The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 190 - Lisa Is My Sister

"By the way, I invited an intern of mine, hope that is not awkward" Daniel informed Matt and Emily as they are in senior positions and he invited someone from work who works under him.

"Oh, not a problem, who is this intern?" Matt asked him.

"Lisa" Daniel informed him.

"Oh, that's cool we all know Lisa" Matt informed him.

"Oh goodness, do you all know everybody?" Daniel laughed, not able to believe all of this.

"Lisa is my sister, so she used to hang out with us sometimes" Emily informed Daniel.

"Wait, sister as in cousin or…"

"Biological" Emily answered him before he could ask.

"Wow, I had no idea" Daniel honestly told her as he and Lisa used to only converse at a professional level and she never mentioned Emily being her sister to Daniel in spite of knowing they are friends as Daniel mostly has lunch with Emily and Matt. Even Emily never mentioned this to him.

"Yeah, I know she is interning under you that's why I intentionally didn't mention, Lisa won't like it, if you give her any special treatment only because she is my sister then she would hate it and even if you would treat her normally she will still think it is because I am her sister" Emily explained why she intentionally hid it from Daniel.

"Wow, I had no idea Lisa works under you" Rachel too exclaimed in surprise addressing Daniel.

"Hmm, it seems you two never discuss work with each other" Matt concluded.

"Yeah, we have other things to talk about" Daniel subtly teased Rachel in front of her friends and she glared at him in anger.

"Oh what are these other things you two talk about?" Matt teased them.

"That's none of your business" Rachel chimed in and angrily scowled at Matthew warning him to keep quiet.

Everyone tried to control their smiles as Rachel was clearly embarrassed. 

For a moment Daniel pondered about something seriously and then he decided to just go with it.

"Emily since Lisa is your sister and you all know her well, I need to tell you something important" Daniel turned serious and Emily got worried seeing him like this.

"What happened Dan?" 

"I am not sure what is up with her these days but she is always lost and kind of seems depressed. Today, while I was leaving from work I saw her mindlessly walking in the parking lot and she tripped. I helped her and could see she was crying, I tried asking her what happened but obviously she chose not to answer me and I didn't insist but I was worried about her being alone so I invited her to the party and very strictly told her she has to be here. She couldn't say no to me so she agreed. I invited her in the hopes that she would feel better among people and honestly I was not sure what else I could do for her so I just invited her over. But luckily she knows you all so now I am glad I did the right thing but whenever possible you should talk to her, she doesn't seem well." 

Everyone in the room got worried when they heard Daniel's words, especially Matt and Emily, Lisa was Emily's sister so they all were close to her and treated her well. It was heart wrenching for them to know she was suffering from something and was acting like this.

Emily was the most affected as she ignored Lisa all these years assuming she is doing well for herself and never bothered to spend time with her the way she used to in the past.

The breakup after Patrick affected Emily so much that she stopped bothering about others and now she regretted her actions.

"Thank you for informing me about it Daniel, I will definitely check with her" Emily sincerely thanked him for informing her or else she would have never found out about Lisa's situation as Lisa is someone who prefers keeping everything to herself.

Kate held Emily's hand, "Bro don't worry, we are all here for her"

Emily smiled and felt better to have them all around.

Jessica came out of the room and joined them all, "Hey guys" she greeted them again and avoided angry Daniel who was glaring at her.

Daniel decided to let these kids off and was about to introduce Jessica when she interrupted him, "Rachel already introduced us"

"Great, how was your day?" Daniel asked her as he too was meeting Jessica just now that day.

"It was awesome, Jimmy was so good in that play, I cried. I cried so hard, I never cried like that before" She then turned to the other four guests, "Jimmy is an actor and he is doing this play by Amanda, guys you should all totally watch it, this play is mind blowing" She promoted Jimmy's play.

"Wait Amanda as in Amanda Jones?" Kate asked Jessica in excitement.

"Yes, her"

"Oh my god, I love the movies she directed, fuck our Jimmy is doing a play under her, I didn't know my brother is this popular" Kate was jumping in excitement.

"Kate, no one at home knows about it, so I will appreciate it if you keep this information to yourself" Daniel gave her a heads-up.

"What? Why?"

"Long Story" Daniel just said this much and didn't prolong deep into it.

"Cool, I'll keep it to myself," Kate promised him.

"Now I understand how Rachel was able to get pictures clicked with Jack Nolan, Amanda Jones and Diana" Emily realized now what happened.

"Woah, Jack Nolan. You met Jack Nolan?" Jessica excitedly asked Rachel.

"Yeah, I went to Jimmy's play last week" 

"Fuck, you are so lucky" Jessica pouted, "I wish I came here last week"

Everyone got sad that they didn't get an opportunity to meet these legendary people.

"Jack and Amanda are coming to the party tonight" Daniel informed everyone as he could see how sad they all suddenly turned.

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