"It's not okay to just hand over my soul, unless I ...... it's

destroyed whenever I want."

Zhang Chongyang was dual-minded, and while dealing with Niu Qing, he directly separated a wisp of spirit and started experiments in his 'body'.

He first tried it with his divine sense, and found that he couldn't do it at all, and it would be exposed.

Then I tried it with spiritual power, which could cause some damage, but it still couldn't solve the problem that would be exposed.

In the end, he injected a wisp of Taiji sword intent into this wisp of divine soul, and was pleasantly surprised to find that not only could he not see it, but he could also protect his divine soul, on the contrary, because of the connection between this wisp of divine soul and him, he could control this wisp of divine soul to trigger this wisp of Taiji sword intent anywhere, and he could achieve the effect of 'self-detonation'.

In this way, this condition is barely acceptable to him.

Zhang Chongyang bowed slightly: "Okay, I agree to your request, but I want to know if there will be exercises in the foundation building pill and Changchun Gong foundation building chapter on the next black market."

Niu Qing was not surprised by Zhang Chongyang's question, because many casual cultivators who asked her to explore the black market were required by this one.

It's just that the 'Zhang San' in front of her looks quite old, but he still doesn't give up on building the foundation, is his obsession so heavy?

But obviously, Zhang Chongyang's situation is not an exception in Niu Qing's opinion, and she has long been surprised in her heart, although none of the examples she knows have been successful, but she does not intend to persuade Zhang Chongyang to give up, in the final analysis, he is still her own guest.

Niu Qing said: "I only know that there will definitely be foundation building exercises, and as for the foundation building pill, I need Senior Zhang to see his luck."

Zhang Chongyang nodded, in fact, if there was really going to be Zhuji Dan, with his financial resources, he was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to get the reserve price, and he didn't have any hope.

This teahouse was a stronghold of Niu Qing, and when Zhang Chongyang had no objection, she led him into a secret room and began to trade.

"These are twenty low-grade spirit stones!" Zhang Chongyang took out the spirit stone and handed it over, and at the same time divided a wisp of divine soul containing Tai Chi sword intent and poured it into the jade plate handed over by Niu Qing.

Niu Qing checked it and didn't see any differences, at this time Zhang Chongyang wanted to confirm it again, but he almost activated the self-destruct procedure in the soul, but fortunately stopped in time.

Niu Qing felt a palpitation at a certain moment just now, but she didn't suspect the jade plate in her hand at this time, she just thought that the 'Zhang San' in front of her was urging her to exchange the promise.

"Here's when and where the next black market will be, and your entry token.

Niu Qing handed Zhang Chongyang a piece of paper with the place and time written and a black token of special material in his hand, and then advised:

"Senior Zhang, please be sure to protect this token." Because you need to hand it in when you enter the black market, otherwise you can't get in, and if you lose it carelessly, then you need to compensate for an additional medium-grade spirit stone.

After listening to Niu Qing's slightly warning words, Zhang Chongyang took a new look at the black token in his hand, and found that its material was indeed extraordinary, and he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart that the water behind this black market was very deep.

Before, Zhang Chongyang thought that with this teahouse, he was not worried that Niu Qing would deliberately cheat himself for twenty lower grade spirit stones.

But now that he has this black token, he is undoubtedly more sure that Niu Qing is a black market contact, not a liar.

As for why the black market wants to create such a valuable token, perhaps in Zhang Chongyang's view, it is not only to show off its style, but also to fish for law enforcement.

After all, not everyone has the ability to install a self-destruct program on their own souls, and those who want to pick up the wool of the black market are afraid that the consequences will be that they will lose even their underwear.

Zhang Chongyang can do it, but just for a token worth at most a medium-grade spirit stone to offend an unknown behemoth, unless he is stupid.

Stopping his thoughts and putting away the token, Zhang Chongyang looked at the note again, and found that the next black market would open in three days, and the location would be Mingyue Valley.

"Just an hour, and still not in the city?" Zhang Chongyang looked at the woman in front of him in surprise.

Niu Qing smiled and said, "It's also for safety reasons!" "

It's true!" Zhang Chongyang didn't care about this anymore, and determined the location of Mingyue Valley, so he said goodbye to Niu Qing and left the teahouse.

It's just that his mind has been paying attention to the wisp of divine soul on the jade plate, if that woman dares to study her divine soul after she leaves, or has other purposes, he will activate the Tai Chi sword intent as soon as possible.

In Zhang Chongyang's opinion, his wisp of Tai Chi sword intent can not only destroy the wisp of divine soul that he left on the jade plate, but also trigger an attack on people.

He had tried that Niu Qing's cultivation was only the seventh layer of qi refining, and if she was careless, just that wisp of sword intent would be enough to take her life.

Fortunately, the problem that worried Zhang Chongyang did not appear.

Although Mingyue Valley is on the territory of Changchun Gate, it is also close to the sphere of influence of the Ghost Hidden Gate, and with Zhang Chongyang's imperial sword speed, if he rushes over from Changchun City, it is estimated that it will take about a day, of course, if he is willing to spend money to ride the teleportation array, one or two hours is enough.

The next time the black market will open is three days later, Zhang Chongyang feels that there is plenty of time, and there is no need to take the teleportation array.

Well, the main thing is that he is poor.

"It seems that the total number of spirit stones on my body now is less than a hundred low-grade spirit stones, even if the foundation building exercise is only the price of cabbage on the black market, I don't think I can afford it."

''I had no choice but to stay in Ivy City for one more night and put my storage bag up for auction.'' In

fact, there are pawnshops in Changchun City, but pawnshops can't afford to sell at a high price, a storage bag with a five-square space can sell up to four medium-grade spirit stones when taken to the pawnshop, and they can be taken to the auction for an auction, and there are five medium-grade spirit stones guaranteed, even if the auction has to eat a 5% rebate, he can get at least four hundred and seventy-five low-grade spirit stones.

Zhang Chongyang knows that there will be an auction in Furong House tonight.

It's still early, so it's better to feel the grandeur of Changchun Gate.

Zhang Chongyang stood at a junction, thinking that he had not come to Changchun City twice to appreciate the style of Changchun Gate, and somewhat regretted, he hesitated slightly, and did not rush to the outer city, but walked towards the center of the increasingly rich aura.

Soon, Zhang Chongyang came to the foot of a mountain, and the concentration of aura in this place alone was already three points richer than that of Pingfu Town.

Changchun Gate is located on top of this mountain range, and it is said to be a place of second-order spiritual veins.

Seeing that he could go up the mountain, Zhang Chongyang continued to walk forward, and there were rows of houses along the way, Zhang Chongyang took a look and found that some of them could be rented.

It's just that the price isn't too beautiful.

Living here, you really don't have to think about the attack of demon beasts, but the monthly rent is several times that of Pingfu Town.

The higher the aura, the higher the concentration of the aura, and the higher the rent.

Zhang Chongyang walked halfway up the mountain, and if he wanted to continue up, he needed some procedures, such as tokens, tokens of a certain family, and ......

Obviously, he didn't have any formalities.

Although Zhang Chongyang has not yet seen the mountain gate of Changchun Gate, he can only turn around and go back now.

But just as he was about to go down the mountain, he saw an acquaintance.


......" "Are you ......

Zhang Chongyang?" After talking with Qing'er, Zhang Chongyang learned that Yuan Yi's daughter Yuan Chunyue is now an outer disciple of Changchunmen, and she and Yuan Yi are family members, and Changchunmen has settled here for them.

"Is Yuan Yi okay?" Zhang Chongyang asked, unconsciously, ten years have passed, and old friends meet again, and they feel that time has passed and time flies.

Qing'er replied, "Why don't you go and meet her yourself." "

“...... Okay!" Zhang Chongyang did not refuse, nor should he refuse.

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