The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 103 - Handsome Future Brother-In-Law

Nick and Kate were teasing Matt as they knew how much of a gossip-monger he is and it must be killing him to know that Kate and Nick already met Rachel's crush and he didn't.

The thought of teasing him made them more happier and they decided not to let him off easily and tease him as much as they could.

Matt was getting frustrated with these two. So, he angrily messaged on the group.

Matt: What the hell is with you two, at least tell me something about this crush of Rachel, please I beg you two.

Nick: It seems the feelings between these two are mutual, currently he is lovingly looking at Rachel

Matt: Wait, you guys are all together right now?

Kate: Yes, we are having lunch together

Matt: Send me the address, please I will come too

Nick: No

Emily: Woah, that's awesome, please send a picture of them together

Nick: No, until Rachel gives her permission, I can't

Emily: This is unfair, Rachel introduced you two to him and ignored us

Kate: It is a coincidence, we didn't expect to run into each other

Matt: More info please

Nick: Bye

Kate: Bye

Emily: What the hell. @Rach you better give us some info

Matt: Yeah or else I'll also not tell you about my current girlfriend

Emily: You dating someone? (Shocked Emoji)

Matt: Yes

Emily: Since when

Matt: I'll tell you later

Kate: Are you guys rubbing it in our face that you two live in the same apartment building

Matt: Well you and Nick live together

Patrick was smiling reading all these messages, he had an urge to show off that he too met Rachel's crush but then Rachel would know everything that happened so he controlled himself and he went to make a call.

Rachel quickly finished off her lunch, just then Daniel got a call so he excused himself and Jimmy sat there going through his phone, Rachel too checked her phone, she wanted to smack her head on the wall after reading all the messages on their group, she angrily glared at Nick and Kate who were smiling at her reaction. 

Since Jimmy was still sitting there they didn't talk to each other.

The four people then concentrated on their phones and got busy.

Rachel: He is not the guy I have a crush on, they are misunderstanding 

Rachel decided to lie and deny everything.

Nick: Liar liar pants on fire

Kate: Rachel blushes whenever her crush looks at her

Rachel: I just woke up so my face is all red

Emily: Please Rachel come up with a better excuse, we know you are a bad liar and I believe Kate and Nick more than you

Matt: +1 (on Emily's message)

Rachel: Whatever

Emily: Is he good looking?

Kate: Of course, damn handsome

Emily: On a scale of 1 to 10?

Kate: 100

Emily: Woah, is he hot?

Kate: He is wearing a t-shirt but from the outlook of it, he definitely workouts and I can say for sure he is damn hot with a great body

"Have some shame, he is your brother" Nick whispered in Kate's ears after reading her message.

"It's fine, my intentions are pure" Kate winked at him.

Nick chuckled at her actions.

"Does Daniel workout?" Kate asked Jimmy for confirmation.

"Yes he does" he casually responded still focusing on his phone, he didn't bother himself with Kate's question and neither wondered why she was asking him that, he was worried about his audition's result. 

Kate: Confirmed, he worksout

Matt: How did you confirm?

Kate: I asked him (she lied as she didn't want to explain all the details)

Emily: Wait now you are casually talking to him?

Kate: Yes

Emily: Rach this is unfair, you introduced your crush to these two and left me out

Matt: +1 (On Emily's message)

Nick: Can you not type? you lazy ass, always +1ing

Kate: Seconded

Matt: Can we please not get distracted and focus on Rachel. Rach, what is this behaviour?

Rachel: I didn't introduce them, this is all a big coincidence and believe me right now I am hating all of this to my core.

Nick: So, you accept he is your crush?

Rachel: Yeah, as you guys caught my lie and I am a bad liar, I can't pretend anymore. I accept.

Kate: Woohoo, Rach's gonna be my sis-in-law

Emily: Wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttt

Kate: Her crush is my second cousin 

Emily: What the hell, what kind of a coincidence is this

Matt: Fucking hell

Nick: I know right, we were surprised to see Rachel at his home, she was apparently 'SLEEPING' in his house

Matt: Oh my god, my darling finally lost her virginity

Rachel: What nonsense, his entire family is here, Nick is just twisting the words

Matt: Did you sleep in his room?

Rachel blushed hard when she remembered how she slept with Daniel

Rachel: No

Kate: Oh god, she seems to be lying, she is blushing so hard, her face is all red, tomato red

Nick: Yes, I am also a witness to it

Rachel: Guys we didn't do anything

Matt: But you two slept together?

Emily: Aww my baby finally grew up

Matt: The only virgin in our group finally lost her virginity

Rachel: No, I didn't

Emily: Wait, wasn't he your crush, then why were you two sleeping in the same room, isn't that weird?

Matt: Wow Ems you raised a good question.

Rachel was damn embarrassed, she realized her friends don't know about them dating and this indeed sounds weird.

Rachel: We slept in the same house, not the same room. I was blushing because I imagined sleeping with him in the same room.

She knew she had to give them something strong to tease her only then will she be able to distract these monsters from figuring out the actual truth.

Kate: Wohoo, our baby has grown up, she is imagining sleep with her crush

Emily: Rach it is time to create an exclusive group for you me and Kate where we would enlighten you with sexual knowledge.

Matt: Add me too

Kate: No

Matt: @Patrick @Nick we too should have an exclusive group to enlighten Rach's boyfriend.

Rachel: What nonsense Matt

Kate: I am sure my brother doesn't need your enlightenment

Matt: Who asked for your opinion Kate, please focus on your five days marriage event

Kate: You don't tell me what I should do

Matt: Is Rachel's crush's name Jimmy?

Rachel: Whatttt? Nooooooo

Kate: Where did that come from

Matt: I checked Kate's social media and he is the only one she added in her family list under cousin.

Rachel: That's my crush's younger brother.

Matt: Let me search Jimmy's elder brother then

Kate: You won't find him Matt, he is not on any social media platform

Matt: This Jimmy looks like a joker, thank god he is not your crush Rach

Rach then glanced to her right and saw Jimmy who was busy with his phone and he was seriously browsing something, at that moment he really looked handsome. So, Rachel sneakily took a picture of him and shared it on the group, she wrote.

Rach: 'Please check out my handsome future brother-in-law before reaching such ridiculous conclusions'

Rachel didn't like anyone making fun of Jimmy, he is someone very special for her. So, no matter how close her friends are but they had no right to make of Jimmy and definitely not in Rachel's presence.

Matt: Wow, Rachel already declared herself as the future wife to her crush.

Emily: Hey he is gorgeous and wow Rachel confidence level 101

Matt: Then why does he look like a joker on social media?

Rachel: He didn't update it probably

Kate: Okay guys bye, we need to spend some time with my cousin and Rachel

Matt: Please don't go

But everyone ignored Matt and went offline.

Kate and Nick went to meet Catherine as it won't look good if they ignore the main host.

Only Jimmy and Rachel were left in the dining area.

Jimmy looked a bit tense so Rachel asked him what he was doing and how his auditions were.

"I was checking the profile of Amanda and Megan, I am nowhere near them"

"Umm who is Amanda and Megan?"

"Amanda is the writer / director of the play and Megan is the actress who will play my wife if I get the role"

"Oh, you didn't tell me how the auditions went"

"It went well, In one of the scenes I made everyone in the audience cry" Jimmy happily informed her.

"Wow, that's awesome"

"And they made me enact three scenes. I cleared the first round and second round was to test the chemistry between Megan and me"

"That's awesome Jim."

"Yeah, but.."

"Let's hope for the best Jim" she understood he was worried about the result.

"I am very nervous, they will inform the results today"

"Fingers crossed"

"Yeah" Jimmy responded to her but he was still worried and looked sad.

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