The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 137 - The Best Cook

"Of course he knows how to cook, Harry is rather the best cook in our circle, but he only cooks for me." Catherine proudly informed Daniel.

"Why?" Daniel couldn't believe he missed out on such amazing food his entire life.

"Yeah I never told you guys because I was worried you guys would make me cook for you all every weekend." Harry knew how foodies his sons were and he wanted to reserve his amazing skills only for his wife, also the other reason why he rarely cooks is because cooking was something that reminded him of his late friend Will.

The two men used to cook a lot and host barbecues and many private gatherings together but only for their families. 

Catherine is a bad cook but Liz was a good cook, yet Will never allowed her to cook for them and he used to take the lead whenever they made something.

There were many memories associated with cooking for Harry and all those memories were of Will, so after their deaths he stopped cooking, he only cooks rarely and that too only when Catherine used to request for a few dishes as she used to miss her husband's cooking.

"It is so unfair that I never tasted this amazing food." Daniel complained as he felt wronged for missing something like this his whole life.

"Actually you did taste my food, when you guys were very young, we hosted a lot of weekend private parties, at that time Harry was the one who cooked food for all of us." Catherine informed him.

"Oh, then why did you stop?" Daniel questioned his father.

"Because I was not interested in letting you and Jimmy have amazing food cooked by me, so I only reserved it for my wife." Harry lied as he was not comfortable mentioning Will and spoiling everyone's mood early in the morning and it was a very emotional topic for him.

Two days back only because Rachel was here, he was ready to talk about Will and Liz but if she is not here then he too was not willing to discuss them.

Catherine understood the real reason and held his hand under the table trying to comfort him.

"If that's the case, why are you letting me taste your amazing food today?" Daniel was irritated with the fact that he missed on such amazing food for most of his life.

"Because I didn't estimate the quantity correctly and made more food than necessary."

It was true Harry was poor with estimation and Catherine used to guide him, although she is not a good cook, she knows the estimations but since he was surprising her, he messed up and cooked more.

"Wow" Daniel sarcastically commented as he couldn't believe that was the reason he got a chance to have an amazing breakfast.

Just then Jimmy came downstairs, he was in a rush, he too was dressed up in a suit and was about to leave for work when Catherine loudly called his name and he halted in his steps.

"Yeah mom?"

"Have breakfast and go."

"I have no time mom." Jimmy was planning to skip on the breakfast.

"Jim one bite please and I promise we won't ask you to have the entire breakfast." Daniel promised him and extended a piece of bacon on his spoon towards Jimmy.

Jimmy sighed in annoyance but decided to have just a bite and leave quickly as that would be quicker than arguing with his brother.

"Only one bite?" He again repeated to confirm.

"Yeah only one bite" Daniel again showed him the spoon and Jimmy came towards him and took the bite, as soon as he ate it his eyes widened in surprise.

"Man, this is so yummy." He almost shouted loudly.

"Yeah, now you can leave as you already had one bite." Daniel continued eating his breakfast.

"Fuck work, fuck everything, I need to eat this more." Jimmy threw away the suit jacket he was holding in one hand on the empty chair and served food for himself.

"Jim, language" Harry warned him which he ignored and served food for himself.

He too couldn't help it but praise the food after having more bites.

Then Daniel informed him who cooked this food and Jimmy looked at his father in surprise as just like Daniel he too couldn't believe his dad was an amazing cook as he was never aware of it.

Then Daniel told him the reason why his father never cooks for them and the reason annoyed Jimmy.

"Dad, this is unfair that only mom gets to have this amazing food."

"How is that unfair?" Catherine was worried if because of her idiot sons her husband would again stop cooking food for her too.

In the past it took her lot of convincing to make him cook for her again. He didn't cook for at least five years after Will's death.

She was missing his cooking and then she convinced him to at least cook for her but he does that too very rarely and now because of her sons there is a good chance that he might never cook again for her.

"Why should you alone enjoy this amazing food?" Jimmy questioned his mother.

"Because I am his wife."

"Mom, our relationship with dad is closer than yours." Jimmy argued back with her.

"How is that please explain?" Catherine was confused as to how they were closer to Harry than her, she knew him from her childhood.

"50% of me and Daniel are made of dad but whereas 0% of you matches with dad so biologically speaking we are closer to dad."

Daniel loudly laughed with Jimmy's logic, even Harry couldn't help but smile listening to his son's logic and Catherine was speechless as she had no point to argue with this, going by Jimmy's logic Harry is indeed closer to her sons than he is closer to her.

"Harry" Catherine looked like she was about to cry.

"Jimmy apologize to your mom" Harry stopped smiling and ordered Jim.

"What kind of a logic is that?"

"It is called blind love logic." Daniel explained to Jim.

"This is ridiculous."

"Yeah, when you fall in love with someone, then you will understand." Harry taunted his younger son.

"Oh please, even if I fall in love, I won't be as illogical as you." Jimmy taunted his father instead.

"Yeah let us see." Harry challenged him.

"Yeah yeah let us see" Jimmy accepted his challenge.

After breakfast, Daniel headed to hospital and Jimmy to his office.


Patrick and Emily

Emily could hear light noises so she slowly opened her eyes only to find Patrick dressing up.

"You already got ready" She was surprised to see him looking fresh and already dressed up in his uniform so early in the morning.

Last night the two decided to head over to Patrick's house to collect his uniforms and then after having dinner at a nice restaurant they came back to Emily's house.

Patrick walked towards her, she was looking half awake and half sleepy, her hair was messed up but she still looked very pretty. 

Patrick kissed her on the cheek and greeted her, "Good Morning."

"Morning" she sleepily answered him, she then checked the time and widened her eyes in surprise, it was just 7 am.

"What the fuck, why would you get ready so early."

"What do you think cops do?" He sarcastically asked her.

"Yeah but still"

"Actually I am planning to visit the forensics team, there is a problem there."

"Why what happened?" She was now completely awake.

"Remember the fingerprints that they found of the guy who died?" 

"Of course I do, I was planning to visit the forensics today too for that case."

"Yeah so apparently that guy's fingerprints are not matching with anyone in the database. We ran it in databases to identify the victim but we couldn't so I wanted to check with forensics if there was any mistake from their end, you know just to be sure."

"Oh, you do realize what it means right?"

"Yes, our victim too probably is a criminal or from some other country."

"Yeah, if he is from some other country it would be very difficult to identify him. Did you run his fingerprints in the criminal database you have?"

"It will happen today, meanwhile I also needed to find any more evidence they found on the clothes and that magazine article."

"Oh, when will you be leaving?"

"In half an hour."

"Oh okay, I'll get ready and we can go together."


Patrick then went to prepare breakfast and Emily went to get ready.

After half an hour they left to meet the forensics team who work for 24*7 in shifts.

Emily messaged Matthew to go alone to the hospital and she will meet him there.

After they reached the forensics team and discussed whatever they wanted to about the victim and asked them if they could get any more evidence but they too said they can't.

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