The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 108 - Personal Manager

On the way Andrew and Sophia stopped near a public restroom and changed their disguise from an old couple to a young couple but they tried to change their appearances by make-up and decided to buy hair colors to dye their hair after reaching London.

After a few hours of travel, they finally reached the motel they found on the internet which was just 500 meters away from The Eminent Club, this motel was more decent than the ones they stayed in. 

In addition to the rooms, this motel also had a restaurant and a bar on the ground floor, the vibe of this motel was just like how Sophia would like it. 

It was in line with her taste, so she loved it.

They both checked in and relaxed for some time in the room. 

They bought some artificial hair colors on their way so they dyed their hair, Andrew changed his golden brown hair into pure black and added a fake mustache and beard to his clean face, Sophia dyed her brunette hair and changed it into blonde hair, then they discussed that they are short of time as the club opening is on Saturday that is in the next two days, so there is almost no time for them to take rest and they also needed to observe the club activities and try to enquire more about this club and their employees, they also had to come up with a way to enter this place. 

They were a bit stressed as they had a lot to do and very less time to accomplish it. 

After a lot of discussion, they decided Andrew will do field research and Sophia will do online research and at night they will meet and update each other about their findings.

Andrew went out to get more information on this club and Sophia glanced at the article clipping she had cut from the magazine, to check if she missed any information.

Then after going through the internet for long hours she decided to visit the bar in this motel and have some chilled beer to relax so she headed to the bar.

Sophia occupied a corner seat near the bar and ordered a pint of beer and continued browsing through the internet for any job openings at the club, she was even ready to work there as the cleaning staff but just wanted an entry there.

A young man too came to the bar to relax, his eyes moved across the room to find a peaceful corner for himself when his eyes fell on the beautiful blonde sitting at the corner of the bar seriously browsing through her phone, she was attractive and her figure was something every man would desire for, she was wearing a black short dress which highlighted her assets making her look more alluring, since she was alone in the bar, the young man assumed her to be single. 

He headed towards the corner and sat on the chair next to her.

He cleared his throat before speaking to her, "Hi, can I buy you a drink?"

Sophia was so immersed in her phone that it looked like she didn't even realize this man was talking to her, she continued browsing and he was waiting for some response.

Just then the bartender placed the pint of beer she ordered in front of her and the young man who wanted to initiate a conversation scratched his brain to come up with some other pickup line.

"Hi beautiful" he again tried to get her attention but the reaction from her was the same, she ignored him.

"It seems you are deaf" he was losing his patience with her.

"No, it seems I am disinterested" Sophia finally spoke, she noticed him since the moment he approached her seat and sat next to her, she could feel his stare on her but she was not interested so she ignored him, it is nothing new for her.

Sophia dealt with so many men in her life that she quickly understands their intention as soon as they gaze at her.

"You didn't even look at me and you are still disinterested" Her indifference made her look even more alluring and the more she ignored him the more he wanted her.

"I don't need to" she didn't glance at him and sipped on her drink, still going through her phone.

The young man was curious to know what she was so seriously going through that she was not even ready to lift her head and take a glance at him, so he slightly leaned towards her to peek into her phone. 

As they were sitting next to each other, the gaps between their chairs were not much wide so he clearly got to see what she was so seriously immersed in, it was an article about The Eminent Club which was just a few meters away from this motel.

He had a huge grin on his face when he saw what she was looking for, "If you need more internal information on this club, I can help you"

This time he was able to grab her attention, she lifted her head to look at the man sitting next to her, "How?" she curiously asked looking at him.

"I guess now I have your full attention"

"Forget it" Sophia thought he was lying to her to get her attention so she went back to her phone and again immersed herself in her work.

"I am not lying, I am really an employee there" The man informed her.

"You are lying just to get my attention" Sophia still didn't believe him.

Then he opened a mail on his phone and placed the phone in front of her and signaled her to check it.

She subconsciously leaned in and checked it, she went through the mail and it was indeed from The Eminent Club, it was a job offer confirmation mail from the official email address of the club, Sophia didn't had to cross-check, she went through so much information about them on the internet that she knew this mail was not fake and the email address from where he received the mail was genuine too, she then looked at him and this time her cold and indifference attitude was replaced by gentle and sexy look.

'I can't believe my luck is this good' she thought.

"I am sorry for not believing you earlier" Sophia politely apologized, her attitude turned around 180 degrees.

The guy chuckled at her evident change in behavior, "Sorry for peeking into your phone earlier"

"That's okay" Sophia was rather thankful to him for peeking into her phone 

"By the way I am Bob" he introduced himself, extending his right hand towards her for a handshake, she shook his hand and introduced herself.

"I am Bella"

"It is really nice to meet you Bella"

"Are you sure? I was totally indifferent towards you"

"That's what made you more interesting"

Sophia fake laughed at his words.

"If I may ask, why were you so seriously going through the details of this club?" Bob asked her to calm his curious mind.

"I have an interview scheduled at this club so I was going through it" she easily lied.

"Oh, is that why you too are in this motel?" He took a room here for the same reason and assumed she too did the same. 

"Yeah since it is so near and it would be convenient so I especially chose this motel" She answered as a matter-of-fact.

"Same here, I actually didn't know they were still conducting interviews though, it is Thursday today and the opening is on Saturday, conducting an interview on Friday seems a bit unprofessional" Bob commented.

"Yeah, actually the woman they initially hired informed them today that she can't make it, that's why this last minute interview was planned."

"Oh, I hope you get this job, that way I'll get to work with you and know you better" He winked at her.

"Hahaha let's see, so for what role you landed a job in this club?"

"I have been hired as a personal manager"

"Wow that's a high level position" Sophia was genuinely impressed with Bob, she studied so much about this club that she already knew about its hierarchy structure and the position of a personal manager was the fourth highest in there and it was evident that Bob was highly qualified and that's why he landed the job in that club.

Bob smiled at her, "It is not that high level"

"I am here to interview as one of the housekeepers" Sophia chose a low position for herself as it would be more convenient to lie that way.

"That's not bad, even the people hired for the lowest positions have very good qualification"

"Yeah I know, that's why I came here for the interview even though I have been asked to at the last minute."

"Yeah I can understand." He nodded his head in understanding.

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