The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 151 - Two Close Friends

"No Sam you are not at fault, you did what you felt was right. It is not your fault if Jessica's secretary turned out to be an unethical assistant. Rather I am feeling bad for Jessica" Rachel informed him.

"I agree" Sam too nodded his head in agreement.

"Did you?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes I already did" He then showed her the pen that was in his pocket, it had a camera on it and one could use it as a video recorder.

Rachel and Sam always carried such stuff for important meetings in case they came across people like June.

When June said she would share some information with them, at that point Sam started recording everything, so from there on whatever June told them was clearly recorded.

June's face too was captured as it was a video recording and not voice.

"Should we send it to Jessica?" Sam asked for Rachel's permission before they forward it.

"No, sending it so abruptly would be weird, imagine the shock she might receive. If someone would someday tell me you are playing games and making such deals behind my back then I will feel cheated and would be broken and I am sure Jessica too will feel that way"

"Wow Rachel, do I mean so much to you?" Sam asked her grinning from one ear to another.

Rachel rolled her eyes at him, "When we started working, you were so professional, why did you turn so cheeky later?"

"Because we are best friends"

"Oh my goodness, you seriously think we are best friends?"


"That is really sad and weird, both at the same time"

"Stop making fun of me"

"Then stop talking like that"

"Fine, but what should we do about this video?"

"We will give it to Jessica for sure but need to find a subtle way of revealing this information."

Sam just nodded his head.

"Since we have more than an hour before we meet Jessica for dinner, I'll think of something."

"Okay also Rachel, Milan is damn beautiful. I am planning to go on a sightseeing tour, and want to visit a few places. Would you like to join me?"

"No Sam, I'll just go to the hotel now."

"Sure, I'll leave after dropping you at the hotel"

"No need"

"Please Rachel, or else your grandpa will kill me. Last night he called me and warned me I should protect you with my life." Sam laughed recollecting James' words.

"Oh goodness, my grandpa doesn't leave a chance to embarrass me."

"Don't worry, it is better to be safe now than regret later." They discussed while heading towards the car.

"Then why would you ask me on a tour?"

"Just as a formality" He again smiled cheekily.

"Weirdo" Rachel laughed.

Then the two went to the hotel which was very near and after ensuring Rachel safely reached her room, Sam went on a city tour and some shopping.

Rachel went back to her hotel room and decided to distract herself by what just happened, she decided to talk to Daniel as no matter how her mood is she feels better after talking to him. 

She called him but he didn't answer her phone, she got worried so she called him again and this time he cut her call and sent her a message.

'In a meeting right now, will be busy today, will call you tomorrow.'

Rachel got sad that he is busy but then she realized he is a doctor and his main job is to save lives.

She wondered what he would look like while performing a surgery, she blushed thinking of him, she was really missing him even more, she didn't think she would behave like this some day.

After some time Rachel decided to bath and get ready for dinner with Jessica.

Just before the decided time Rachel reached downstairs as they decided to have dinner there itself.

Sam was already at the reception, he came here after his touring and his shopping bags were not there so Rachel understood he arrived earlier and placed the bags in his room.

"Is it ready?" Rachel asked Sam as soon as she met him.

"Yes it is" He then handed her a microchip which Rachel safely kept in her purse.

The butler there directed them to the table June, Jessica's secretary booked for them.

Jessica and June too arrived there on time.

Rachel normally greeted the two women and didn't let her earlier conversation with June affect her current behavior, although she didn't like what June did, she decided to handle this situation maturely. It was a very sensitive situation, if she suddenly walks up to Jessica and tells her everything, it would look immature and ridiculous, so she decided to handle it carefully.

The four then settled at the table which was booked in advance, they all had a very formal conversation. 

"When are you guys planning to leave?" Jessica asked Rachel and Sam.

"Early morning tomorrow"

"So soon?" Jessica looked surprised.

"Yes, there is a lot of work, so I need to go back as soon as possible."

"Did you guys at least tour around? Milan is a beautiful city."

"Yeah, I did" Sam answered her cheerfully and added, "It is indeed the most beautiful city, I really enjoyed it."

"Glad you did" Jessiac then turned to face Rachel, "Why did you not tour around Ms. Richardson?"

"I was really tired but whenever I'll visit Milan next time, I will ensure to stay here for more days." Rachel did not want to tell Jessica about her life being in danger as she herself didn't know how serious the situation is, she didn't tour around because she promised her grandpa to be careful.

"Yes, please do so. If I am free I would love to show you around." Jessica offered.

Rachel was surprised as she didn't expect Jessica to be friendly with her, she wondered if Daniel mentioned anything about them to Jessica as last night he was on a call with her. She had an urge to ask Jessica but it was not appropriate to talk about Daniel as Jessica might think she is using Daniel to get the contract. 

"Thank you for this offer Ms. Carlson, I am honored" 

"The pleasure is all mine."

Rachel smiled at her, "If you ever visit London, then you can let me know, I would love to tour you around my city too." Rachel offered her services as a formality.

"Thank you so much but I have two close friends staying in London, but still I would definitely come to meet you for sure whenever I'll visit your city."

Rachel understood she was talking about Jimmy and Daniel but she didn't mention them as it was not necessary.

"Sure Ms. Carlson, even if you decide to not go with our proposal still please feel free to meet me when you visit, I would love to spend more time with Ms. Carlson."

"Why so?" Jessica intentionally dropped the hint and indirectly mentioned Daniel but Rachel casually ignored it, intriguing her even more.

"I realized I am still lacking in a lot of ways in handling business and there is a lot to learn for me, so I would love to spend more time with Ms. Carlson and learn more from you."

Rachel genuinely wanted to learn a lot from her, today after interacting with her she was very impressed and realized she still has a lot to learn.

If it was someone else who said these words to Jessica then she would have thought that person is ass licking to impress her but she can see the sincerity in Rachel's eyes and understood she really meant it.  

"Did Ms. Richardson always intended to be a business woman?"

"Yes, my grandpa needed a hand to handle our business, he was all alone managing it, when I was young I decided I should lend a hand to my grandpa in handling our business so yes I always intended to be a part of the business world."

"You don't enjoy it?"

"Luckily I do, if I wouldn't have enjoyed it then I would not have survived for more than two years."

"True that" 

After dinner, Rachel and Jessica again shook hands and bid adieu to each other, Jessica was about to leave with June when Rachel requested Jessica to have a word with her.

"Sure" Jessica obliged and Rachel took her to the lawn area of the hotel.

"May I know what happened Ms. Richardson?"

"Would Ms. Carlson mind taking a small walk with me?"

"Sure, why not"

"Ms. Carlson earlier today you told me how ethics and integrity are the most important qualities that matter to you."

"Hmm yes"

"And you are so smart too."

"Thank you Ms. Richardson"

"Earlier it was you who set up June, your secretary, to bribe us in exchange of winning the project and you sent her to me to check my integrity, am I right?"

"I am not sure what Ms. Richardson is talking about."

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