The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 199 - Savvy Businessman

"Yeah, that whole grocery chain too belongs to him from where he bought stuff" Jessica explained.

"What was his reaction when he met you?" Lisa curiously asked.

"He kept smiling at me, he was the one who approached me first and asked me if I recognized him, I did but I lied that I have no idea who he is then he showed me the pictures Daniel clicked of us and he told me what I did. I was so embarrassed" Jessica hid her head on Jimmy's shoulder and fake cried.

"Wait, why does he have those pictures?" Nick was the one who asked.

"I clicked a few pics on his phone too as he requested it, he wanted to remember this funny incident, he looked like a decent guy so I didn't reject ." Daniel explained.

"Fuck you Danny" Jessica snapped at him and Daniel laughed, "I had no idea you again met him"

"Yeah, then I apologized to him and requested him to forget this incident and he agreed. After that I didn't meet him again" Jessica explained.

"You are really weird" Kate made fun of her and Jessica pouted at Jimmy who patted her on the head to pacify her.

Rachel couldn't believe the cold woman she met a few days ago and the kid sitting in front of her are the same people.

"It was an interesting story, I can create a love story out of it, right Jack?" Amanada asked him.

"Yeah, if Jessica and that guy give you the rights then you can, why not" Jack encouraged her. 

"Oh god, please no, I am not giving you any rights" Jessica quickly denied and Amanda sadly pouted.

"Amanda, I'll convince her to give you the rights, but you need to cast me in a role in that film, any role is fine as long as my total screen time is fifteen minutes." Jimmy started negotiating with Amanda.

"What a savvy businessman" Matt commented.

"Yeah, learnt it from Rachel" Jimmy answered and he looked at Amanda, "So, Amanda, deal?" Jimmy extended his hand towards Amanda asking her if she is onboard with this idea or not.

Amanda thought for a while and looked at Jack, who was smiling, she understood what he meant and she shook hands with Jimmy, sealing a deal.

"What the fuck" Jessica didn't think Amanda would agree with Jimmy's weird deal.

Jimmy looked at Jessica like a predator and laughed evilly.

"Jim, I love you but this is not happening" Jessica informed him.

"We will see" Jimmy confidently smiled and drank his beer.

"Okay, now it is Matt's turn" Kate announced.

"Never have I ever fallen in love" Matt informed everyone, his friends were not surprised but others were.

"Seriously?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, you did?" Matt asked her back.

"No dude, but I also didn't hook-up with multiple people like you" Jessica retorted back.

"Hey, hooking up and falling in love are exclusive" Jimmy answered her.

"You too never fell in love?" Nick asked him and Jim shook his head saying no.

Then, Daniel, Rachel, Emily, Lisa, Patrick, Nick, Kate, Amanda and Jack took a sip of their beer. Jessica and Jimmy didn't.

"Who did you fall in love with?" Amanda asked Lisa as she was curious to know about her.

"A friend, but it was one-sided, it failed" Lisa answered on point and didn't delve deeper into it.

Rachel, Emily, Patrick, Kate, Nick and Matt knew who she was talking about as they all knew about it since their high-school.

"Is she still in touch with that useless Steve?" Rachel asked Emily in a whisper.

Emily nodded her head and whispered back to her, "Steve and Lisa are the two interns working under Daniel"

"What the fuck" Rachel exclaimed in surprise, Emily then signalled she will tell other details later and Rachel kept quiet.

"Come on Patrick, it is your turn, but I think Patrick did everything in his life" Kate made fun of him.

"Oh no, I didn't, so Never have I ever visited a strip club" Patrick told everyone.

Daniel, Matt, Nick, Kate, Jessica, Jimmy, Amanda and Jack took a sip.

Rachel, Emily, Lisa didn't.

"Wow, so you visited a strip club?" Rachel surprisingly looked at Daniel.

"Yeah and he even paid for a lap dance" Jimmy added.

"What?" Rachel excitedly looked at Daniel, "You really did?" She started teasing him.

"Yes yes he did" Jessica supported Jimmy's lie.

"Wow Daniel, I am impressed" Rachel smiled brightly at him as she got something to tease him forever.

Daniel angrily glared at Jimmy and Jessica then he looked at Rachel who was smiling brightly, seeing her, his anger reduced and his expressions became gentle, "Are you that happy about it?" Daniel chuckled at her.

"Of course, I got something to tease this perfect Daniel Morris" She happily exclaimed.

"Well then I am sorry to disappoint you, they are obviously lying" Daniel told her.

"No they are not" Rachel looked at the two culprits who were silently laughing.

"What Rachel? We thought you will get upset and will throw a tantrum, but you are super chill about it, what the fuck" Jessica complained in disappointment.

"True Rach, what is this behavior?" Jimmy too scolded her but in a friendly way.

"So, was that true or not?" Rachel was confused.

"Obviously not, we three went to a strip club once but we just had fun looking at them and did nothing else, it was Jessica who had the most fun drooling over hot men" Jimmy told her the truth.

"Yeah man, those guys were super hot, like so hot, I wanted to bring one home" Jessica recollected those hot men and looked happy.

"That is illegal." Daniel teased her and Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Baby, it is your turn now" Kate reminded Nick as he is next.

"Okay, so, Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher / professor" 

Rachel laughed and looked at Daniel.

Daniel, Matt, Jimmy and Jack took a sip.

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