
Seeing Xia Qing standing on the roof platform looking down at him, Shirai Kuroko also activated the ability of space movement at this moment, and the place of movement was exactly behind Xia Qing.

Although she looks petite, her fighting skills are very strong!


Shirai Kuroko, who came behind Xia Qing, immediately had a mischievous smile on his face. Then he raised his right leg forcefully behind Xia Qing, and a kick that could make all men lose their fighting power came from behind Xia Qing. !

Seeing that she was about to succeed, the girl even began to imagine the scene in which the young man in front of her covered his crotch with a face of pain and fell to the ground unable to get up again.

However, the sudden grabbing of her ankle brought her back from fantasy to reality. She had never had such contact with a boy before, and she couldn't help but blush.

You guy...ahhh-!

The sound of gnashing teeth accompanied Xia Qing's pull forward, and the girl immediately fell to the ground uncontrollably. The bump on the back of her head made her feel pain, and she was unable to concentrate on using her abilities for a while.

Her calculations are complicated, and she can't use her abilities without concentration, which is her weakness.

Since the calculation method is more complex and unstable than other abilities, the level of ability will fluctuate depending on the mental state, so you cannot use the ability when you are not focused.

The principle behind the space movement ability is to first escape from three-dimensional thinking, find your own coordinates in eleven dimensions, and then calculate the movement vector.

This kind of calculation behavior is not comparable in complexity to the simple commands constructed in the mind of ordinary superpowers.

Therefore, once they are in a state of severe pain, anxiety, and confusion, and are unable to maintain a normal mind, the person with the ability will lose their computing power and therefore cannot use space to move.

Xia Qing's current behavior made the girl feel ashamed and angry. At the same time, the back of her head collided with the ground on the roof. The pain made her unable to concentrate on using her abilities for a while.

Moreover, the fighting ability she wanted to use was completely unable to be used by Xia Qing's absolute strength. Of course, even if Xia Qing gave her the opportunity to use it, compared to her fighting ability, Xia Qing could make her ecstasy with just one finger. die.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you to Shuke 15146833222 for your monthly ticket*1 and Black and White Rock’s monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 8 Misaka Mikoto! (2/4)

No, don't do this... Stop it quickly, haha~ahha~ahhahahaha~!!

Shirai Kuroko, who was held high above his head by Xia Qing's wrists, was now being scratched by Xia Qing's other right hand.

Hmph, how about it? Isn't it comparable to torture~

〖Defeat Level 4 (person with great abilities)! Points +250! EXP +30%! 〗

The shame, anger and passive happiness prevented Shirai Kuroko from concentrating on using her super powers, and she was unable to cause any harm to Xia Qing. She was restrained and could only let out a reluctant laugh mixed with tears.

Ah ha~ ah ha ha ha ha!! Damn it, in this situation I have to use my special move ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Shirai Kuroko, who was suppressed by Xia Qing, said while laughing wildly.

Huh? Trick?

It's obvious that I can't even concentrate anymore, what other way can I resist?

Xia Qing originally just wanted to tease her, and had no intention of killing her. In fact, if she was given the opportunity to use the ultimate move of Space Movement, Xia Qing would still have to put in a lot of effort. Only in this way can she be restrained.

At this time, the girl suppressed her laughter, her body trembled and she shouted.

Sister-sama!! Save me!!!

Xia Qing's expression froze. Unexpectedly, she wanted to call for help directly.

Did you come here together...?

If Misaka Mikoto was here, she probably wouldn't be allowed to rush in casually.

Maybe it's because Shirai Kuroko, as a Level 4 user with great abilities, has to deal with a few gangsters very easily.

What's going on! Kuroko...!?

Accompanied by thunderous sparks, a spear-like electric current shot toward Xia Qing!

Whoosh! !

But this attack seemed to be in slow motion for Xia Qing. He just tilted his head to the left and dodged it easily.

Hmph! You're quite capable!

Misaka Mikoto raised the corners of her mouth, revealing her fangs, and said with some displeasure.

Xia Qing turned her gaze away, and what appeared at the entrance of the alley was a girl with shoulder-length brown hair. Her brown eyes and pretty face that didn't require makeup barely suppressed her dull, regretful side.

If it weren't for the fear of accidentally injuring Kuroko, she should have released an indiscriminate sputtering high-voltage electric attack now.

Onee-sama, hahaha! Don't worry about me, hahaha! Onee-sama's electric shock will only excite Kuroko, hahaha!!!

The girl who had her smooth armpits scratched by Xia Qing again had tears in her eyes from laughter. However, the flushed cheeks and eyes filled with excitement made Xia Qing see how obsessed the girl was with her elder sister. .

Well, if I said that this was all a misunderstanding and what happened before was just self-defense, would you believe it?

Xia Qingle continued to scratch the girl's armpits and moved away.

However, the hostile eyes of the two girls showed at a glance that they didn't really believe it.

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko took advantage of Xia Qing's brief pause to push his computing power to the limit. At this moment, the caught wrist touched his skin and activated his ability.

Xia Qing could feel the girl's fierce struggle, and her body might not be able to bear the load during the high-speed movement. He quickly let go of the girl's wrist and let her escape.

Kuroko Shirai, who appeared next to Misaka Mikoto the next moment, immediately shouted.

Sister-sama, I leave it to you!

Misaka Mikoto nodded and smiled confidently.

Well, don't worry, leave it to me!

As she spoke, a coin bounced in her hand, and crackling sparks of electricity were unconsciously released all over her body.

There are probably a few gangsters on the ground. Do you plan to involve them as well?

Xia Qing, who used this to try to contain her, showed a playful smile.

The eight delinquent boys who heard these words were lying on the ground. They couldn't even escape because of their weak legs and feet. Even though they hated Xia Qing, they were quite angry after hearing those words at this moment. He nodded vigorously in agreement.

Yes, yes, we are just ordinary people!

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