The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 529 - Verify Her Feelings

Rui was drunk, but was still in his right mind and conscious state when he pulled Cali on the bed. He sighed with relief when he felt Cali was already sleeping in his arms.

It had been so long since he cuddled her like this, this closeness had been a distant dream to him ever since she lost her memories. His ways could be cunning for tricking her to be with him like this, but this was the only way for him to be able to hug her like he used to.

He buried himself in her warmth and inhaled her scent deeply because he did not know when he would be able to again do that, and somehow he dozed off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Cali woke up early that morning and felt a weight on her waist. Her eyes rounded as she recalled what happened last night.

She silently scolded herself at the thought of how she could sleep heavily on Rui's bed and in his embrace.

She carefully and quietly removed Rui's arm from her waist and quickly got up from his bed and rushed outside.

Her heart was thumping loudly as she leaned on the wall outside his room calming her heartbeats, thankful that Rui did not wake up that time. It would be too awkward if he woke up with her on his bed.

"He might even accuse me of crawling into his bed…" she complained. The sun was about to rise soon, so Cali quickly got ready and went into the kitchen. 

She planned to cook something for Rui since she was sure that man would have a hangover, seeing the number of empty cans of beer strewn around in the bar.

After some time, Cali finished preparing breakfast and saw Rui enter the kitchen.

"Good morning…" Rui greeted as he massaged his throbbing temple. 

He felt his head would burst with pain but still a smile curved up on his face because he could still feel Cali's warmth and smell her scent all over his body. He did not even want to take a bath and wished her fragrance could linger on him for days to come.

"I'm done here and will soon serve the food. Go sit in the dining area," she instructed.

"Why did you drink so much? You were reeking of alcohol last night. Here drink this soup so you will feel better and drink this medicine after you eat." Cali continued with a scolding tone while she served him the food.

Then she sat on her chair and creased her forehead, seeing Rui was grinning stupidly as he looked at her.

"And what's funny?" she mumbled, wondering why he looked so happy.

"Oh, I'm just happy you thought of me like this, sweetheart. Maybe I should drink often and let you take care of me for the rest of my life," he whispered with a smile.

Cali's face flushed at that and she hissed, "Come on, eat now and stop joking around. We'll be late for our class."

Hearing the word class, Rui's smile faded. That meant Cali would go to the university and meet that rascal Edward again!

'How did your fun time with Edward go?' he wanted to ask her but he got scared… He somehow feared Cali's answer. What if she said she had so much fun and would like to go out with Edward again? Oh, his poor broken heart would not be able to take that, so he sealed his lips and did not ask her how her fun time last night with Edward was.

After breakfast, Rui and Cali got ready to go to school. They were already in the living room and were ready to leave when Rui received a buzz from the gate.

His eyebrows collided, seeing a car outside. "What is he doing here?" he muttered, seeing the familiar car of Edward that he also used to drop Cali off home last night.

"Hi, can you please open the gate? I'm here to pick up Cali…" Edward yelled at the camera.

"Oh, he's here?" Cali asked, seeing Edward on the video screen.

"Did you ask him to pick you up?" Rui asked, almost a whisper.

"No, I said it's not needed, but he said he would still drop by," Cali whispered. She did not know why she suddenly felt awkward explaining it to Rui when there was nothing wrong if Edward would pick her up since she and Rui were not romantically involved with each other.

"I will go ahead first, please allow him to enter the gate… Thanks." Cali quickly said and went out of the door.

Rui's jaw clenched as he tried to control his anger. He did not like what was going on. Why was Cali entertaining Edward and even allowing him to come close to her, unlike Kane, whom she turned down the instant he tried to come close to her?

'Does she like him?' he mused, feeling so broken. Was his assessment of her wrong? He thought he was already getting there… Almost near… So what was this?!

Cali went inside Edward's car. Last night, while she was in Rui's embrace, she had mixed emotions and feelings. She was very confused, and she did not know what to do. 

Edward seemed to be a nice man. Though she did not feel any attraction towards him, she still wanted to give him a chance. She had been in a dilemma about her feelings for Rui, and that was why she decided to give a try to what Edward offered. 

She wanted to verify her feelings for Rui. And the best way to do that was that she entertained another man in her life so she could balance out what was it she really wanted. 

She wanted to see if her feelings would get swayed with Edward by her side. She was so used to Rui by her side, so she thought it could be the reason she was feeling so attached to him.

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