The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 884: The South String is coming (3)

Chapter 884, South Strings (3)

Muling is not happy: "I am with Suyi, an outsider is not qualified for the socket!"

"I don't plug in."

The wind is like a smile.

She doesn't plug in -

Because she is working directly!


In an instant, countless stones fell on the sky like a stone rain.

It was the rain of the stone, only for Muling!

"It seems that the evils of the Lord and the Lord have been done more and have been retribution." The wind is more like a smile.

Her smile was deep in the eye, with a breath of infiltration.

As for how the stone came...

Her space has become a world. Since the breakthrough of the basalt, she can even move out of the house in the space.

If the wind is in the mood, does she need to move all the medicinal herbs in the space and kill Muling?

However, if it is really moved out, I am afraid that this courtyard will not be placed, and it will cause a sensation.

After thinking about it, the wind is still resting.

Use these huge stones to kill Muling!

"The wind is like a dump!" Muling bit his teeth and stalked the stones.

Fortunately, his strength is relatively strong, even if he can't avoid it, he can smash the stone with a fist.

"What did you do? How did you do it?"

Moving objects in the air?

But in this yard, there are not so many stones that can be moved by her!


Under the defense of Mu Ling, a vine sneaked out of the ground and gave him a slap in the face.

If it is in the past, it is very difficult for Mu Ling to be counted.

No one can think of why the vines are coming out of the ground and throwing him to the ground.

The main thing is that the vines emerge directly from the ground. If it is out of thin air, he can still feel it.

Things that grow out of the ground, even those who are stronger and stronger, cannot be detected.

When Mu Ling took a glimpse of the light, the vine was broken by him.

The stone is falling too fast -

However, he has no way to dodge and there is no time to crush the stone.

So, when he just turned around, the stone had fallen, and he slammed on his egg with force and fierceness.

At that moment, Mu Ling could hear the sound of his broken egg, and he felt trembling with pain, and he sighed coolly!

"Damn gimmick!"

This time, it is Suyi to maintain this gimmick, he must also smash his corpse!

"I just heard that you can't be humane," the wind smirked. "The egg is useless and broken."


Mu Ling climbed up from the ground, his hands licking his lower body, his face was blue and his face was angry: "You are looking for death!"


In the moment when Muling rushed to the wind, the endless chill came from behind. For a moment, Muling’s body was like a broken kite, flying into the sky until it disappeared...

The wind is like: "..."

She looked up and looked at Muling, which disappeared into a black spot, and looked at the man who was not far away, standing in the sunset.

In fact, the wind always feels that Mu Ling is looking for a plain clothes today, and there are other things. She has not had time to ask, Muling has already flew away.

This time, it is estimated that he will fall badly...

In the sunset.

The man is white and snowy, beautiful and beautiful, and the cold eyebrows are turned into gentleness when looking at the wind.

If the original man is snow and ice, now he is like a spring breeze.

"Princess..." Xiao Qing’s stunned his head from behind. "You don't know what I have paid for you."

(End of this chapter)

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