The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 516 - Your Last And Forever Kiss

Rui pampered Cali so hard after that incident of her tripping and getting a small wound that she was left speechless.

He then insisted that she stayed inside her bedroom to rest.

"What would you like for dinner? I will cook and bring your food here. I think we did too many laps, that's why you experienced cramping. It's now better if you rest and later I will give you a massage on your legs."

She was indeed a bit exhausted so she just listened obediently to him and followed whatever he instructed. He was her private doctor anyway so he knew what was best for her condition.

After some time Rui brought her dinner… Dinner in her bed…

"Hey my hands are working just fine." Cali complained because Rui wanted to feed her with his own hands. She felt so strange with the way he treated her that she wondered if a private doctor and patient relationsh.i.p.s were the same as them.

"Nah. I want you to give good rest to your entire body, so I will feed you with my own hands. You're my patient, so just keep quiet and be good, just listen to your doctor and don't be stubborn." Rui said with a grin as he started to scoop some rice, put the shrimp and raised his hand to feed her.

"Ahhh." He instructed, making Cali's face turn red with embarrassment. But she ended up opening her mouth and letting her caring private doctor do what he wanted to do. Besides she did not mind getting pampered like that. She actually liked it because she felt she was someone special to be treated with care like that.

"Do you do this kind of thing to other patients?" Cali asked. She suddenly felt sad if Rui would answer yes.

'Please say 'No'," Cali mused.

"No. I do this only for you… because it's you. You are very special to me Cali." Rui straightforwardly answered. He wanted to say more sweet things to her but he controlled himself. He was liking how his relationship was progressing with Cali so he often reminded himself to take things slow.

Meanwhile, Cali felt so confused with Rui's answer and her cheeks subconsciously turned pink.

Rui noticed her awkward expression so he added, "Your case is very special and I want to study it more deeply, so every detail about you is very important to me."

Cali felt more confused with his answer that seemed to be out of context but then chose not to ponder more. She was just glad that she was the first patient he got to treat that way. And for some reason, she was hoping also that she would be the only patient he would treat that way ever.

Cali would sneak glances at Rui and without her knowing, she suddenly hoped that her first kiss should be with a man like Rui.

Her face suddenly soured, recalling the stupidity of Kane. Because of that she was not even sure she wanted to see him again but she had no choice since they would still see each other at school.

"Are you alright?" Rui asked when he noticed Cali's expressions changed.

"Nothing…" Cali answered but Rui.could sense it so he asked, "You thought of Kane?"

Cali released some air before nodding. "Just that he jeopardized our friendship and I still can't accept that he stole my first kiss," she complained with pouty lips.

'He's not your first kiss sweetheart… It's me…' Rui wanted to voice out but instead said, "First kiss is not that important because what matters is who will be your last and forever kiss. So stop thinking about it and forget it. Think more of who could be that person… to be… your last and forever kiss."

Cali chuckled then teased, "Wow you also know how to throw such cheesy pick up lines doc…"

Rui wrinkled his nose and fed her another spoonsful before saying, "I get cheesy only whenever I'm around you."

Cali's face turned crimson and she suddenly felt bashful. She also inwardly scolded her crazy heart for thumping hard like that because of Rui's words.


Rui first checked Cali if she was already asleep and that night he left in haste when he confirmed Cali was already asleep.

He went to his car and drove at Kane's house. He would settle everything with that bastard that instant.

He pressed the doorbell of the house. The door opened and the moment Kane appeared before him, he punched him hard on his face.

"Bastard! How dare you kiss my wife!!!" Rui yelled.

Kane did not move and accepted all of Rui's punches that Rui himself had to stop, seeing how Kane was only accepting all his hits.

"I'm sorry…," he heard Kane whisper as he wiped the blood in the corner of his lips. He was already like a dead body since that night that he felt so numb that every time Rui's hands hit him was nothing.

Physical pain was nothing compared to the pain of his heart. He was too hopeless.

Rui shook his head as he sat on the floor with Kane.

"Killing you physically won't do since you look like dying anyway…" he did not know whether to pity the man in his state. He drove there in a totally deranged state and was ready to beat him to pulp but seeing him now… 

"I'm really sorry…" Kane continuously whispered, now crying. Losing Cali the second time around was the worst feeling in his life. It was too painful that he felt like it was better to die.

"Kill me… I want to die…" Kane murmured.

Rui scoffed and murmured, "seriously you're such a loser man. I know it's hard but move on and get a life. Put yourself in my shoes… Do you think your condition is much worse than mine Kane?"

There was only silence and Kane's sobbing…

Rui felt so awkward getting stuck with Kane like that but as a psychologist he knew he should not leave Kane in that state.

He needed someone to talk to and ironically he was the only one there for him. His mind was so unstable at that point so as a psychologist he must help him.

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