports me.

Now I try to get my mood back and write more.

But when I get up, I have to sleep first.

As for what minor surgery ...

I have no way to say here. If I ask in private on qq, I can answer, and there is also a medical record.

(End of this chapter)

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