The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 111 - Messed Up Big Time

As per their plan, Sophia searched for isolated areas in London and headed to those places, she was searching for the perfect spot to dispose of the dead body.

She went to seven spots and finally found the perfect location to dispose of the dead body, it looked like the outskirts of the city, this place had very few visitors and it was far from the main city, there was a small lake too, Sophia thought it would be the perfect spot for their evil plan.

Just then her phone rang and it was Andrew, he called her from Bob's phone and updated her about his situation, "Everything went smoothly here, these people recorded my fingerprints and retina scan under Bob's name"

"Wow that's awesome, they didn't doubt you at all?"

"Nope, his photo on his Identity proofs were very old and worn and since he informed them in advance that they won't match now, they didn't bother with it"

"That's awesome" She got very excited as their plan was going on just as they planned.

"Did you find the perfect spot yet?" He inquired as it has already been a few hours since she left.

"Yes I did, I am at the spot now which is perfect for our plan but right now but there are few people around here, so I am waiting for the right time to get rid of this body."

"No worries, just wait there for some more time and then dispose of the body. My work here is done, they verified everything and gave me a lot of instructions and took us on a tour. This place is awesome Sophia, you would really love it"

"I am glad one of us is enjoying it, where are you now?"

"I was done there so I searched for another motel and I am in the motel room now"

"Wow, you already found us a new place to stay? That's awesome"

"Yeah, also the people at The Eminent Club gave me some videos, I need to go through them now so that I familiarize myself with each and every area in the club"

"God, is it that big?"

"Yeah, it is spread across 20 acres of land"

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow that is so awesome Andrew, I am jealous of you."

He chuckled at her words, "Yeah I know and also since this place is this big they can't tour us around and gave us these videos to get ourselves familiarize, that's why I quickly got us a room so that I can watch all the instruction videos and learn about this place quickly, these videos are five hours long and the they are inaugurating the club tomorrow so need to be prepared."

"My goodness, you became a busy man already." Sophia teased him and he smiled as he was really loving all of this.

"Yeah and I also got an ID card which I have to flash at the security gate everyday before entering the premises, it is damn good, I feel bad for Bob as he worked hard for this amazing lifestyle but is missing out on all of this"

"Yeah his loss is our gain. Thanks to him all of this happened so smoothly for us"

"Yeah and since he belongs to Poland, London people don't have any records of him on them so my records are registered under his name, everything has perfectly fallen into place for us"

"I agree"

"Okay then I'll be watching these videos, you wait for sometime and dispose the body, I am sharing the motel address with you just come there soon after you are done, I'll also try to finish these videos before you come"

"Done darling, I want to watch those videos too" She pouted sadly.

"Yeah when I'll go for work you can sit and watch these videos"

"I am going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too, come back soon"

"Of course, also Andrew should I dispose of the suitcase too with the body?"

"Umm, no, bring the suitcase along with you, it would have Bob's blood traces, it will be dangerous to leave evidence behind as it might be difficult to burn a suitcase"


Then Sophia waited for some time for the location to be clear, few hours later there was no one there, she was still hanging around for more time to ensure no one would suddenly come there, after she felt assured that no one will come here she pulled out the heavy suitcase from the trunk and dragged it till she reached the place near the lake, she opened the suitcase and felt disgusted by the odour that came out from the dead body, she felt nauseous seeing the horrible state of the dead body, ignoring the revulsion she felt she pulled out the body from the suitcase, she went and brought the kerosene she earlier bought at a store, after dropping Andrew at the club, from the car trunk.

Then she poured the contents of the kerosene on the dead body and lighted it on fire. From faraway she saw a vehicle approaching, worried she quickly headed towards her car with the suitcase, she quickly put suitcase in the car and started the car engine and headed straight, so as to not come across the approaching car, the car was very far away so it was not possible for the approaching car to see Sophia's car.

The road here was curved so Sophia who was standing on the ground could see the approaching car and that car couldn't see Sophia as she was standing very far and her car was parked on the other end of the curve.

Sophia quickly sat in the car and drove away, she was unaware that someone recorded everything she did on their mobile phone. 

The action of Sophia burning the dead body and carrying the suitcase to her car and also her driving away was all recorded, the man smiled in satisfaction after recording everything perfectly.

Sophia who headed straight had no idea where she was going, she didn't intend to go back as she did not want to come across the car that was approaching her so she kept on going straight till she came across a public restaurant, a lot of cars were parked there so she too headed there and parked her car.

She went inside the restaurant and ordered a burger for herself, she didn't have her lunch so she was very hungry and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to mingle in the crowd then she can head back to the main city and amongst all these cars no one can identify one specific car, it was another foolproof plan she came up with on spot.

The restaurant was busy so she got her burger a bit late, Sophia quickly ate her food and again headed back towards the main city, when she was passing through the spot where she disposed of the body she couldn't help herself but glance at it, by this time the body should have been burnt to ashes without any trace of Bob's existence.

When she glanced there what she saw resulted in her widening her eyes in shock, there were lot of people standing there and it was obvious they were all surprised with what they were seeing, there was no fire or smoke, Sophia hoped the body is all burnt but she couldn't kid herself, since there were so many people it only meant that the body was not completely burnt and there were some remains of the body lying there, Sophia cursed her luck, she was tempted to stop and check what's going on there to get a clear idea of the situation but she didn't have the guts and neither the energy to go and check, her hands were shaking and she knew she wouldn't be able to handle herself if she will go there so she headed straight towards the city and after some time on the way she came across many police vehicles heading towards the spot she just came from, she understood what must have happened, someone called the cops and they are now heading towards the crime spot. 

She was more nervous now because if the cops identify anything about the dead body then there is a high chance for them to get caught this time. 

After a few minutes she reached the new motel and went straight to their room, Andrew sent all the details of the new motel in advance.

She anxiously knocked on the door and was welcomed by Andrew cheerfully smiling at her, she immediately hugged him. Andrew closed the door and hugged her back, stroking her hair, he asked, "What happened dear?"

"I think I messed up big time" Sophia had tears in her eyes.

Andrew wiped the tears off her face and made her sit on the bed, he then offered a glass of water to her, she calmed down after drinking it.

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