The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1402: It's so good to female slaves

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When Wang Yan said so, Lydia's pretty face turned red.

She is stubborn by nature and does not want to succumb to the purgatory demons in front of her. But as soon as his mouth hardened, his stomach cried out.

There is no way to do it. The previous consumption is too large. At this time, I have just recovered. My stomach is already empty, and my body's various functions are instinctively craving food nourishment.

This instinct for human survival cannot be controlled. And after excessive overdraft, if you can't get the corresponding supplements, even superpowers will hurt your body for a long time, and you will even die because of excessive consumption.

For Lydia now, Wang Yan doesn't have any consolation meaning, so it is still a cold look, humming, "If you want to eat or not, just eat so hungry."

"Hum, I ..." Lydia looked at Wang Yan, then at the exquisite cuisine in front of her, and finally swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, Ao Jiao snorted coldly, "Huh! Don't eat! "

Then, regardless of the image, no matter what the food in front of was made from, he grabbed the plate and ate.

When I choked, I took a drink from the table, took a sip, and continued to eat again. After all, she now understands that in order to become stronger and get rid of the magic claws, she must maintain her state.

However, both of them were stunned and confused. The heart said that this human slave girl Lydia really did not have the consciousness of being a slave, but their boss, the magic flame lord, just eat this set, that is willing to be good to this female slave.

This kind of bias treatment almost made both of them jealous. But they are not slaves anyway, and there is still a sense of psychological superiority.

The succubus is still serving aside, smiling without a word. She naturally understands the relationship between Lydia and the Lord of the Flame Flame, Wang Yan's incarnation. Moreover, Wang Yan also intends to tune Lydia. At least at the juncture of the crisis, he should recover his injury to the greatest extent possible and ensure his own state. Other concerns are secondary.

At this time, Wang Yan saw Lydia gradually letting go of her previous thought burdens, instead of sticking to the measures, he also secretly smiled a playful smile.

"Demon, Lord Moyan, you, you ... why are you so good with slaves?"

On the other side, appraiser Zoe looked at Lidia and Wang Yan in a strange way, and asked cautiously.

One can imagine the status of a slave in the world of hell, and the degree of misery. For her own sake, although she is nominally the chief appraiser of this underground black market, she is still essentially a slave.

Although she was treated by others because of her own abilities, all the rights she was born to be in the hands of this black market.

In other words, she does not have any freedom at all. This black market can let her live, let her die, and treat her as a high-priced female slave, who can buy and sell at will and bully at will, and she has no right to resist it.

This is the fate of a slave.

But the demon lord in front of him had an unexpected affinity with the people around him and even the human slave girl, which she had never met before.

"Why are you so good with slaves?" The question of appraiser Zoe made Wang Yan slightly surprised. He raised his eyebrows and froze a little, then asked in disapproval, "Why not?"

Why not?

A simple sentence made the appraiser Zoe stunned. Then a warm current came quietly from her heart.

Such an answer is something she has never heard of.

Later, when Lydia finished eating, Wang Yan proposed to go shopping in the lower trading area, where there is the real core area of ​​the black market, which is the black market auction house.

Wang Yan wanted to see if he could find some good things smoothly. After all, his younger brother and slave girl were too poorly equipped.

The appraiser Zoe from the black market is naturally obliged to lead everyone to the second basement floor again.

Along the way, the state of the crowd was relatively easy. Lydia also recovered a lot after eating and drinking. It was a bit of a blank head, a weak body, and the whole person was mentally depressed, and the reaction was much slower.

This is the situation after severe disengagement. Fortunately, it does not affect her actions. Despite her ten thousand reluctances, she still followed him honestly under Wang Yan ’s coercion.

Soon, the crowd took the floating platform again and descended to the second floor.

There is also a large underground space like a small market town, but the scale is slightly smaller than that of the free market on the upper floor. There is no building like a arena, and the number of tourists is much less.

However, as the core area of ​​the black market, regardless of the degree of sophistication of the building and environment, or the value status of tourists, it is far above the previous level by at least one level.

When Wang Yan walked in here, he felt as if he had come to a medieval European town. The stone streets and buildings, the filtered air, and the more courteous black market attendants all reflected that it was very different from the previous level. Specifications.

Also the first time the confusing lord came to this place, he was surprised to find that in this underground trading area, under the street lights on both sides of the road, there were actually low-grown vegetation.

This made him very ignorant and shouted mysteriously. Of course, this move naturally caused the cruel master to be contemptuous and could not bear to look directly at it.

"Cough, these are all dark plants and can grow without sunlight."

Appraiser Zoe smirked when he saw the look of Lord Chew, and then continued to lead the way, "Master Demon Flame, please, here is the auction house."

As Zoe led the way, Wang Yan and others walked all the way to see that there are not only hotels, casinos, red light districts and other entertainment venues, but also met several appraisal agencies and a variety of shops.

This level is no longer the first level of the free market, the messy mode of mixing stalls and shops, but a high-end trading area with professional identification and valuables.

The appraisal agency to which appraiser Zoe belongs is in the core auction house to go.

"Master Demon Flame, here are everything from daily sundries to ordinary people, to rare treasures handed down during the ancient war. We can find them all. Our black market auction house also holds regular auction events. There will be one later. "

Following the guidance of appraiser Zoe, the crowd saw a three-story, very striking white building.

This building looks magnificent in this underground space. The whole building is made of white stone. The large corridor columns and large arches are simple and rough, but they can give people a delicate beauty close to nature.

"Please here." Appraiser Zoe led the crowd to the auction house, and whispered a warning, "As far as I know today's auction, there will be a lot of good things to sell, it is likely that there will be superb relics ! "

"The best holy thing?" Wang Yan and several people beside him suddenly raised their brows and became interested.


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