The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 947: I want to stay in Mujia (3)

Chapter 947 I want to stay in Mujia (3)

Should it be her?

The woman’s jealousy is really terrible.

She just looked at the South String, and the wind made her rush to retaliate against her.

Qin Yuer swallowed bitterness into her mouth. She knew that even if she said it, no one would believe her and even bring disaster to the Qin family.

Therefore, she did not say anything, stood up under the help of Wen Yu, smiled and said: "Nothing, hey, mother, I accidentally did not stand still and fell, I am a little tired, let's go back first Let's go."

"it is good."

The warm rain is gloomy, and the nephew really likes the South String.

What her daughter likes is to use all means, she will also grab her hand!

"Mu Jiazhu, young lady, two young masters, Nanxian Gongzi," Qin Li hugged his fist and deliberately ignored the wind. "The little girl is not comfortable, we will retire first."

In the words, he turned and left.

But at this moment, his legs bent out and suffered a heavy blow.

But he wasn't Qin Qiner after all, and he wouldn't fall into a dog's mud because of this blow. Even so, his legs trembled, and one kneeled on the ground without paying attention.

Of course, this is even more shameful for Qin Li than to fall into a dog's mud!

His face was blue, and he stood up from the ground. He left in a hurry without saying a word. He didn't even ask who was just about him.

No matter who is the hand...

As long as he is in the middle of the move, he feels that his face is lost!

Therefore, he did not dare to stay for a moment, for fear that those people's eyes were mocked.

"Jin Qiner looked at my eyes just as if I had started with her." The wind shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it's my hand."


This is to say that she gave the Nanxian back pot again?

"That Qin Li..."

"He doesn't respect you."

Just now Qin immediately intended to ignore the wind, and the South String would not feel it, so he only gave him a warning.


Somehow, the two words of Nanxian made her heart warm.


Gu Yiyi bit his handkerchief in anger, full of sadness.

The South Strings of this fox is deliberately going to the small dump in front of the merits.

No, in the future she must be shot first than the South String, maybe the person who invited the merits can be replaced by her...

After these people left, the dinner was held as usual, and the entire banquet hall was silent. Everyone ate a delicious meal and didn't dare to say anything.

Mu Qingxiao smiled and said: "Da, I am going to prepare a room for you. You can stay here more."

Father has not seen Suyi for a long time, he must be inseparable from him at this moment!

"Uncle, you walked around with me and the South String, and I want to see this."

The wind was silent for a moment, and said openly.

Mu Qingxi did not say anything, he smiled and nodded.

Only the Nanxian, standing on the side of the wind, found his strangeness, a faint frown: "Let's you, did you find something?"

"I still don't know a lot of things, I have to look around."

"Well, I will accompany you."

The South String gently held the hand of the wind: "No matter what you find, if you do it, everything will be solved by me."

You just have to let go.


Mujia backyard.

Tan Shuangshuang, a woman with no name, is not qualified to attend the dinner party.

She was a little anxious to walk back and forth in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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