The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 170 - Until I Met You

It was night time and the two men requested the resort people to arrange some barbecue for them as they wanted to cook food by themselves.

Liz asked them why they would bother to cook and Will told her how much he and Harry enjoyed cooking.

So, that night the two men cooked food for them which Catherine and Liz enjoyed a lot, Liz offered to help them but Will asked her to rest and let them handle it.

The food cooked by Harry and Will was really amazing.

Later Harry and Catherine wanted to spend some time alone, so they went to Harry and Will's room leaving Liz and Will alone.

Liz felt a bit awkward but she understood their situation as Catherine was living in another city and she got this long weekend break and it was obvious for her wanting to spend some alone time with her boyfriend.

"Should we take a walk around?" Will requested as he could sense her discomfort.

Liz rather wanted to go to her room and rest but she then remembered what Harry told her in the morning and therefore she agreed to take a walk with him.

Then they first time had a proper conversation with each other and they realized they shared some common hobbies and discussed their favorite authors.

Liz was surprised to know Will was not as arrogant as she assumed him to be.

Then she shared with him why she has always been cold to him as the first time they met he was very rude to her.

Will realized what it was about him that Liz disliked so much and although he didn't remember that day, he knows how he is and it was highly plausible that he reacted the way Liz described.

"I am really sorry Liz, I didn't mean to be rude, it is just that when any woman approached me, I always felt like she was there only to hit on me."

"Wow, you are so full of yourself." Liz taunted him.

"Actually, in the past there were really many women who tried to get closer to me and even more after Catherine and Harry started dating as initially some women assumed me and Catherine were a thing. Our society is like that, they want to trap a young rich man…"

"Not all women are like that" Liz didn't like what he was saying.

"Of course they are not but I never came across any woman like that until I met you."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" She sarcastically asked him.

"Well, you may." Will laughed, seeing her angry.

Liz didn't say anything so Will added, "And that is why I fell in love with you"

Liz suddenly stopped in her footsteps and turned to face Will, she was surprised when she heard his words, all this while she thought he was having fun teasing her and didn't know he was in love with her but then she again thought he is just saying it to have some temporary fun as she again remembered Harry's words.

"I know your condition Will and maybe that's why you think you love me but I am sure you don't love me and it is all happening because of your condition."

Will: "..."

Will was confused with her words; he wondered what condition of his is she talking about.

"Umm Liz, what condition?"

"Harry told me everything so you don't need to hide anything from me."

Will was confused and didn't know how to handle this situation, he understood Harry came up with some lie to handle Liz and now if he says anything wrong and Liz realizes Harry lied then it would be a huge screw up, so he decided to keep quiet.

Seeing Will silent she understood he was upset as she knew about his condition, so she hugged him to make him feel better.

Will didn't expect her to suddenly hug him and he was startled but he was also very happy, he wondered if he should hug her back or not, he was worried he would scare her.

"Don't worry Will, everything will be alright." She patted his back to console him.

Will thanked Harry in his heart as it was happening because of him, he lightly hugged Liz and decided to act along, "I am not sure Liz if everything will really be alright" He wanted more sympathy from her so he continued with Harry's lie.

"No Will, you will be fine, I am sure you will make it through."

Will was confused and wondered what he would make it through.

He cursed Harry as he didn't give him the complete information.

"I don't think I can." Will continued because he understood if he kept denying then Liz would continue to hug him like this.

"Will don't be so negative, it would only affect your condition, stay positive, I am sure there will be a cure for it"

"Cure?" Will asked in reflex.

"Yes, I am sure there will be a cure to your cancer"

Liz moved back from the hug and looked into his eyes.


"Yeah, Harry told me you have lung cancer because you smoke a lot and you are worried these are your last few days on earth and that is the reason you guys are going on this holiday as you are not sure when again you all will get time to spend with each other." Then she took a pause and continued, "Maybe this is why you think you love me as you have very less time left on earth and when you came across me maybe you were trying to find love before you…"

Liz got emotional as Will might die soon.

"Oh god, look Liz I am very happy that you are again talking to me and you are being this nice but I don't like this kind of misunderstanding, I don't have cancer and Harry lied to you so that you would calm down in the morning." 

"Wait what?" Liz couldn't believe it.

"I am sorry Liz, I also apologize on behalf of Harry, he is a nice person and maybe he thought this is the only way to calm you down as you were very angry earlier."

Liz didn't say anything, she was angry now but the fact that Will told her the truth immediately without taking advantage of the misunderstanding, calmed her down.

"It's okay I forgive you, it was not your fault." She coldly replied as she was still upset.

"Liz please don't be this angry, I already apologized for my behavior can't you give me a chance to show you the real me?"

Liz was kind of moved by his frankness so she said, "Fine, I'll try to forget what all happened in the past and let us begin a new friendship from now."


"That is the only thing I can offer, I am not looking for romantic relationships." Liz frankly informed Will and he thought for the time being even it is fine to be her friend, so he agreed to it and the two decided to not confront Harry about his lie and to hide the fact that Liz already knew the truth. 

The next days they spent in Canterbury, Will and Liz grew closer as they spent more quality time, she also enjoyed Harry's company.

Before they left for London, Harry approached her again as she was standing near the car as they were about to leave soon.

"Liz thank you so much for giving Will a chance" Harry honestly thanked her, he was still unaware that she knew the truth and he assumed the good time she spent with Will was because of his lie. 

"How can I not, he is going to die soon, right?" Liz too acted along as she wanted to see what Harry would do.

"Yeah, Liz, the cancer is only spreading in his body but I just got a call from our family doctor that they already found a cure to his disease."

"Oh already?" Liz pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, so Will is going to survive."

"Wow that is great but I didn't know that a cure for cancer is found so soon."

Harry hesitated what to say, "Yeah but now it is found, Will would make it alive"

"Is that so?"

"Yes" Harry confidently nodded his head.

"But I read a news article today which says there is still no cure for lung cancer." Liz too lied to tease Harry.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you want to see the article?" She confidently asked him.

Harry got tense, "No need I believe you" He then took a deep breath and confessed, "I am sorry Liz, I actually lied earlier, Will has no cancer, I just wanted you to spend some time with him as you are the first woman he ever liked. It was somewhere because of Will that I am with Catherine so I too wanted to do something for him and I came up with this lie. He has no idea about it and I did not tell him what I did so please don't be upset with him and please blame me for this lie, my friend genuinely likes you. If possible please give him a chance."

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