Li Yun looked down at his chest, where a hole had been broken, and blood gushed out.

"You ......"

He looked up again, and saw that not far in front of him, an old man with a childish face was standing with a sword.

The tip of the sword was stained with his blood, not much, only a drop.

The moment his gaze was fixed on the past, there was a click in his ears, which was extremely clear, and then it also fell to the ground, merging with the snow, and instantly infecting a piece.

There were too many doubts and unwillingness in his eyes, and then he felt that the world was spinning, his head was heavy, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and he was lifeless.

"It turned out to be you!" The

old man who killed people with a sword was Zhang Chongyang, he was followed twice, but he also discovered it twice in advance and killed the enemy.

Seeing Li Yun's appearance clearly, Zhang Chongyang naturally recognized who he was, as he expected, last winter, this guy sent someone to beat his idea.

For this reason, every time he went to Fang City during that time, he was cautious until the Li family's forces 'moved out' of Pingfu Town.

He thought that the incident would pass like this, but he never thought that after a year, it was still a snowy day, or on the way home from Fang City, or he was followed from afar, or was he ...... Same ending.

"Don't blame me, this is probably fate!" Zhang Chongyang muttered in his heart, not at ease, first made up a sword for the corpse, and then squatted down to touch the corpse.

"Damn, there's a Qiankun bag, hahaha...... Be low-key, be low-key. "

Although it is already some distance away from Fang City, but now there are so many foundation building masters in Pingfu Town, who knows what they are capable of?

Zhang Chongyang didn't dare to be careless, after quickly touching the corpse, there was no evil talisman on his body, and that's it, just a mere qi refiner, died under the Zhongpin evil sword, and there are not many souls left, but the key is that he doesn't have corpse powder now, so he will definitely not worry about leaving the corpse here.

frowned, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and pulled out the evil sword again...... After a few breaths, a corpse turned into a pool of blood.

Zhang Chongyang himself felt that this method was somewhat cruel when he saw it, but he did it all, and he did not regret it.

And now there are many masters who can threaten him in Pingfu Town, and if he can't keep it, there are capable people who can track down the murderer according to the corpse, if he doesn't deal with it thoroughly, if he is implicated, it will be too late to regret it.

This step only completed the destruction of the body, and then, Zhang Chongyang erased the traces left at the scene, and even did not forget to lift up the surrounding snow to cover the crime scene when he left.

This set of 'aftermath' combination punches seems complicated, but in fact, Zhang Chongyang pinched the watch in his heart, and it took less than ten breaths in total.

But it is much more tiring than when he kills, when he kills, he only needs to focus on the enemy, and when it comes to the aftermath, he needs to be very careful to pay attention and observe his surroundings.

Moreover, after Zhang Chongyang got out, he did not completely relax his vigilance, he hid in Tibet, and applied purification techniques to his body as many times as he changed his appearance.

It wasn't until I confirmed that it was safe and correct, and finally returned to Cypress Alley.

"Why have you been there for so long?" Xiao Sanniang saw Zhang Chongyang coming back, and asked in a complaining tone.

Even if he didn't come back, Xiao Sanniang felt like she was going out to look for him.

"Let Sanniang worry. This feeling of concern made Zhang Chongyang's heart warm, unlike before, even if he was close to dying outside, he didn't even have someone to talk to when he got home.

All he later got a pet rabbit.

"Did something happen?" Xiao Sanniang also found that Zhang Chongyang had an extra sword in his hand at this time.

Zhang Chongyang naturally didn't plan to hide it, and while entering the house, he explained to Xiao Sanniang: "On the way back, I encountered a little accident...... "

You are so cautious!" Xiao Sanniang heard that Zhang Chongyang had raised the ashes of the enemy, and not only did she feel a little crying and laughing because of his excessive caution.

"It's a matter of life and death, of course, it's better to be cautious, and Sanniang should also remember it in the future. Zhang Chongyang reminded.

"It's provincial, it's provincial, and the husband is taught. Xiao Sanniang said this, but she had her own policy in her heart.

Of course, it is not that Zhang Chongyang's words are taken as a deaf ear, but if you want to influence a person who has a mature mind, it is not the credit of a few words, at least it needs to be subtle.

Zhang Chongyang is also clear.

He first called his student Luo Xiaofan over, handed him the pen, ink, paper and inkstone he bought for him in the fang market this time, and advised:

"From today on, you have to learn to read and write, my requirements are not too much, as long as you know ten words a day and write them accurately, can you do it?"

When Xiao Sanniang heard this, she thought that when she first entered school, the master seemed to only teach them five words every day, and there were still many children in the clan who could not complete their studies and were punished by the master, so anxious that they cried.

Now I heard that her husband asked his students to learn ten words a day at the beginning, which is a bit high.

But she didn't want to save Lao Zhang's face at this time, she wanted to take a look and say, what if Luo Xiaofan was a reading material? At this time, Luo Xiaofan didn't

understand anything, the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, not to mention that it was for him to learn ten words, even if Zhang Chongyang said a hundred, a thousand, his answer was not ambiguous, and there was only one word: "Yes!"

Okay, that's what you said, if you can't finish your studies because you're lazy, don't blame me when I invite you to eat stir-fried meat with bamboo shoots.

"Yes, Master, I promise not to be lazy.

"Well, I remember that.

Luo Xiaofan wanted to speak and stopped, in fact, he wanted to ask the master, isn't fried meat with bamboo shoots a dish? Why can't he finish the task and still eat fried meat with bamboo shoots? Is it hard to eat? But the meat shouldn't be unpalatable, it's meat!

In the end, his doubts were asked by Xiao Sanniang, but it was after Luo Xiaofan had already left.

"Husband, what is stir-fried meat with bamboo shoots

?" "Have you ever seen a bamboo whip?"

Xiao Sanniang nodded.

Zhang Chongyang didn't sell it, and said bluntly: "Whipping your butt with a bamboo whip is called fried meat with bamboo shoots." "

Ah, such an image, and the master of your village taught you?"

"Ahem...... It doesn't matter.

Zhang Chongyang prevaricated, and then reached into his arms and touched the Qiankun bag.

"Sanniang, show you something good. "

What?" Xiao Sanniang cast a curious look.

"Dangdang, dang. Under the soundtrack with his mouth, Zhang Chongyang presented the Qiankun bag with both hands.

"This is, Qiankun bag?" Xiao Sanniang recognized it at a glance, and even this thing she often saw when she was a child, because her father had one, and she often used it to play with it.

Just now, when he was fighting wits and courage with the air in various alleys in Pingfu Town, Zhang Chongyang was worried that this thing had a positioning function, so he explored it first.

Li Yun's cultivation is not high, so Zhang Chongyang easily erased the prohibition he left on this Qiankun bag.

But he didn't carefully inspect the contents at the time, but just glanced at the storage space of this Qiankun bag with his divine sense, and whether there was anything like Jade Jane that came with 'GPS'.

"How much space does this Qiankun bag have?" Xiao Sanniang said curiously.

"One side. Zhang Chongyang has lost the excitement of getting the Qiankun bag at this time, but feels that the space of this Qiankun bag is a little small.

Xiao Sanniang noticed Lao Zhang's expression, seemed to guess his thoughts, and glanced at him: "One party can also hold a lot of things, besides, it's better than nothing." "

Haha, it's me who is greedy.

After listening to Xiao Sanniang's enlightenment, Zhang Chongyang's face showed a smile again, and then opened a blind box with her.

I have to say that this Li Yun is worthy of being born in the Li family, and he has been a shopkeeper for many years, and the bottom of this family is thick enough.

Although until the end, Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang did not prescribe a treasure of great value such as the cheats, but the Fu Zheng Pill Robe inside ...... If all of them are converted into spirit stones, they are worth three or five medium-grade spirit stones.

In addition, there are also spirit stones that do not need to be replaced at all, including: seven medium-grade spirit stones, and fifty-six low-grade spirit stones.

What is the gold belt of

murder and arson? This horse riding is called the gold belt of murder and arson.

Looking back at the little gain obtained from the first murder and touching the corpse, compared to this time, it is simply a small thing.

By the way, there is also a high-grade magic sword and a Qiankun bag, what is the valuation of these two, please forgive Zhang Chongyang for being lonely and unheard, but he thinks that if they add up, it should not be less than fifteen medium-grade spirit stones.

Big dog, what a big dog.

Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang glanced at each other tacitly, as if they had found a broad road to get rich quick.

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