"Do you know where the emperor has gone?"

Yang Qi looked at the man.

"Do you have anything to do with the emperor?"

His intuition told the man that Yang Qi was not simple, even though Yang Qi looked only in his twenties.

"You just need to tell me where the emperor is."

"Hehe, what if I don't tell you?"

The man was a little annoyed by Yang Qi's words.

He is the marshal of the Dragon Kingdom, and he has made countless contributions!

Although he noticed that Yang Qi might be a bit difficult, it didn't mean that Yang Qi could talk to him like this.

"Tell me, who are you, or I'll have someone tie you up!"

The man stared at Yang Qi and said coldly.

Yang Qi thought that this person probably didn't know where the emperor was, so he was going to go out.

But what he didn't expect was that the man actually stood in front of him.

Seeing this, Yang Qi could only search in the system reserve space.

The system reserve space has always been turned on, but Yang Qi didn't put a few things, so it can be said that it has no effect.

But he really found the badge he got after he became Emperor Zun in this world.

He took out the badge of Emperor Zun from the system storage space and hung it on his chest.

The man looked at the badge just worn on Yang Qi's chest, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

This... Badge! ! !

Yang Qi... the Great Emperor!

The man has never seen Yang Qi with his own eyes, but of course he has heard the endless legends about the Great Emperor Yang Qi.

previous years.

Yang Qi beheaded and killed the high-level Great Demon Emperor outside the city of the world, but monsters kept appearing in the holes above the Demon Sea.

Emperor Yang Qi entered the cave, and the cave disappeared!

Since then, the world will always remember Emperor Yang Qi, and all human beings know that Emperor Yang Qi is their savior.

The man would never have thought that he would meet the legendary Emperor Yang Qi here.


The man knelt in front of Yang Qi.

"Greetings to Emperor Yang Qi!"

"Get up, you don't know where the emperor is, do you?"

Yang Qi said to the man.

"I know, I know."

The man nodded repeatedly.

Yang Qi was stunned, he originally thought that the man didn't know where the emperor was, but he never thought that the man actually knew.

"Then you go and let the emperor come to see me."

"Okay, okay."

The man spoke hastily.

Immediately, the man got up from the ground and walked out quickly.


The emperor He Ye is admiring the flowers in the garden of the imperial palace. There is no war in the Dragon Kingdom now, and he is very leisurely all day long.


Suddenly, the man's voice came into the ears of the emperor He Ye.

The emperor He Ye looked at the man with some doubts.

"Haikun, what's wrong?"

The man's name is Hai Kun, Marshal of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Yang... the Great Emperor Yang Qi appeared."

Hai Kun's face was full of horror, and he hadn't recovered from the extreme shock and fear just now.

"Hai Kun, how can you make such a joke in front of me?"

The emperor He Ye frowned, obviously upset by Hai Kun's words.

"It's the real emperor, it's real."

Seeing that the emperor didn't believe it, Hai Kun quickly said again.


The emperor He Ye looked at Hai Kun.

"It's absolutely true, Emperor, go quickly, the Great Emperor Yang Qi is in the hall."

He Ye, the emperor, heard the words and hurried towards the main hall.

Not long after, the emperor He Ye arrived in the hall.

An incomparably handsome young man caught his eyes.

"Yang Qi... Great Emperor, it's really you."

(to be continued)

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