"I didn't come from Linhai Base."

Yang Qi said.

Two body forging warriors and dozens of soldiers were stunned.


When did such a terrifying existence appear?

"By the way, do you know where there are still monsters?"

When facing the junior demon general, Yang Qi had no chance to use the junior martial skill Bull Demon Slash, he wanted to see if there was a stronger demon.

"If you go back to the seniors, we will fight the demon on the north road, and we came from the north road."

"In addition to the junior demon general killed by senior, there is also an intermediate demon general on the north road, and there should be more than 20 junior demon soldiers."

A body forger said to Yang Qi.

Intermediate demon general?

Yang Qi's eyes lit up.

"In that case, let's go to the North Road." Yang Qi said.

The two body forgers and dozens of soldiers were overjoyed when they heard the words. They knew that Yang Qi was going to help them kill the demon.

There is only one reason for Yang Qi to let them go to the North Road, and that is to let them clear the monsters who hide in the residential buildings and eat humans.

After all, he is from Jiangcheng!

North Road.

At this time, the North Road was already bloody.

Countless corpses are reflected in Yang Qi's eyes, which is no longer a miserable word to describe.

After Yang Qi and his group arrived at North Road, he sent two body forgers and dozens of soldiers to the residential building to look for demons.

And he got up in the street.

What he didn't expect was that after a few minutes, more than 20 monsters came towards him.

The demon at the head has light blue eyes, and the ones behind are all light green eyes, junior demon soldiers.

This light blue-eyed monster...

Yang Qi secretly smiled, an intermediate demon general!

Earlier, I learned from the body-forging warrior that there was still an intermediate-level demon general and twenty elementary-level demon soldiers on the North Road. I am afraid that these are the demons. Even if there are any omissions, there will not be many.

"Giggle, I didn't expect that there will be humans appearing in front of us, I really don't know what it is!"

"Look, that human seems to be still laughing, isn't he afraid of us?"

"I think this human should be the worst human in Jiangcheng. After all, we will share it."

The twenty or so elementary demon soldiers all giggled.

Yang Qi pulled out the rusty iron knife.

"The number of knives drawn +1."

The more than 20 junior demon soldiers were startled, they looked at the knife in Yang Qi's hand, and their bodies could not help but rise and fall.

They are laughing.

"Go and eat this human."

The mid-level demon general gave the order.

Suddenly, more than 20 elementary demon soldiers rushed towards Yang Qi.

Their pale green eyes glowed strangely, and it was obvious that in their eyes, Yang Qi had become their food.

Yang Qi's hand trembled slightly, his vitality attached to the rusted iron knife, and the rusted iron knife gave off a hint of brilliance.


The middle-level demon general who was still in place was startled.

Vitality, warrior?


The intermediate demon general shouted at the twenty or so elementary demon soldiers.

However, it was too late.

The knife Yang Qi held high has suddenly... fallen!

"Bull Demon Slash!"

Suddenly, a terrifying bull demon was condensed on the rusty iron knife with vitality, and the bull demon let out a roar.

Vitality, sword light, and bull demons are intertwined, rushing towards more than 20 elementary demon soldiers!

The souls of more than 20 junior demon soldiers were terrified and their faces were ashen!


An explosion sounded, and none of the more than 20 elementary demon soldiers were spared, all of them fell to the ground and died.

"Beheaded 22 junior demon soldiers, and drew 6600 knives."

Yang Qi checked the number of knives drawn: 44203.

He knew that if he killed the middle-level demon general in front of him, he would have 50,000 swords drawn.

(To be continued)

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