The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times (Godly Sword System)

Chapter 972 Bring out the humans you captured to me

Rotten River City.

Yang Qi arrived outside Lanhe City.

He already felt the breath of the monster.

He pulled out the magic knife Qianren from the scabbard on his back and walked into Rotten River City.

Walking into Rotten River City, he saw dozens of monsters.

Dozens of monsters were also a little stunned.

It has been many years since no human dared to set foot in Rotten River City, and today there are humans who dare to come?

Could it be a mistake?

Dozens of monsters rubbed their eyes and found that they saw nothing wrong.

Immediately, these dozens of monsters all noticed the magic knife Qianren in Yang Qi's hand.

Seeing that there were three red spirit rings on the Thousand Blades of the Demon Saber, they were a little frightened.

"Heaven-level advanced contract weapon!"

Dozens of monsters were a little dumbfounded.

"Human, you..."

Before these dozens of monsters had time to speak, they would never have a chance to continue.

Just because Yang Qi had already slashed at them.

Dozens of monsters fell to the ground, and their deaths were horrible!

Yang Qi jumped, and he jumped onto a tall building.

The monsters in Rotten River City have been checked around, dozens of monsters died suddenly, these monsters of course have to find out.

Yang Qi was checking on the tall building, and suddenly, he saw a sixth-order monster.

He jumped down and arrived in front of this sixth-order monster.

How could this sixth-order monster expect a human to suddenly appear in front of it, so it couldn't help being a little scared.

"Humans, you, you, you..."

The sixth-order monster was so frightened that it was speechless.

"Tell me, did you catch a human being here?"

"Why should I..."

Before the sixth-order monster could finish speaking, the magic knife Qianren was already on its neck.

This sixth-order monster was scared out of its wits!

It knows that as long as the thousand blades of the magic knife are one inch closer, its life will disappear from this world forever.

"Can you tell me now?"

"Yes, we captured a human being."


"Study some kind of virus."

Listening to the words of the sixth-order monster, Yang Qi understood.

What he didn't expect was that these monsters are quite smart, and they can even construct things like space-time wormholes.

"Lead the way."

Yang Qi looked at the sixth-order monster in front of him and spoke slowly.

The sixth-order monster was startled.

He wondered if this human being was planning to rescue the human being captured by them?

Thinking of this...

The sixth-order monster secretly sneered.

It originally thought that it was bound to die, but now this human being let it lead the way, which gave it a life.

Afterwards, this sixth-order monster quickly led Yang Qi the way.

It didn't take long for this sixth-order monster to bring Yang Qi to a tall but abandoned building.

During this period, countless monsters followed.

A human appeared in Rotten River City, and this human even took the sixth-order monster as a hostage.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, a wild laughter came into Yang Qi's ears.

Yang Qi looked intently.

He found an eighth-level monster walking out.

Obviously, this eighth-rank monster is already the strongest among all the monsters in Rotten River City.

"Human, I really don't understand why you dare to come here alone?"

The eighth-order monster sneered at Yang Qi.

"Bring out the humans you captured." Yang Qi looked at the eighth-level monster, "I'll just say it once."

(to be continued)

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