
Yang Changfeng played against Lin Jun.

In the auditorium, the hearts of everyone in the Yang family were already in their throats.

"We must win!"

Patriarch Yang Xinghe gritted his teeth and said.

As long as their Yang family gets this spiritual sect quota, there will no longer be the so-called three major families in Yuncheng, but one will dominate!

Because, after obtaining the quota of the Spirit Sect, the Spirit Sect will give them many pills and spiritual skills.

Fortunately, Yang Changfeng finally lived up to expectations and won the Lin family and Lin Jun.

At this moment, only Yang Changfeng and Lin Jie were left.

The two Spiritual Venerables in the judging panel also had dull expressions on their old faces, just like Yang Qi.

They are majestic Spiritual Venerables, and in their opinion, such a battle is really too low-level.

The people of the Zhao family, their faces were already dull. It's just because they all know that the Spirit Sect's quota has nothing to do with them.

What a rare opportunity!

It is very likely that there will be no quota for the Lingzong in Yuncheng next year.

The battle between Yang Changfeng and Lin Jie is about to begin.

The members of the Yang family and the Lin family became extremely nervous.

As long as whoever wins, it means that there is a place to enter the Spirit Sect.

Everyone below the ring, they were also looking forward to it, and they all wanted to see who was better, Yang Changfeng or Lin Jie.

Finally, the two moved!

In an instant, there was a fierce sound of weapons colliding on the ground cloud ring.

Yang Changfeng's contract weapon is the Slashing Steel Sword.

Two great weapon spirits, the Copper Cloud Hammer, an intermediate human-level weapon spirit, and the Golden Sword, a high-level human-level weapon spirit.

Lin Jie's contract weapon is the Rainstorm Gun.

There are two major weapon spirits, the human-level middle-level weapon spirit Baishuidao, the human-level high-level weapon spirit, and the Zihe sword.

All the people below the earth cloud beat, they only felt a flash of swords and swords in front of them, so that they didn't dare to open their eyes at all.

In their view, such a battle is really exciting.

Everyone in the Yang family and the Lin family are still extremely nervous. This is a battle related to the quota of the Spirit Sect.

It's a pity that the ending disappointed everyone in the Yang family.

After seventy rounds, Yang Changfeng accidentally exposed his flaws and was defeated by Lin Jie's rainstorm gun.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Tianzheng, the Patriarch of the Lin family, laughed out loud when he saw that Lin Jie had won. The elders and disciples are not like this.

But everyone in the Yang family showed bitterness on their faces.

The two Spiritual Venerables on the judging panel, seeing that the final winner had already been divided, announced:

"I declare that Lin Jialin Jie has acquired my Spiritual Sect..."

"and many more."

Before the Spirit Venerable finished speaking, a slightly lazy voice came to everyone's ears.

Everyone present was startled, and all looked towards the speaking place.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just look at it!

Everyone was astonished.

Just because it was none other than Yang Qi who spoke.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? Yang Qi actually dares to interrupt Lord Lingzun?"

"You read that right, it was Yang Qi who interrupted Lord Lingzun, he really ate the guts of a leopard."

"Pfft, Yang Qi is that good-for-nothing from the Yang family, I heard that he hasn't even awakened the spirit of Qi."

Everyone in the Yang family listened to Yang Qi's words, they were stunned first, and then panic appeared on their faces.

Because, what Yang Qi interrupted was a Lingzun's words!

"Yang Qi, what are you doing?" Patriarch Yang Xinghe yelled at Yang Qi, "Hurry up and apologize to Lord Lingzun."

Everyone present, they all looked at Yang Qi. But what they didn't expect was that Yang Qi's face was... as calm as water.

(to be continued)

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