The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 302 - Don't Want To Go

Matt sat across her and wondered what he should do.

'Should I just tell her what I am feeling for her or…' Matt pondered, 'No, no or, there is no alternate. I have to tell her what I feel.'

Matt took a long breath, as after what he planned to say, he can't take his words back. He can't unsay, whatever he is going to say now.

"Lisa, what I am going to say now, might sound weird to you but this is what I have been going through for a few days now. I think, I am… uff, it is harder than I thought" Matt said looking into Lisa's eyes, who was paying full attention to him, as she was confused at his attitude and she was getting a bad feeling right now.

Matt again took a long breath.

"Matt, we don't need to discuss anything. I know you made out with many women, and this is not a big deal for you. For me, it was just a moment of weakness where I just wanted to feel good about myself and it just happened. That kiss doesn't mean anything" Lisa could see Matt was struggling with something, so she explained her stand to him.

Matt was disappointed at what she said and the confession he prepared in his mind, got stuck in his throat.

"And Matt, I didn't kiss you because I am in love with you. I am definitely not in love with you." Lisa laughed as she assumed Matt thinks she kissed him because she is in love with him.

"Why are you laughing? What is so funny about being in love with me?" Matt was offended by what she said.

"Why are you so serious?" Lisa assumed when she saw how Matt was acting; it was so unlike him.

Matt was the coolest guy she ever came across, so it feels different if she sees him act serious.

"I am not serious, let it be, I cooked some food, have it" Matt pointed at the food on the table.

"You don't seem fine" Lisa could see he was in a bad mood.

Matt was pissed, he wanted to ask her, 'How could I be fine, when you think it is funny to be in love with me?' but he knows nothing good will come out of this discussion, so he decided to keep quiet.

"I am fine" Matt answered her.

"Okay" Lisa thanked him for taking care of her, Matt just nodded his head and didn't say anything else.

Daniel's Home

Rachel woke up very late and after not finding Daniel next to her, she stepped outside to the living room only to see, Jessica slowly banging her head to the wall and Daniel working on his laptop.

"What happened? Why are you banging your head?" Rachel worriedly rushed towards Jessica and glared at Daniel, who was ignorant of Jessica's despair and was busy on his laptop.

"Don't glare at me, I tried to console her but she still keeps whining like a baby." Daniel explained himself, "By the way Rach, I am booking tickets to Paris, should I book yours too or it is already booked?"

"Paris? Why are we going to Paris?" Rachel asked him.

"Are you serious? It is Kate and Nick's wedding in two weeks, you forgot?" Daniel decided to book her ticket too.

"Fuck, I did forget. What is wrong with me?" 

"It's okay, you have been busy with a lot of things these days." Daniel exclaimed as indeed her parents suddenly showing up, the new projects she is working on were a lot for her to handle.

"Thanks Dan" Rachel then pulled Jessica back as this woman didn't stop banging her head to the wall.

"Why are you being all weird?" Rachel scolded Jessica as she never saw her act like this. She was the one, always teasing and troubling other people but Jessica wasn't the one, who ever got troubled.

So, it was a surprise for Rachel to see Jessica all worried and riled up.

"I don't wanna go on that date" Jessica lied on the couch and started hitting the pillows, she was totally acting like a stubborn child.

Rachel helplessly looked at Daniel, who was not bothering himself at all.

"She acts like a kid, when things don't go her way" Daniel explained with his focus still on the laptop. He was used to Jessica's tantrums; it wasn't anything new for him.

"What is not going your way?" Rachel worriedly asked Jessica.

Jessica sat facing Rachel and tightly hugged her, "Rach, please save me, please" She begged her desperately.

Rachel never saw Jessica act like this.

"Okay, calm down. First, tell me who should I save you from?"

"Noah Ricci" Jessica cried in desperation.

"The guy, you are supposed to go on a date with tonight?" Rachel was aware of what happened last night.

"Yeah, I don't want to go on this date. But Daniel refuses to save me from that chocolate guy. What should I do?" As the time passed by, Jessica was agonizing more about this date.

She imagined around fifty scenarios of how she could have avoided that bet and saved herself from falling into his trap.

"I decided, I'll run back to Italy" Jessica made a decision.

"He too lives in Italy." Daniel calmly reminded her again making her cry.

"I don't want to go on this date" Jessica started whining.

"Why is that a big deal?" Rachel asked her.

"Because I just don't want to go" Jessica had no idea what else to say.

"She is afraid of romantic relationships" Daniel answered on her behalf only to receive a flying pillow which was about to hit his face but he caught it on time and kept it aside.

"Why so?" Rachel directly asked Jessica.

"I just love being single and teasing other couples. I don't want to be involved with anyone and ruin my happiness" Jessica said.

"That's a weird reason" Rachel couldn't help but honestly share her thoughts.

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