The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1997: No one dares to bully her

Chapter 1997 Nobody Dare To Bully Her

Xia Xia's identity in Jiumen is well known.

Therefore, these female disciples were very curious about her, but due to Qiu Hui's previous orders, no one dared to approach her unwillingly.

"Aunt Tang."

Xia Xia raised his hand and grabbed Tang Yin's sleeve: "Let's leave quickly to find my mother?"


Tang Yin nodded and turned to look at the group of female disciples: "Do you know how to go down the mountain?"

Down the mountain?

The female disciples froze for a moment, feeling a little cramped.

"Will the maiden go down the mountain? But the Lord has said that she cannot be left."

There are countless dangers outside, and if the maiden leaves something wrong, no one can afford it.

"Girl Tang, if you wait for His Holiness Qiu Hui to come back, His Holiness Qiu Hui will naturally send you away, unless it is not time to leave."

Tang Yin looked at the group of female disciples. She also knew that asking these people could not ask anything. They would never say the way down the mountain.

So she simply stopped talking and smiled brightly: "It's okay, I'll just ask, if you're busy with you, I will take Xia Xia around."


The female disciple was a little worried. His Holiness Qiu Hui also said that Xia Xia could not be allowed to leave the mountain, so that when she was no longer there, she would run into her with short eyes.

However, now that Tang is protecting her, Grey You is also locked up, shouldn't it be okay?

"I know what you are worrying about. With me, Xia Xia naturally no one dares to bully."

Tang Yinxin slaps his chest swiftly: "What's more, there are nine gates here, and no one dares to kill Xia Xia, at most it is a verbal collision, but Tang Yin has criticized others and never lost."


The female disciples were relieved and scattered around.

Indeed, with Tang Yin, at least no one dared to run into the saint.

Moreover, the maiden is young, but it is not the kind of temper that can be bullied.

Therefore, there is no need to restrict her freedom too much. ,

"Let's go."

Tang Yin held Xia Xia's hand, her smile was bright.

After the female disciples left, she took Xia Xia to leave.

These nine gates are composed of nine peaks, so they are nine gates.

The road to leave Jiumen is on one of the peaks.

However, the disciples of the nine disciples are relatively courageous and dare not tell them the way out. Therefore, Tang Yin did not continue to ask, but took Xia Xia everywhere to find the past.

There is always a door out of Nine Gates.

"Aunt Tang," Xia Xia looked up at Tang Yin, "How many times are we looking for? The nine gates are too big. If the father and mother really come back, will they go to Aunt Qiu's place to find us, Wan What if we missed it? "

Tang Yin froze. She thought about it for a moment, and said, "There should be no such coincidence. Moreover, it will take some time for Xiaopian to come back. It is unlikely that such a short time, if she is fast enough. , We should be able to meet at the door. "

More importantly, she's not quite sure if Feng Ruqing and Nanxuan are really back.

just in case……

But she thought too much?

Tang Yin shook his head helplessly, with a bitter smile on his mouth.

Five years apart.

She really ... misses her ...

"Xia Xia, wait for your mother to come back, you must not tell her that I have touched fish in muddy water these past few years, you have to tell her that I have worked very hard to practice, otherwise your mother will scold me." Said.

(End of this chapter)

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