The boy didn't dare to stop for a while, so he hurriedly took Yang Qi to the Huaqing headquarters.

"Senior, I... my name is Wang He."

On the way, the boy introduced himself to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded.

Not long after, the two arrived outside the Huaqing headquarters.

Yang Qi looked at the Huaqing headquarters and found that the Huaqing headquarters was very simple.

Enter the Huaqing headquarters.

The dress inside looks like a small martial arts hall.

Moreover, it is the kind of martial arts hall in the Chinese movie, and it is not close to the martial arts halls in this world.

"Xiaohe, you you you..."

Everyone inside was shocked when they saw the boy coming back.

They all knew that Wang He was caught by the Tomahawk man, and he was taken away by the Tomahawk, as if he had entered a tiger's den. They never thought that Wang He would come out.

"Where's my dad?"

Wang He asked quickly.

"The leader is inside. He's worried that he's broken, and he almost didn't call all of our Huaqing people to fight with the battle axe."

A man said hurriedly.

"Senior, let's go see my dad."


Yang Qi responded.

Wang He walked inside with Yang Qi.

After arriving in the hall, a man with a sad face came into Yang Qi's eyes.

The man was about forty years old, his brows were furrowed, his eye sockets were sunken, and he looked like a middle-aged unemployed and downcast man.

Yang Qi found that the man's body did not have any fluctuations in vitality, in other words, the man was also an ordinary person.

He thought that this was normal. If it was a martial artist, how could he live in a poor area.

Except, of course, the Tomahawk organization that controls the black market in poor areas.


Wang He called out to the man.

The man was startled and did not respond for a while.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the man saw Wang He.

"Little River!"

The man stared blankly at Wang He.

It's like, still can't believe it.

The man's name is Wang Lin, the leader of the Huaqing Organization.

After a long time, Wang Lin finally believed that what appeared in front of him was not a hallucination, let alone a dream, but his son Wang He.

Suddenly, Wang Lin came to Wang He in one flying step and hugged Wang He.

Father and son cry...

In this situation, Yang Qi also sighed somewhat.

After all, it was not easy for Wang He to come back alive to see his relatives after being caught in the Longtan Tiger's Den.

"Dad, I managed to escape with great difficulty. After they found out, they chased after me. It was my senior who saved me."

After a few seconds, Wang He said to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin heard that and looked at Yang Qi.

"Thank you for saving my son, me, me... I really don't know what to do..."

"You are Welcome."

Yang Qi waved his hand.

"By the way, Dad, senior is still a martial artist at the martial apprentice level."

With that said, Wang He spoke out everything that happened on the streets of the poor area just now.

"Wu Wuwu... martial disciple?!"

Wang Lin was shocked.

He just felt that he heard it wrong, and was stunned on the spot.

"Senior, you... are you really a martial artist?"

Wang Lin looked at Yang Qi.

"Almost." Yang Qi thought for a few seconds, then nodded.

Seeing Yang Qi nodding, Wang Lin was shocked.

They, Hua Qing, are just ordinary people. Where are there any martial artists? It is impossible to have a body forging martial artist, let alone a martial apprentice-level martial artist.


Wang Lin suddenly fell silent.

"Senior, you should leave."

"how you said that?"

Yang Qi looked at Wang Lin.

(To be continued)

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