The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 921: Forcing her to marry (3)

Chapter 921 forces her to marry (3)

A heavy, breathless pressure pressed from Muling's head, pressing his whole body to be as stiff as a stone, and all the words were stopped and squatted in the throat.

His eyes stunned and looked around, but paused for a moment in the face of the South String.

Do not!

It is impossible to be the South String!

The strength of the South String is not so strong, this oppression is like a giant mountain, it is impossible to be the strength of the South Strings!

After all, a person's talent is stronger, and his strength needs to be accumulated over time. It is impossible to be strong in such a short period of time.

"Southern String Son!"

An Cui's tears flowed through her face, and she quickly flew toward the southern string, and there seemed to be countless grievances in her eyes.

"When you touched me that day, you said that you are responsible for me, my body has been given to you, you can't leave me alone!"


The girl's hand was about to touch the south string, and a flash of sword light flashed her arm, and her blood splashed.

Time is like static.

The man in the moonlight is still white, the blood does not splash him a drop, his face is cold and fairy, and it is light, such as the fairy who does not eat the fireworks.

It can be said that he is a fairy face, but he is doing demonic things.

An Cui's pain directly fainted, because the blood loss was too much, the face was paler than the white paper, and the face was distorted.

As the wind did not let An Cui always faint, she came forward and took out a greenish fruit and fed it to An Cui's mouth.

This is a green grape with refreshing mind, that is to say, if An Cui is hurting again, it is impossible to continue to faint on the ground.

Her entire senses were magnified, and the painful body curled up into a group, with horror and panic in her eyes.

Fortunately, because of the elixir, her blood has stopped, but the pain has not disappeared, but it is even more painful.

An Cui's arm was completely cut off and continued to bleed. She will die directly after a long time.

The wind is still not going to let her die now, at least, some things must be exported by An Cui!

"South String!" Muling made a slight tone this time, but the anger in the eyes was even worse. "What are you doing? You insulted the girl and treated her like this. How can you be so good?" ?"

The face of Mu Jia was lost by this animal!

The eyes of the guests all gathered in the South String and the wind, and could not help but sigh.

These people are the devil!

Obsessed to bully an innocent girl, but also so cruel to her, what is his heart?

The southern string is cold and the tone is indifferent. It is not moving: "I will not raise it."


The wind is almost like a pour!

South string does not lift?

At that time, what was the thing that came to her on the bed?

Everyone is a stay, obviously this answer of the South String is beyond their imagination.

Chen sighed and said that the South String got the body of An Cui, but if the South String does not lift, how did he break the body of An Cui?

If the South String lies...

Hehe, have you seen a normal man, will you say that you are not doing such a faceless thing?

Men can only brag about their own glory. How can they use this kind of thing to filthy themselves?

If this is true, then it can only be explained... The woman of An Cui is terrible, and it is not a means to achieve it!

"I can prove," Gu Yiyi raised his hand and stood up from the banquet. He smiled. "I haven't been willing to tell the truth, so I made up the South String." Love, let me retire under the retire, in fact, my father inadvertently sent people to find the South String does not lift, he for my life's happiness, this is going to retreat."

(End of this chapter)

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