The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 126 - Control Our Urges

"Ems I have something to discuss" Patrick tucked a strand of her hair behind the ear and ignored her suggestion.

"What is it?" Emily got worried as to what he will discuss now.

"Since we just recently started our relationship again I think we should control our urges and keep our hands off each other till our relationship becomes stable." This had been on his mind since morning and he finally got some alone time with her to discuss it and that was the reason he didn't go out and buy condoms, if he does that then he won't be able to control himself.

"Why?" she pouted at him.

"Because I don't want either of us to feel that we gave in to our physical urges and got together just to satisfy our desires." He patiently explained his point.

"How does that even matter?" 

"It matters Ems, for our future it does matter, we should work on stabilizing our relationship at an emotional level, which would be possible only if we don't give in to our physical needs."

"Pat I am honestly not able to understand your point."

"Okay, let me explain it in a better way, for example if we are discussing something that is awkward for us, then we might just jump on to each other and have sex, we might go for rounds and rounds of sex until we are too tired to talk and then we will fall asleep and we won't complete our discussion and we would avoid it altogether, which I don't want, we should rather face the awkwardness and try to get over it instead of ignoring it. Now you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, you don't want us to use our desires as an escapism from reality."

"On point" Patrick was relieved that she got his point.

"Done, I respect your opinion, so till what base should we get physical?"

"First base, we will only occasionally kiss each other, that's it, nothing more than that" 

"Okay done" 

Emily accepted his decision as it did make sense and she too doesn't want Patrick only to satisfy herself but she wants him as a whole.

Then they talked for some time before sleeping.

"Good night Ems"

"Good night Pat"

They slept.

Next Day Morning, Sunday

Morris' Mansion

Daniel felt something soft touch his face and he woke up but didn't open his eyes, he could feel soft fingers caressing his face, he understood Rachel is awake and she is enjoying herself, then he felt her thumb feeling his lips, "Want to taste them?" his sudden question startled her and he slowly opened his eyes to look at her surprised face, she looked embarrassed and he enjoyed seeing her like this.

"Sorry, I was just…" she didn't know how to explain her behaviour.

Rachel woke up around thirty minutes back but couldn't get off the bed as Daniel hugged her very tightly and she was worried he would wake up if she forcefully got out of his embrace.

So, she decided to enjoy the view in front of her and started observing his face, after some time subconsciously she started caressing his cheeks and was enjoying the touch of his skin on her fingers. He was peacefully sleeping so she became more courageous and started enjoying herself, when she saw his pink thin lips, she wanted to feel them but he is sleeping so she didn't want to peck him so instead she just ran her thumb across it but she got startled when he suddenly asked, "Want to taste them?" and he opened his eyes, she was so embarrassed that she stuttered, "Sorry, I was just…"

Daniel smiled at her reaction and kissed her on the cheek, "Enjoy me as much as you want, don't apologize. There are even better assets on me than my lips that you can touch and enjoy"

She got all red when she heard his words, "Shameless"

"Only for you" He grinned at her.

She got out of his arms, "Leave before anyone comes" she headed to the washroom to brush and wash her face.

"No one is going to come here"

"Still leave" she shouted from the washroom

"I have a better idea" Then he went and opened the washroom door which was unlocked and saw her washing her face.

There was sopa all over her face so she didn't ask him anything and got startled to see him standing behind her after she washed her face.

"Dan, don't startle me like this."

"Then how should I startle you?" He hugged her from behind.

"You should never startle me in any way."

"That's not fair." Daniel pouted at her.

She laughed seeing him pout from the mirror opposite to her, "What is not fair?"

"You startle me so many times yet I never complain."

She turned around to face him, she felt wrongly accused, "Excuse me when the hell did I startle you?" she looked angry.

"When you initiated our first kiss, then today morning when you were molesting me…"

"Hey how was that molesting?"

"You made improper sexual advance onto me." 

"By touching your face?"


"You should really work on your definition of molesting"

Daniel laughed and pecked her on the lips, "Get ready fast and meet me at the breakfast table."

"Okay and what was the better idea you earlier had?"

"Let's bath together" He winked at her.

"Get out" she shouted

Daniel laughed at her reaction and went to his room to freshen up, he was kidding and had no such intentions.

After he left, Rachel sadly muttered, "Fuck he was just kidding, for this relationship to move forward I always have to take the initiative I guess."

She too freshened up and wore her clothes that grandpa brought from their home.

She went downstairs and found everyone gathered at the dining table for breakfast.

Everyone was dressed casually except for Jimmy, who was well dressed and was eating his breakfast in a hurry.

Catherine shouted at him, "Jim eat slowly, why are you in a hurry?"

"Because it is already 9 am and I have to reach at sharp 10" he didn't realize he was supposed to lie.

"Where do you have to reach at sharp 10 on a sunday?" Catherine questioned him in surprise.

"Umm that…" Jimmy realized the blunder.

"He is going out with me and Rachel, we are going out to buy some decor for my new home and we have to reach the shopping complex by sharp 10." Daniel chimed in their conversation.

"Wait what?"

"Mom we three are going to shop for my house decor, and will have lunch outside and I'll go back to my home directly from there."

Catherine nodded her head and thought why is Jimmy third wheeling them but decided to not say anything as that might make Rachel feel uncomfortable, she then turned towards James and Michael, "Then uncle James and uncle Michael why don't you stay for lunch too, anyhow Rachel will reach home in the evening?"

They agreed but Rachel interrupted them and warned her grandpa, "Grandpa please come home by evening, from tomorrow I will be busy with a project so please don't be late." 

She turned towards Catherine and said "Thanks a lot aunty, I have enjoyed these two days here, time has passed so quickly that I didn't even realize it was already Sunday. Once again thanks a lot for hosting us."

Catherine smiled and replied "I am also feeling the same, two days passed away so quickly and we all got to spend so much time with each other. We all are always busy with our daily routine, I think we should all meet like this once a month"

Michael liked the idea and he declared, "Guys, I love Catherine's idea from next month onwards we will all spend two days like this. Next month let's meet at my place." He excitedly suggested.

Jimmy agreed "Yes grandpa, let's do that and I will help you in arranging things."

Daniel and Rachel too promised to help him plan it out.

Michael got very excited with the thought of them spending more time again.

His friends understood his emotions and everyone agreed to meet again at Michael's house next month.

Anthony then asked Daniel to meet him before leaving and promised it would take only fifteen minutes and he agreed.

After eating breakfast, Jimmy said he had to be at the shopping complex by 10 am so he would leave first and asked Daniel and Rachel to come together.

Catherine wondered why he has to reach by 10 am sharp but then thought it must be related to some discount offer as Jimmy loves such offers and discounts. When he was young he used to order pizzas only on Fridays as there was a heavy discount that day. 

Catherine smiled to herself and helplessly shook her head thinking her grown up son is still so childish and his habits didn't change.

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