The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 932: All parties come to congratulate (9)

Chapter 932, the parties come to congratulate (9)

"South String."

Mu Ling has gradually returned to God. His rare face is not as calm as usual, and his mouth has been pumped twice, trying to make his tone calm: "Since you are back this time, it is better to live in Mujia. how is it?"


He had just approached the South String two steps, and the South String immediately raised his hand, and went out with a sleeve, right in the chest of Muling.

Unexpectedly, Mu Ling turned back a few steps. He looked pale and hard, and he stood up for a while, and then he pressed down the anger of his heart.

Now he is asking for people, so he forbears!

"Hey!" Mu Huan slammed his fists. "The South String is for you, the wind is like a tear and hurts me. This should give them an account!"

"You shut up!"

Muling's brows are light and wrinkled. When did this daughter become as smart as Mu Xi? Even the situation is unclear.

If the wind is like a big lady of Fengyunfu, she is still the landlord on the first floor. Now he must rely on the wind to pour in order to cure the disease!

Mu Huan was angered by Mu Ling in public, his face was white, and he was even angered.


Chen Xiaoyan hurriedly pulled the hand of Lamu Huan and shook his head: "You have something to hide."

is not that right? It is hard to say that it is not a crime.

However, they did not find a way to find the master of Hairong.

Just use another rhetoric, saying that Mu Ling had a brother who was given medicine and did not raise it, and Master Hai Rong suddenly learned from their mouth what the medicine was.

It is also said that if you want to solve this disease, only the blood of Jinlong can be cured.

Nai Jinlong is a legend in this world, and it does not exist at all. Therefore, Mu Ling has always focused on the first floor.

Why is it that the wind is like a tilt?

Why is the landlord on the first floor is her!

At that time, she was pressed by Su Yi, and then Mu Xi was pressed by her son. In the end, even the daughter-in-law was better than that?

Chen’s heart was stunned, and her scorpion flashed a haze, but it flashed away and disappeared without a trace.


Muling’s tone is milder: “I just want to care about you, you...”

"Sorry," the wind swelled and raised the lips. "Our family teacher has cleanliness. I don't like anyone who is too close to him. You better not stay close to him. Of course, I won't let the national teacher kill you." I won't let him carry any nickname, but if you dare to step closer to him, I will kill you!"

Without waiting for Mu Ling to open his mouth, Mu Xi was cold with a feminine face, and asked in vain: "Do you have any skill to kill my father?"

The wind is like a smile.

"Feng Lan, take out the spirits."

Before she left, she sent a batch of spirits to the first floor to sell.

Of course, the consequence is that these spirits have not been sold, but were acquired by all the elders in the first floor.

After Feng Lan heard the words of the wind, he did not hesitate to take out the spirits that had just been bought by the wind, and put them in front of her.


The wind opened like a wine jar, and a strong aura came to the fore. In the blink of an eye, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the past with a coveted light in their eyes.

"There is such a spirit, how much is there in the first floor," the wind smirked and smirked. "If I say, I want to be ruined, not only willing to give these spirits to everyone present," I am more willing to provide ten drops of water for each power. I don’t know how much I am willing to be here?"

(End of this chapter)

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