The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 67 - Love Sick Friend

"There's an emergency patient. I will meet her at the rooftop. Dr. Ye will come with me. Dr. Song will lead the operation." instructed Chief Doctor Gong.

Then he ordered the team to dismissed to all designated areas. Yera with her team headed to the operating room to wait for the patient while Nurse Park briefed Yera about patient's details and condition as they walked to the elevator.

"Patient's name, Terry Lim, 79 years of age...." Nurse Parked started as she read further details they received from the previous hospital.

"She's the in-law of Field Marshal Chan." commented one of the team as they headed inside the operating room and got ready to receive the patient. 

"We'll do an emergency laparotomy," said Yera plainly hearing the condition of the patient and seeing all her laboratory results. She met Keira Chan, the  only daughter of their Field Marshal through Bernard and Keira was Xander's close cousin from his father's side.

So the patient was Keira's grandmother-in-law. After a few minutes the patient arrived inside the operating room. "Let's begin," Yera said and signaled the anaesthesiologist to do general anaesthesia.


Dion was walking with his cup of coffee in his hand when he bumped to Dr. Rui Dee so some of the coffee got spilled in his lab gown. "Sorry Dr. Chen," apologized Dr. Dee. They knew each other because Dion was a patient also who seeked Dr. Dee's help in coping with his special ability.

Dion nodded and scratched his head because he would need to visit one of their patients in the ward. "I only have this left…" he mumbled unconsciously because all his lab gown was still in the laundry shop. The hospital was very strict with policies that doctors should wear a lab gown whenever they visit their patient.

"You're going to do rounds?" asked Dr. Dee and Dr. Chen nodded. 

"Here, use my gown for now. I have a lot of spare in my office. Return it to me totally clean alright." said Dr. Dee grinning as he removed his lab gown and handed it to Dion.

"Thanks Rui… I'll visit your office afterwards too because I need some advice on certain things." said Dion smiling before he walked out to do his daily rounds.

Rui looked at Dion's back and  shook his head. The man was living alone with no one at all in their country. He remembered asking Dion why not to live with his mother instead who was at Country V but Dion would only tell him that he had his reasons for staying in their country. It was more like he wanted to get near with a particular person and wanted to protect that someone…

People did have their own complications in life like him who needed to fly to Country V because of their Dr. CEO' instruction. Rui's face crumpled, he should take that CEO position instead so he would be the one to command his love sick friend.


Dr. Dion Chen completed his rounds at the ward and was about to go to Dr. Dee's clinic to return his lab gown when he noticed a woman crying at the corridor. The woman seemed to be in great agony as she sat at one of the chairs. He noticed her hand trembled as she held an armchair. She was trying hard to calm and stop herself from sobbing.

Dion's hated to see this kind of fear and agony, so he walked towards the woman as he grabbed his handkerchief in his wallet and offered it to the woman as he spoke, "Miss, here use this."

The woman took the handkerchief and thanked him before she unconsciously sneezed on it. Dion looked at the young woman, who he presumed to be around twenty three years of age, totally befuddled before he quickly composed himself from shock on her utterly blunt manners. 

"Everything will be alright, so please calm yourself down and gather yourself. You have to stay strong, so your loved one will keep on fighting," he encouraged with a smile. There were numerous scenes like that in the hospital and  Dion had this urge to always approach and give encouragements as a physician.

The woman who had her head raised to stare at him could not have a proper look at him because her eyes were still clouded with tears, and the bright light from the ceiling was a hindrance too. All that the woman could see was a man with eyeglasses who was wearing a lab gown, so she concluded that Dion must be a doctor.

She looked at his lab gown to look for his name tag, so she could address him properly. The name embroidered in the lab gown was Dr. Rui Dee.

"Doc emergency!" Dion heard a nurse called him from a distance who ran towards him so Dion left in haste with the nurse.

The woman looked at the handkerchief with an embroidery of a small flower.

"Rui," the woman murmured unconsciously before a smile curved her lips. "Such a gentleman," she thought loudly before she wiped her tears with the handkerchief and sneezed on it again. Oh well, she would just have to wash it before she returned it.

"Rizie!" Keira Chan said who followed Rizie because she was worried. "Sis," Rizie mumbled as she wiped her tears with the same handkerchief the man had offered her.

Keira sat beside her and hugged her. "Shhh… Don't worry. Grandma Terry will be safe. It's Deyna Song who is handling her operation and she is the best in this league so please calm yourself. Nothing bad will happen to Grandma Terry." Keira calmed her sister-in-law. Her cousin Xander was out of the country right now but he said he would come home this evening when she gave him a call.

Keira met Dr. Deyna  Song once, when Bernard was still alive. Bernard introduced Deyna  as his fiancee before. She was glad Deyna did enter at Yang Hospital. She wondered if  Deyna already met her cousin Xander Yang, because Bernard and Xander looked similar, more like twins at first glance… Her mother and Xander's father was siblings while Xander's mother and Bernard's mother were siblings.

"Let's go back Rizie…" Keira  mumbled as she helped Rizie got up to walk back at the operating room waiting area.

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