Lin Jie was also stunned.

"Yang Qi, you... what did you say?!"

Lin Jie never thought that Yang Qi would dare to speak to him like this.

Yang Qi smiled calmly, "Stop talking nonsense, come on."

After speaking, he hooked his fingers at Lin Jie.

"Yang Qi!"

Lin Jie gritted his teeth, he never thought that Yang Qi would dare to be so arrogant.

Everyone below the ring was also stunned. How could they have thought that Yang Qi, a waste who didn't even wake up his weapon spirit, would dare to be so arrogant.

"Yang Qi, you haven't even awakened the spirit of the weapon, do you really dare to fight me?"

Lin Jie looked at Yang Qi coldly.

Everyone present also looked at Yang Qi, they all thought Yang Qi was a little too ridiculous.

From their point of view, Yang Qi was a powerless person, let alone him, even ten of them would never be Lin Jie's opponent.

"To deal with you," Yang Qi looked at Lin Jie indifferently, "Do you still need a weapon spirit?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present gasped again. No matter what, they would never have thought that Yang Qi would be so arrogant.

But Lin Jie couldn't stand Yang Qi's arrogance anymore.

I saw that Lin Jie was holding the rainstorm gun tightly, and on the rainstorm gun, the middle-level human-level weapon Ling Baishui knife swept towards Yang Qi.

Everyone below Earth Cloud Ring knew that Yang Qi's life would soon disappear from this world.

After all, the big competition of the three major families can kill the opponent.


Generally speaking, the three big families will keep a hand, after all, they are all in Yuncheng.

But now...

Everyone below the ring thought that Lin Jie would definitely kill Yang Qi, and they would not show mercy to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi is paying the price for his arrogance!

As for the Yang family, they would never turn their faces against Lin Jie for a waste.

Everyone in the arena looked at Yang Qi in the arena, just because the human-level mid-level weapon spirit was about to arrive in front of Yang Qi.

At this time, Yang Qi's hand was already on the handle of the knife on his back.


With a flash of cold light, the treasured sword was unsheathed.

As soon as the Sirius Butcher Knife comes out!

The human-level mid-level artifact Baishuidao that attacked him disappeared without a trace.

The whole process was so fast, even less than a second, so that everyone present did not see clearly Yang Qi's blow just now.

how is this possible? !

The people below the ground cloud, they saw that the human-level mid-level weapon Ling Baishui knife that attacked Yang Qi disappeared without a trace, and they were extremely shocked.

The three major families in the auditorium were also stunned.

Yang Qi...

not dead?

The people of the Yang family were alright, after all Yang Qi had defeated Yang Yun, but the hearts of the Lin family and Zhao family were already shaking.

Originally thought that the battle between Yang Qi and Lin Jie on the Yunlei, which was on the ground, was a completely suicidal battle.

Where did they expect such a scene to happen.

Could it be...

Suddenly, they thought of an amazing possibility.

That is, Yang Qi has been hiding his strength!

Thinking of this, the pupils of all the people present shrank sharply.

Just because, what an amazing possibility!

Even the eyes of the two Spiritual Venerables on the judging panel widened a little.

Because, Yang Qi did not use the weapon spirit, but the contract weapon. And Yang Qi pulled out that knife just now, at such a speed...

This is what shocked the two Lingzun the most.

Maybe they can't reach this speed!

(to be continued)

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