Zhang Chongyang followed everyone's gaze and saw that at the staircase, a young man dressed as a noble son went up to the second floor with the support of everyone.

"Young Master Hao is here. "

I've seen Mr. Hao.

Listening to the greetings of the people around him, the person in front of him also coincided with the vague figure in Zhang Chongyang's mind.

"Is he Li Hao?!" Zhang Chongyang secretly said in his heart: He looks like a dog~

It's just that why did he appear here tonight

?" "This Hao Gongzi, does he come every night?" Zhang Chongyang turned his head and looked at Zhou Ping and asked through the sound transmission technique.

"Not really, but it's basically every once in a while. Although Zhou Ping wondered why Zhang Chongyang asked this, he still answered him honestly.

"What's the matter?what's the problem?"

Zhang Chongyang shook his head at Zhou Ping's inquiring gaze and said, "No, just ask casually." He

didn't find anything wrong, but in his law of Goudao, wherever this kind of focus person goes, it often means that there is trouble wherever he goes, and he just subconsciously avoids risks.

When Hao Gongzi arrived, he naturally wanted to be different, how could he sit in the lobby on the second floor and listen to music with these loose cultivators?

He went directly to the third floor and opened a private room alone.

Although the arrival of Hao Gongzi caused a small sensation, it was only a small episode for this long night.

The performance continues, and the next artist is invited.

Zhang Chongyang saw a heroic female cultivator with a double sword on her back, although she didn't see the effect, but she complained in her heart: "No one reported the curtain, bad reviews!" The female cultivator

is called Hongye, her talent is sword dance, and after a performance, she won the applause of the house, and Zhang Chongyang couldn't help but applaud her after reading it.


Chongyang also refreshed his understanding of sword dance: The so-called sword dance is a kind of dance, which was born to please others.

But if you have to choose a 'good person' to spend the night with tonight, Zhang Chongyang likes this red leaf girl.

He asked Zhou Ping: "How many spirit stones does it take to become the guest of this

Red Leaf Girl?" "You fell in love with the Red Leaf Girl?" Zhou Ping's tone was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Zhang Chongyang's taste to change.

"Two spirit stones. Qing'er replied that these talents tonight are more expensive than her.

In addition, the quota also needs to be grabbed, in case someone makes a reservation in advance, and the people behind will only have to queue.

I heard that the number of guests who entered the curtain tonight has reached the thirtieth.

And at a glance at the scene, there were about forty or fifty people, which means that most of these people came for the demon girl.

Zhang Chongyang hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and called an old bustard who was specially responsible for booking and recording the guests who entered the curtain.

"It turned out to be Zhang Daoyou, you haven't been here for a while, but which girl did you fall in love with

?" "Just the red leaf girl who performed the sword dance just now, has someone bought her place as a guest tonight?"

"Not yet...... Miss Red Leaves' guest quota tonight is two spirit stones, if Zhang Daoyou decides, now you need to pay me a spirit stone for registration. To

be honest, at the moment when he was about to dig out the spirit stone, Zhang Chongyang was a little hesitant.

But in the end, he paid for it.

After all, there is no turning back from the bow.

And as a man who prides himself on being okay, how can he admit it at a critical moment?

When he handed over a low-grade spirit stone to the old bustard, the latter recorded it on a jade talisman, and then asked, "Does Zhang Daoyou need to call the Red Leaf Girl to come over and drink with you now?"

"It's all come to this point, and there is no need for Zhang Chongyang to pretend to be a decent gentleman.

On the third floor, the screen has been removed, revealing a large stage, and another nun with a good figure has stepped forward to perform her talent.

During this period, the Red Leaf Girl has come to Zhang Chongyang's table.

In fact, they are all old acquaintances, and after a simple greeting, they sat down to eat and drink together, and enjoyed the performances of those warblers and swallows on the stage.

“...... That, give us two more bottles of apricot blossom wine on the table. "

The wine is not free, the wine that Zhou Ping called just now has bottomed out, although it is said that four people have drunk it, but they are always embarrassed to ask the two 'wine ladies' to spend money, so it can only be Zhang Chongyang's money.

Drinking fine wine, accompanied by beautiful women around him, the fairy sound in his ears ......

Zhang Chongyang, who was a little drunk, thought of his ascetic days for more than half a year, and said with tears in his heart:

"Damn! this is the life of the gods!"

The number of guests in the lobby began to decrease, and at this time, Zhou Ping also stood up with Qing'er's fragrant shoulders and said goodbye: "The Spring Festival is short, we won't accompany you to drink here, see you tomorrow morning."

After Zhang Chongyang and Hongye saw Zhou Ping and the two leave, they then glanced at each other.

Momiji quickly lowered her head, don't look at her heroic posture when she danced the sword on the stage, and the women didn't let her eyebrows.

But after all, it is a woman, knowing the next fate, and now she naturally reveals a woman's shy posture.


Chongyang naturally doesn't care, he knows that everyone is just acting on the spot, each taking what he needs, just talking about money and feelings, then it seems vulgar and pretentious.

So he also got up, ready to change the environment, and carefully study the smooth sword dance she had just made with this Momiji girl.

In Zhang Chongyang's view, it is such a beautiful sword dance, which is more worthy of 'in-depth' discussion.

Momiji had been waiting for her to be lifted up from her seat by her guest tonight, but she waited left and right, and there was no movement, so she could only raise her head.

I saw the old man in front of me, a pair of bright eyes staring at the new masked woman on the stage who was dancing a sleeve dance.

Although Momiji started from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to be a hundred-year-old man's business, but since he ordered himself, he showed such an expression to other women in front of her at this time, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Hongye was no exception, so when she introduced the masked woman to Zhang Chongyang, her tone was not as enthusiastic as just now.

"Her name is Mei Niang, she is a newcomer who just came to Goolan three days ago, I heard that Shougong Shadu is still there, and my mother saw that she was very good-looking, so she planned to dedicate her to Hao Gongzi, so she didn't let her come out two days ago.

Zhang Chongyang glanced at Hongye and heard the implication of her words, that is, to persuade him not to think about it.

But Zhang Chongyang was not thinking about this at this time, he frowned and asked

: "Mei Niang, what is the origin

of this person?" "I don't know this, the sisters in the building have never dealt with her, why are you inquiring about this?"

Hongye wondered: "Could it be that you still know her?"

Zhang Chongyang shook his head, feeling that he should be dazzled, the woman on the stage, although she was half-covered, could still vaguely glimpse that beautiful face, how could it be that ugly girl?"

Zhang Chongyang also heard that Hongye was dissatisfied with him, and when he saw that the masked woman on the stage had finished dancing, he took the initiative to take Ye Hong's fragrant shoulder and walked towards her attic.

After walking more than a dozen steps, the more Zhang Chongyang thought about it, the more wrong it became, so he glanced back at the stage, just in time to see the masked woman turn around and get off the stage.

Looking at the charming and moving back and the back in his memory gradually overlapping, Zhang Chongyang was almost certain at this moment that the so-called Mei Niang was actually the ugly Sanniang...... No, she is not ugly at all, on the contrary, she should be a very beautiful woman.


Zhang Chongyang didn't have time to think about this question for the time being, and all he was thinking about now was: '

Run, run!''

must leave this place immediately. "

Damn, didn't you just come to Goulan to listen to a song?''Why did Lao Tzu have such bad luck and choose this day?

'' 'Alas, it seems that I've been out of luck lately...... If only there was a yellow calendar in this world. ’

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