The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 315 - Why Is He Avoiding Me?

"And the lunch went great. Diana is not just an amazing actress, but she is an equally great cook. She personally cooked for me…"

"SHUT UP!!!" James and Anthony shouted together as they couldn't believe their friend got a chance to taste food cooked by Diana herself.

"Yeah" Michael smiled proudly, grinning from one ear to another.

"Look at our grandpas, dripping with jealousy" Rachel muttered to Daniel.

"We can hear you" James glared at Rachel.

"Don't glare at her, grandpa" Daniel glared back at James.

"Hey, how dare you glare at my friend?" Anthony scolded his grandson.

"No wonder dad and uncle Harry are so close" Rachel murmured loudly implying their genes.

"Yes, for us our friends are more important than our children" James informed her.

"Uhh, not in my case. For me, Rachel is the most important person on this planet." Will corrected his dad, as he was not like these men. Liz and Rachel matter the most for him.

"Learn, something from him" Catherine taunted her husband.

"Hey, for me you and Will are the most important people in this world" Harry felt wronged by his wife's accusation.

"Thanks dad" Daniel sarcastically smiled at him.

"You and Jim, will always come second for me" Harry stuck his tongue out and teased his son.

Daniel laughed seeing his always-serious dad act child-like since Will entered their lives.

He was happy with the current scenario and hoped no one would ruin their happiness and they will always be happy like they are now.

After Lisa exited Rachel's home, she sat in the car waiting for her outside.

"Hey Steve, thanks for picking me up" 

"No worries" Steve drove towards a restaurant.

"What was the important thing you wished to discuss with me about?" Lisa felt much better sitting in the car as the intensity in Rachel's home was a bit too much for her to handle after meeting her parents.

Lisa was overwhelmed with the situation at Rachel's home. 

She wondered if she is the one feeling so awkward being an outsider how Rachel must be feeling after meeting her family so many years later.

"Let's go the restaurant, then will tell you" Steve seriously answered her.

Lisa felt Steve's behaviour was off but her mind was occupied with more serious stuff.

Daniel's question kept going in her mind, which he asked Rachel.

Lisa realized Rachel is feeling awkward around her mother and Daniel is helping her with this situation.

She understands why he was vocal about it as Rachel would be needing the whole family's support to get over her discomfort, if there is any.

Being a doctor herself, Lisa understands.

'Daniel loves her so much, she is so lucky that she is equally loved by the man, she is in love with' Lisa thought to herself, and a faint smile was painted on her lips.

Steve looked at her and saw her smiling.

"Who are you thinking about?" Steve got irritated as he assumed she was thinking about Matt and was therefore smiling.

"What?" Lisa was startled by his question.

"You were smiling thinking about someone, who is he?" Steve directly asked her.

Lisa realized she smiled thinking about Daniel and Rachel but his question confused her.

"How could you be so sure; I was thinking about a 'he'?" Lisa sarcastically questioned him and smiled but Steve looked serious.

'Something is wrong with him?' She wondered then she realized what it must have been.

"Steve, the patient Dr Daniel appointed to me…"

"Yeah, she is in vegetative state and you wish to work on more such cases, Dr Daniel already told me. He asked me for my interest area and he appointed me another patient based on that" Steve explained and Lisa sighed in relief as Daniel was fair to both of them.

"Then why do you seem upset?" Lisa asked him.

"Upset? Do I seem upset?" Steve scornfully questioned her.

"Steve, what happened? Dr Daniel ensured…"

"Lisa, not everything is about work. And you think I am so cheap that I would get upset because you got a patient appointed under you. If anything, I am rather proud of you." Steve shouted at her.

"Then why are you angry?" Lisa was confused at his behaviour.

Steve kept calm, unsure of what to say. 

"Steve" Lisa softly called his name but he didn't respond and for some reason she felt uncomfortable.

Lisa messaged Emily, asking her where she is.

Emily replied, she is still at the hospital and working on an autopsy, so she will be home late.

Lisa is the kind of person, who is a bit paranoid and believes in taking back-up and safety measures if any situation feels weird to her.

She watched many thrillers and cursed the leads for acting stupid and for almost dying in the hands of the killers.

Therefore, she believed taking help from others is better than active brave by herself.

Since Emily was busy, Lisa thought of messaging Matt but then she recollected how he had been avoiding her since the lunch they had together, two days ago.

After they talked about the kiss they shared, Matt suddenly started avoiding her.

'I tried to talk to him but he didn't wish to talk about it' Lisa thought sadly, as Matt was someone important for her and she didn't wish to lose him.

'I even assured him that kiss meant nothing, then why is he avoiding me?' She wondered.

'I can't message Matt, it would look like I message him only if I need something from him and it doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me for some reason, it would be better to message Patrick instead' she thought.

The next person she therefore messaged was Patrick.

'A robbery happened in some area. I am there' Patrick replied when Lisa asked him where he was.

'Okay' Lisa was cursing her fate and turned to look at Steve, who was clearly in a bad mood as he looked cold.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending in last week of August for last tier of privilege readers, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    My wife is a secret assassin (This book too will be completed soon): It is a love story of a woman, who is an assassin and a man suffering from fear of murderers. Is there love story as simple as it looks or there is more to it? You can find out by giving it a chance.

2)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

Both these books won Gold Tier in WPC contests. I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book – 'The Doctor and the CEO'

If you people can leave your reviews on my books, it would be great, so that I can know what my readers think about them.

Thank you all and love you so much for the love and support you have shown towards me and my books. I have an amazing reader base and I would love to continue this relationship with you all. I hope you people stick around to support me.

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