The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2158: Fanwai's previous life (83)

The 2158th chapter of the past life (eighty-three)

Inside the Fuma House.

Princess Qingluo looked at the people who held her in the house, her face was ugly, and her eyes were filled with anger.

"What are you doing? I am a princess, who allows you to stop me from going out?"

The bodyguard did not move like a mountain, his face was expressionless, and his expression was cold and solemn: "The subordinates came under the orders of His Majesty."

Princess Qingluo almost spurted blood out. Does the father emperor really believe that the Eastern Jade is related to the Nine Emperors? It was really ridiculous, and she was treated like this because of a rumor.

"Step aside!"

She sneered with a cold face.

The bodyguard remained motionless: "This is His Majesty's order. The subordinates did not dare to let the princess out of their own accord, and asked the princess to go back and rest."

Looking at the guard in front of him, Princess Qingluo's slap in his face was waved with anger.

The bodyguard took the slap abruptly, still motionless, even without an expression.

Before they came, they were all mentally prepared. Princess Qingluo had a bad temper. This errand was not so easy to pass.


Mu Qingya didn't know when she appeared behind Princess Qingluo, she held her shoulders and shook her head: "Grandpa has a heart and won't let you go out, so there is no way. The purpose is not respect, Grandpa is the emperor after all, so not so good. "

Xu was because of Mu Qingya's words, but calmed Qingluo, and she remembered Mu Xiaojiu in her heart.

If it were not for Mu Xiaojiu, so many things would not happen.

She should n’t be back!

Qing Luo took a deep breath, looked at the guards coldly, turned away, and walked angrily towards the courtyard.

Mrs. Mu hid behind in the early days and dared not step forward.

She dared to act as a princess and mother-in-law outside, but in front of these people, she did not dare.

Because it was Sima Yan who was brought just now, and the emperor's order was obeyed.

No matter how stupid she was, she did not dare to be tough against her majesty.

Mu Qingya saw Qingluo no longer making trouble, subconsciously relieved, she smiled and turned to these guards, the smile was clear and moving: "The two troubles, please let me go, I have something to do when I go out."

The bodyguard looked at Mu Qingya with a cold look: "Your Majesty's order, no one in the consort can't go out."

At this moment, Mu Qingya's smile froze suddenly.

No one in the consort is allowed to go out? Among anyone, including her?

Her face was ugly, her face cold, her fists clenched tightly, and even the smile on her lips disappeared.

But soon, she relieved herself and asked with a smile: "Grandpa may say why I am not allowed to go out?"

"I don't know, this is your majesty's order."

The guard said coldly.

Mu Qingya took a deep breath and slowly turned around and walked towards the rear.

Her brows were cold, and a cold flash flashed through her eyes.

But she was not as troublesome as Princess Qingluo, but rather obediently obedient.

After Mu Qingya left, the two guards stood on both sides of the door like a mountain god, guarding them expressionlessly.


After Mu Qingya left, he went to the lobby and found that Mu Yi and Mrs. Mu had been waiting.

Only Qingluo looked ugly, with anger in his eyes.

"Qing Luo," Mu Yi pondered for a few moments, "What did your majesty say to you, why now she suddenly won't let us go out?"

Qing Luo stiffened his face: "It was Sima Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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