The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 93 - I Love You

Rachel was not sure what got into her but she couldn't control herself and gave in to her desire.

Daniel was surprised by her action and when he looked at her from close he saw she closed her eyes and was clumsily nibbling on his lips.

He understood this was her first kiss and she too was inexperienced just like him.

He circled his left arm around her small waist and pulled her towards him and he stood between her legs as she sat on the bonnet, he took the lead and continued sucking on her lips taking turn between her upper and lower lip, she followed his lead and did the same while still holding onto his t-shirt collar.

His right hand went behind her head and he pulled her face even more closer to his, he tightly clutched her soft hair, he wanted to taste more of her so his tongue tried to enter her mouth and she gladly opened it to welcome him and their tongues entangled together, the gentle kiss turned passionate and the sound of heavy breathing was even more clear as their surroundings was dead silent, their hearts were beating loudly, Rachel could feel Daniel's fast beating heart as there was no space between them, after a few seconds they both parted away panting heavily.

As it was the middle of night, the area was deserted and there was no one around them. 

"We s…should sit in th ... e car, it is very c … old outside." Daniel suggested, still panting heavily, although it was cold outside but they both were feeling hot.

Rachel nodded her head in agreement although she was not feeling cold. She was not sure how to react anymore.

They then sat in the car and they both tried to calm themselves as they were not sure what to say, after few seconds, Rachel's breathing became normal and she decided to break the silence, "About it… umm, it was my first time and I was.. umm not sure what was I thinking" Rachel hesitatingly started to explain.

She is already thankful that he didn't push away and kissed her back but now after it was done, she was unsure what to do next.

"Rachel" Daniel seriously called her name, she turned towards him, he leaned towards her and held her chin, he seriously looked into her eyes, she could see passion in his eyes and gulped in nervousness, he could see through her but he still wanted to confess to her as he felt this was the right time to do so, "I can't deny these growing feelings and I am sure you too are going through the same as me"

Rachel nodded her head in agreement.

"Rachel Richardson I am in love with you and I would love to date you, will you be my…" Daniel paused as he was confused what to say, 'Girlfriend? But they are not some high school teenagers. Lovers? It sounds very lusty. Date? It doesn't sound like being in a relationship. Partner? It sounded too formal' he was confused how to complete that statement.

Rachel laughed seeing his expression, she understood why he was confused.

"Yes, I would love to be in a romantic relationship with you" Rachel accepted his proposal.

Daniel felt warmth spread through his body and he was delighted hearing her words. 

He didn't waste any more time and leaned towards her to capture her lips in his, he started slowly sucking on her lips and then he increased his speed and passionately tasted her lips, she too responded with equal passion and they could feel each other's hot breaths, the temperature in the car was rising. 

Rachel hooked her one arm around his neck and the other one went to the back of his head, she ran her fingers through his soft hair and was enjoying the feel of his hair running through her fingers and pulled him closer to her.

Feeling her hands running through his hair, he was more turned on and excited that he suddenly bit her lip and she moaned in pleasure. He then licked the part he bit to soothe the pain. 

After some passionate kissing, Rachel tried to enter his mouth and he parted his lips giving her the way and her tongue explored every nook and corner of his mouth, his tongue then found hers and they continued their passionate kissing until they felt short of oxygen, sensing she needed to breathe, Daniel parted away from the kiss with their foreheads still touching and they continued panting heavily, their hearts were pounding erratically.

Once the rapid pounding of their hearts calmed down, Daniel pecked her lips lightly and again confessed, "I love you Rachel"

Rachel smiled back at him, "I love you too"

"Should we continue our drive or return back home?" Daniel asked.

"Let's continue"

"You sure? Are you not tired?" Daniel was still concerned about her.

"You think only a kiss can tire me?" Rachel replied boldly, she too was not sure where this boldness came from but she suddenly felt courageous.

Daniel was surprised by her words but he was not the one to back down, "Well should we find out what can tire you?" Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ears, his eyes looked hungry for more.

The bold Rachel of earlier disappeared and she became shy and shrank back but the car seat limited her from moving backward.

Daniel chuckled at her reaction, "Why try to act bold when you can't take it?" he teased her.

"Hey, I was the one who initiated our first kiss, I am at least bolder than you."

"Oh really? Should we find out who is bolder?" Daniel stared into her eyes.

Rachel gulped in fear but calmly told him "No" and turned her face away from him and stared straight outside, "Can we now go to your favorite spot?"

Daniel chuckled at her reaction and thought she was so cute, "Sure"

For some time they were both calm as they were settling this new feeling into their system, it was the first time that Rachel and Daniel got into a relationship, it was all new and exciting for them, they were not sure what exactly they were going through but they really liked the feeling of being in a romantic relationship with each other.

"So, is this really your first relationship?" Rachel asked after phrasing this question multiple times in her head.

"Yes and I am sure the same goes with you."

"Yeah, it feels so weird" Rachel frankly confessed.

"Hmm I understand, this is all very new for me too and honestly I am feeling as if I am really old to have such weird feelings and excitement going through me."

"Exactly, that's what I am thinking too, I am fucking 25 and right now I am feeling like a teenager."

Daniel laughed at her words.

"Hey don't laugh"

"Sorry, can't help it, I guess even during our actual teenage years we didn't feel like this."

"Yeah true"

"So, when did you realize you like me?" Daniel asked the question that has been bugging him for long.

Rachel blushed hearing his question but she decided to answer honestly, "I am not sure to be honest but after coming out of that coma and having you next to me made me feel very comfortable, I didn't even know you properly then but I still trusted you and felt secure when you were with me. After that when I stayed at your home with you I felt attracted towards you, I was not sure if it was because you gave me a sense of security or your looks infatuated me, I am not sure which of the two it was but since then my feelings towards you only kept on growing and I didn't even realize when I fell for you." Rachel poured her heart out to him.

Daniel was silent for a moment, he heard each and every word of hers carefully, fearing if he would miss on any information, after knowing about her feelings, he was surprised at the kind of impact he had on her.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he held her other hand which was on her lap, he brought her hand closer to his lips and lovingly kissed it, he couldn't find words to explain what her words meant for him and decided to show it through a gesture. Rachel blushed even harder, he then let go of her hand and focused on driving.

"What about you?"Rachel asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What about me?" Daniel innocently questioned although he knew what Rachel wanted to ask.

"When did you realize you like me?"

"To be honest, I don't like you, since you initiated a kiss, I just said all those words to ease the situation and make things less awkward for us." Daniel joked

Rachel looked at him annoyingly and taunted him, "Your sense of humor is not that good."

"Hey, don't say that, I at least crack better jokes than Jimmy."

"Seriously Jimmy is your standard?"

"Hey don't insult my brother"

Rachel laughed at him, "Now will you tell me when did you realize you like me?"

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