The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 953: Undead flower (four)

Chapter 953 Undead Flowers (4)

The wind was lazy and stretched out, and looked at the sky. Her smile was bright and bright.

"South string, let's go."

The face of Nanxian was cold and cold. Before leaving, his eyes looked faintly to those undead flowers.

No one noticed that the leaves of the undead flowers shivered in the wind as the eyes of the South Strings swept away, like a trembling little cabbage...


The next day.

Chen’s face was wrapped up, and even then, the cheeks were swollen.

Outsourcing a few layers inside and out, it looks like a fat buns.

"Slightly swearing, the big thing is not good!"

He hurried in from the door and panted: "The two young masters and the young lady took a group of people and wiped out the flowers and trees in the yard of the owner."

"what did you say?"

Chen’s body trembled and almost rolled off the bed.

Her hand clenched her shoulders tightly, and the painful tears almost fell.

"What did you say? What did Nan Suyi and Mu Qingyu do?"

If the face is covered with cloth, I am afraid that I can see the anger and embarrassment on her face.

There are still some fears.

Yes, Chen scorned in fear!

The nature of her fear is not plain clothes and admiration, but a person who is not known to everyone.

Bite biting the lip: "The young lady and the second young master, took people to cut the flowers and trees in the home of the house."

Chen Li was all in the air, and she flashed a slap in the face and smacked poison: "I will go to the main house of the owner now, and you will immediately bring the young master to come, fast!"

No more, it’s late!

Chen fluttered and ran away from the house. Her eyes were full of panic, and she ran extremely fast, leaving those who were behind them behind.

Far away, he saw the plain clothes that were commanding the people to cut trees, and the wind that was eating grapes and watching the play.

Mu Qingzhen stood still beside the body of Suyi, and the eyes of the South Strings were always on the wind...

Those people did not look at Chen’s hurriedness.

"Su clothing sister, what are you doing?" Chen Lijun suppressed the inner tension, she swept the people who were pulling flowers, pale face.

There are already a lot of flowers that have been pulled out by these people. Fortunately, she came early, and there are still some left.

If all these flowers are shoveled, then she will play completely!

That person will not let her go!

"You still can't stop! This is the yard of the old man, no one can let go!"

Those who have a meal, subconsciously look at the plain clothes.

Su Yi brows lightly: "You continue."

It was said that the group of people began to pull out those undead flowers.

Chen Guangyu’s wrapped face is almost distorted. She clings to her palm and resists it.

This group of people, she is so good to them, but now she helps her to deal with her!

How can Chen Chen know how these people are very panicked.

Last night has been spread, the young master and the frivolous lady were given a slap, or the hand of the Nanxian son, who are the hands of these people, even if they usually take more benefits, do not dare to violate the plain clothes.

No one is not afraid of death.

Compared to death, they would rather abandon Chen Lijun.

This is the reality of the family!

"Su clothing sister!" Chen light panic, she turned to look at Suyi, a pair of eyes showing a sorrowful color, "I don't know what I did wrong, so that you are so angry, but these things, I am for The old man is so picky, if you are angry with me, you sprinkle on me, why should you take these elixir?"

(End of this chapter)

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