The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 117 - You Got A Boner

[Warning: Mature Content Ahead]

Patrick went to the floor above and knocked on Emily's main door but she didn't open it, he knocked again but it was still the same, assuming she was trying to ignore him, Pat entered the password to her home and went inside.

He was surprised when he saw her home.

The living room was damn big and the house was decorated the way he likes it, the living room was filled with two white long couches with a tinge of turquoise textile to it.

There was a modern transparent glass coffee table in between the two couches, the flooring was wooden with a long white rug, the entire living room was decorated in white and turquoise with a wooden touch, it was almost the way they once discussed how their home should look like, seeing this his heart ached as he understood she was trying to find his presence by modelling her house the way he would want.

It really pained his heart to see how she was living all their dreams all alone.

He couldn't find her in the living room so after checking the kitchen he went to her bedroom but she was not there too, his sight then fell on a photo frame kept on the small table next to the bed, the photo frame was lying overturned, his legs automatically went over there and he picked up the frame. 

Just as he expected, it had a photo of Patrick and Emily, his hand was around her waist and they were smiling at the camera, this picture was clicked when he threw a surprise birthday party for her years back, it was also the night when they both lost their virginity to each other, it was the best night of their lives.

Suddenly the washroom door opened and Emily entered her room stark naked.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" she shouted when she saw Patrick standing near her bed, he too was looking at her in shock with his eyes wide open. 

She quickly grabbed the t-shirt lying on her bed and wore it to cover her body, the t-shirt was too small so it barely covered anything.

Emily always had the habit of leaving her clothes and towel on the bed and coming out of the bath naked and since she lives alone she never bothered to change her habits and right now she had no idea Patrick was in her house.

"What the fuck are you doing at my home? How did you enter and what is wrong with you now? Can't you leave the room or close your eyes?" she shouted at Patrick as he was still staring at her shamelessly.

Patrick who was in a daze seeing her alluring body came back to his senses, he placed the frame back on the table and casually asked, "Why are you hiding yourself? Is there any part of you that I have never seen before?" he didn't hear her previous question and just said what was on his mind.

"So? I should just walk around naked?" she again shouted at him, she was irritated with his attitude.

"Yes but only in front of me" Patrick stepped towards her.

"Patrick why... why are you… coming h… here just leave the room" she stammered nervously.

Patrick then bent down and Emily almost shouted but he then took a towel that was lying on the ground and handed it to her, "Cover yourself with it, that t-shirt is barely covering you" he smirked at her.

"If you are that concerned then instead of giving this towel to me you should just leave the room" Emily was furious now, she thought 'are you trying to act like a gentleman in front of me? I know how perverted you are' she wanted to say this but couldn't and only cursed him in her mind.

"When you know how perverted I am, why waste all these words in questioning me" Patrick whispered in her ears answering her thoughts. He can always see through her thoughts.

They were standing so close now that their bodies were touching each other and they were only separated by the t-shirt they were wearing, her t-shirt was too thin and he could feel her assets against him.

Suddenly Emily felt something hard pressing against her leg and even without looking at it she already knew what it was.

"You got a boner" Emily shyly whispered looking at Patrick.

"Are you informing me or asking me?" Patrick chuckled at her actions.

Seeing her in this state he forgot all their bad memories at that moment.

"Patrick please" she almost begged

"What?" his tone suddenly sounded seductive.

"Patrick get out right now or I won't be able to control myself" She desperately pleaded with him.

"Who asked you to?" 

She looked at him in shock and the next moment he pulled her towards him and claimed her lips.

Emily too broke her last bit of her constraint.

She hugged his neck and let go of the towel she was holding and sucked on his lips, kissing him passionately. 

Their bodies were sticking to each other, his hands went inside her t-shirt and was on her bare back, he was hugging her tightly not wanting her to move back and break this kiss, he roughly sucked her lips as if he was trying to swallow her up, Emily too responded to his kisses with equal passion.

They moved on to the bed, Patrick removed his t-shirt and so did Emily and they threw it on the floor, Emily was lying on Patrick and they broke the kiss only when they removed their t-shirts, then again they continued kissing each other.

Patrick parted her lips with his tongue and entered her mouth, their tongues were fighting for domination, Emily couldn't keep up with his speed and let him take the lead, Patrick explored every corner of her mouth, in one swift motion he rolled her over and got on top of her, then they parted away from the kiss as they were short of breath.

While Emily was still panting, Patrick kissed her cheeks and went down to attack her neck, he sucked on it and then taking a part of her skin between his teeth he bit on it, Emily moaned loudly.

"Did I hurt you?" Patrick got worried assuming he hurt her as he has a tendency to behave like an animal on bed and given his long years of celibacy he was more rough tonight. But he didn't want to hurt Emily no matter the reason.

"N… No, I am fi… fine" she informed him while panting.

Patrick again sucked on her neck but this time he was more gentle and lightly bit on her neck leaving a hickey on her skin, he continued doing so on the other side of her sensitive neck too.

"Pat you will leave marks, I might have to go for work tomorrow and others might see it "

"Yeah even better" he continued leaving more hickeys on her.

Emily chuckled at his actions, Patrick lifted her head to see her smiling, his heart started beating even faster, it has been a very long time since he saw Emily laugh so genuinely.

He caressed her cheek and looked deep into her eyes, he emotionally told her, "Always keep smiling like this Emily" 

"I will if you are always with me" she didn't know where she got this courage from, maybe their intimacy made her more bold, she thought.

Patrick didn't reply to her in words but he did so in his actions.

He slowly nibbled on her lips as if trying to savor the taste of her and when she slightly parted them he entered her mouth but this time he kissed her more gently, tasting every bit of her, he wanted to make up for the taste he missed all these years, he continued kissing her and his hands travelled to her round perky and soft breasts, they perfectly fit in his palm, he used to tease her that her breasts are only made for him.

He cupped her breast and kneaded them softly, she released a light moan and he then kneaded them more roughly and Emily moaned louder, "You still like it rough, don't you" he whispered in her ears and licked on her earlobe, Emily turned shy but then slowly nodded her head.

"But tonight let's mixup, it will be gentle and rough, okay?" Emily slightly nodded her head, at this moment she would agree to everything he would suggest.

He chuckled at her reaction and again moved back to her perky breasts, this time he cupped one of the mound in his hand and licked on it.

"Ahhh" Emily again moaned as she really liked his tongue on the sensitive part of her body.

He then sucked on her breast and the pink perky bead turned hard, he understood she was aroused and he tugged on it with his teeth slightly biting it.

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