The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 175 - A Huge Mistake

Rachel and Daniel were shocked to hear it as it came out of nowhere.

Then they asked Jimmy to give them more details so he told them what happened. 


Megan was busy with the play these days. Early morning she goes to work at the university and directly from there she goes to the theater for rehearsals and once she is done, she drives for one hour to reach her home. By the time she reaches, she is exhausted and she immediately sleeps and this was her routine since the rehearsals started.

Earlier today after she was done with her work, she read Amanda's message that there were no rehearsals for the day and also the next day. 

Megan sighed in relief as she finally got some break and she decided to cook some good food for Ronals as she didn't spend any time with him for the past few days and they only fought whenever they interacted so she decided to do something for him and surprise him with his favourite food.

She reached her home early and when she entered the house and opened the door, she saw the living room was messy and some clothes were lying on the floor, she walked in confused and she could hear some noise coming from the bedroom. She heard moans and groans coming from the room, she assumed Ronald's friend brought his girlfriend to have sex as few days back they had an arguemnt over this because Ronald was lending their apartment to his friends to have fun, she warned him not to do so but it seems like he again lent their home to some couple as he was not aware she is coming home early today, she cursed Ronald for giving their house keys to his friends.

She decided to leave and call Ronald, no matter how much she tries to put an effort to mend their relationship, his actions always piss her off.

She then turned around planning to leave when she heard a female voice, Megan stopped in her tracks in shock when she heard her words, "Ronald go slow… ahh… slow… you are being…. Too rough..."

Megan couldn't believe what she heard, she thought she heard Ronald's name but then she wondered if she really heard it or it was a mistake so she reflexively went towards her bedroom door which was shut but she could see that the door was not locked from inside.

Then she heard Ronald's voice from the other side, "You are looking so sexy right now that I can't go slow with you, I need to have you roughly"

Megan angrily pushed the bedroom door open and was shocked to see Ronald with another woman lying naked on the bed.

Although she expected it, when she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Seeing her Ronald and the woman he was having sex with were startled and the woman quickly covered her naked body with the bed sheet and Ronald stood up and dressed himself, he couldn't believe that Megan was in the room and was shocked as she was supposed to be in the rehearsals right now. 

Seeing their state Megan walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, she was crying and couldn't believe what she just saw but she needed an explanation so she waited for Ronald to dress up and come.

After dressing up Ronald followed Megan to the living room and tried to come up with an explanation.

As soon as she saw him, she shouted at him "You shameless bastard, now I understood that you were never serious about our relationship and I kept on thinking that I am the one not putting any efforts into managing our relationship and was blaming myself all the time. Since how many days have you been cheating on me?" She said everything she had to say between her sobs.

Ronald went towards her and tried to put his hands on her shoulders to console her but she quickly stepped back, she shouted loudly "Don't you dare touch me."

"Let me explain." Ronald begged her.

"Of course you will explain yourself, you better do" 

"You have been busy all these days with your rehearsals…"

"So, you will cheat on me?" She interrupted him as she couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Please let me finish" He begged her so she kept quiet and decided to let him speak.

"For the last few days you were busy with your rehearsals, even during the weekend, you were not spending time with me at all and whenever you do we only fight, it has been over ten days that we had sex and also since you landed a role in Amanda's play, you have been very arrogant with me. I was feeling lonely so I slept with her" 

"Are you done or you have anything else left to say?" Megan questioned him in anger before bursting out.

"Megan, I am sorry, I'll never do this again." Ronald begged her, as he couldn't afford losing her.

"First of all, no reason can justify cheating and second of all the reason you stated is so ridiculous it doesn't even make sense, I was never arrogant towards you after landing this role, I always tried to make you feel better, I tried my best to work on this relationship and you…"

Just then she remembered something and her eyes widened in shock, "Last time the earrings I found were not your friend's girlfriend, it was of some woman you brought home, right?"

Ronald didn't say anything and looked down and she got her answer.

"Fuck, I am so dumb, like literally so dumb to believe what you said. Moving in with you was a big mistake" Megan helplessly shook her head.

Megan then went inside the bedroom, she saw the girl who was embarrassingly sitting on the bed still wrapped in the bedsheet, that girl's clothes were lying in the living room and they were torn off, Megan understood she was feeling uncomfortable but had no choice but to sit here as she had no clothes. 

Megan packed her clothes and her belongings and she threw one of her dresses at the girl and asked her to use it.

The girl felt even more guilty, "Thank you for this dress." 

Megan ignored her and was about to step out when the girl again spoke, "I am really sorry" Megan could see that girl was really feeling bad for what happened here, "It is not your fault" saying this Megan came out with her luggage.

She did not have much of the stuff with her so she was able to pack quickly. She then called the owner of this apartment and informed him that she is vacating the house and clarified to him that she is not liable for anything else as she is leaving, she had paid her house rent in advance so the owner told her he would send the balance to her. She again clarified that she is leaving and has nothing to do with Ronald and he is not her responsibility anymore.

Ronald wanted to stop her but he knew he messed it up big time and he lost her forever, she would never forgive him.

Megan left in her car after loading her luggage in the car trunk, on the way she wondered where to go. 

Then she thought of something and called someone. 

After a few rings, the person she called answered the phone, it was the dean of her college who is also a close friend of her parents.

"Hi sir, is the dormitory room I used to live in still available?"

"Yes dear as we didn't hire anyone in the last month that room is still empty, just like the way you left."

"Sir, I would like to move back in there right now, is that possible?"

"Absolutely, I'll call the manager in charge of it and she will allot it back to you and will let you in."

"Thank you so much."

"No worries dear and are you alright? You don't sound very good."

"Yeah, I am fine, just suffering from a cold." Megan lied.

"Oh okay, take care and if you need anything else, let me know."

"Thank you sir"

"What sir? After college hours you can call me uncle, don't forget I have known you since you were a child."

Megan smiled between her sobs, "That is why I called you first when I needed help."


She used to live in this dormitory before moving in with Ronald, this place was in the main city of London and was near to the theater. The accommodation was free as it was the university dormitory and she is the assistant professor there. 

After reaching the university, things were smooth as the dean already informed the manager in charge of the dormitory about Megan shifting back so all arrangements were done by the time she reached, she was given the room keys and she settled in the room. 

After coming here she felt slightly better but she was still very angry not just with Ronald but with herself too as she made a huge mistake by trusting him.

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