The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1991: Just believe that she lives

Chapter 1991: Just Believe She Lives

Spirit Beast Mountains.

Quiet as usual.

There was nothing more than the sound of a breeze.

Su Yi stood next to the ruins, and she looked more and more impatient as she watched the palace turned into ruins.

At the beginning, everyone can still wait patiently, but afterwards, no one can maintain the original mood.

As their days passed, their hearts became deeper and lower.

Suddenly, there was an angry voice.

Su Yi turned her head and saw Tianya grabbing a guard's placket, raging into the sky: "Dig me, keep digging! Why can't you find her after looking for five years? Why? I didn't let you No one is allowed to stop, you must find out! "

The guard lowered his head, his eyes sad.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything after all.

Feng Lianqing walked silently to Tianya, his eyes sorrowful: "Master, I really can't find Ruyi sister ..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I saw her fighting with people in the palace. Even if she was gone, there would still be a corpse. Why did she and Nanxuan disappear, and the **** corpse of Nanfang was invisible? She must Alive, find it, keep looking for me! "


Feng Lianqing could not bear to break the illusion of the horizon.

But seeing Tianya so crazy, his heart hurts even more.

If Sister Qing is missing, no one is not worried, he can't sleep well all day, waiting for her to appear every day.

But it's been five years.

She did not return for five full years!

Maybe never come back ...

"You also know that if Sister Qing is at war with others, why aren't they all dead? Have you thought about it? Master!" Feng Lianqing closed her eyes painfully, "Maybe they already have the dead capital ..."

"To shut up!"

The end of the horizon lifted the past.

The palm of the wind lifted the wind and cleared his body, and he fell to the ground, spitting blood in his mouth, his expression sad.

"Master, even if you beat me to death, I will say it, because I want you to wake up, at least ... don't let sister Ru Qing see sadness, and Xia Xia is waiting for us to pick her up at Jiumen, such as Sister Qing is no longer, and Xia Xia cannot be left alone at Jiumen. "

This time the end of the earth didn't start, Feng Feng's body was like the wind, and he had fallen beside Feng Lianqing.

The teenager's face was cold and expressionless.

He has been like this since the wind disappeared, and has no effect.

Cold is not like a normal person.

"Pouring is alive, I can feel it."

Feng Lianqing laughed bitterly, why didn't he like that she was still alive, but after five years, no amount of hope had become despair.

"and so……"

The wind raised his hand, and the sword reached Feng Lianqing's neck: "Next time, if you say that she is dead, I will kill you!"

As the voice of the boy fell, the cold air was intense and spread throughout the sky. The cold made people shiver, and even with a strong murderous spirit.

Feng Lianqing stopped talking, he knew it would be useless to persuade.

Therefore, he got up from the ground and stood silently, looking at the ruin sadly and helplessly.

Like my sister ...

If you are still alive, can you come back soon?

I'm afraid to continue, Master's spirit will collapse ...

Tianya's eyes were red and closed from the ruins, and he said coldly: "Continue to find me, that is, to dig the ground three feet, and to find her, three feet is useless, just three hundred feet. I don't believe they are out of thin air Disappeared."

As long as he is convinced that the wind is still alive, his granddaughter must be alive.

But she can't come back temporarily ...

Suddenly, Dahei's figure leapt and flew into the sky, making a sound of dragon groan.

This dragon yelled into the sky, with a call of grief, even the whole sky changed.

(End of this chapter)

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