The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1994: Waiting for opportunity

Chapter 1994 Waiting for Opportunity

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The female disciple answered respectfully.


In recent days, Nan Luo did not have time to be a demon.

Except for her injuries, she was sitting in a daze.

The most overdoing thing she did was to get mad at the maids in the yard, right or wrong.

Every time the grey goose enters the room, he only sees Nan Luo sitting smartly.

Looking at Nan Luo's expression, Grey Goose was very distressed, but he said nothing and turned back.

Not to mention whether this is the fault of her daughter, but Qiu Hui's approach is really a bit excessive, too much trivial.

This was something he could not forgive in his life.

When the grey goose left, Nan Luo's eyes only got some light. She raised her eyes and stared at the figure where the grey goose left, and a light flashed in her eyes.

For the past few days, Qiu Hui's mountain peaks have been strictly guarded, and no one is allowed to approach, and she has not even had the chance to contact Nanchi You.

However, Nanchi Yu's existence was like a thorn, and it stuck in her heart fiercely, which made her feel a bit anxious.

Taking a deep breath, she finally walked towards the door of the house, opened it slowly, stretched a lazy waist against the breeze, and her eyes narrowed to reflect the coldness.

No matter what, she will never make Nanchi You better.

As long as she is gone, the nine gates will be peaceful from now on, and no one will make her uncomfortable.


The two maids walked in front of Nan Luo, and said indifferently, "The Lord has orders, you can't go out."

Nan Luo's steps just stretched out and shrunk back, her lips sneered: "I just walk in the yard."

"The Lord said, you can't go anywhere."

The maid's tone was stiff, not even looking at Nan Luo.

Nan Luo's eyes sank, and she turned to the door of the room, and slammed the door with a slam. The voice passed the door across the door with anger.

"Now the maids are so arrogant. When Dad comes, I will tell him how you treat me. I just want to walk in the yard. I do n’t agree with such a simple request. Running around, anyway, I'm also a person, and I'm not a piece of furniture, and I'm closed at home all day long. "

The maid was still at the door, as cold as Taishan, and did not touch Nan Luo's words.

They only knew that they obeyed the order, no matter what else, not to mention that Nan Luo was too much at that time, and went to the maiden to talk nonsense, no wonder she would end like this.

Nan Luo sweeps all the porcelain on the table to the ground, her eyes revealing.

Do you think that you can trap me?

No, no one can stop what Nan Luo wants to do!


In fact, when she first came to Jiumen, Nan Luo was very careful.

The treatment she received at Jiumen is unprecedented, so she will cherish it.

Even if Jiumen is not alone, she feels contented, at least Grey Goose loves her very much.

But she has been here for a while now.

Over time, she will become increasingly dissatisfied with this, and she wants more.

The appearance of Yu Nanchi made her feel a sense of crisis.

Everyone at Jiumen walked around her, which was a treatment she had never received.

On what grounds?

Why can Nanchi You be treated like this?

So she was always looking for opportunities.

After waiting five years, she found an opportunity ...

(End of this chapter)

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