The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1450: The lord never bullies

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"No, you don't have to ask Zoe to do anything for your black market in the future."

Wang Yan didn't even look at the female slaves and rejected President Ned's proposal at once, which made President Ned just smug and fell to the bottom.

"Admiral Flames, you, what do you mean? I don't understand, I don't understand." Nide will hold on to his inner panic and sweaty and ask Wang Yan.

"My meaning is simple. I fancy this slave girl, this Zoe, I bought it." Wang Yan's strong and majestic posture, a pair of powerful eyes, slowly turned to President Ned.

President Ned was suddenly struck by lightning and froze in place.

Together with his two classmates, all of them were dumbfounded in their hearts, and they held their breaths one by one, unable to speak for a long time.

President Ned secretly scolded in his heart, he and his followers, the most feared thing, is still coming.

He did everything, never thought that this Lord of Flame Flame would suddenly come out like this. If this Lord of Demon Flames forcibly bought Zoe, how would he explain to Chilie, the son of the Demon King, and the scary Chilian Demon King?

At the thought of this, President Ned was like an ant on a hot pot, suffering anxiously.

On the contrary, the appraiser Zoe was like a young daughter-in-law who was about to marry, and her face was secretly ecstatic. She was full of joy when she thought that she would follow the master, Lord Mo Yan, out of this caged underground black market.

"What are you still doing?" Wang Yan frowned, "I bought this Zoe and took out her slave contract and collar key."

"No, no, Lord Mo Yan, Zo, Zoe are our chief appraisers in the black market. She, she is different from other slaves. She, she is not on sale ..."

Seeing that Wang Yan forced to buy, President Ned panicked at once, and quickly waved his hand to quit, "If you like Hawks, I, I call the shots, I will send you ten Hawks, ten chicks, me, me ... "

However, before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the bewildering lord next to him: "What are you? Is the other Hawk slave slave Zoe? My boss just loves Zoe, why is she out of the sale? Is n’t she wearing a slave collar around her neck? "

Although the Lord of Red Confusion is the illegitimate son of the Red Demon King, he was abandoned since childhood and has been traumatizing at the bottom of the society until now. With a rotten spirit, he has now become Wang Yan's younger brother.

At this moment he was talking, a pair of thieves with small eyes, aimed at the ring that Ned would have full hands: "Gee, so many rings, are they storage rings?"

"Hey, Zoe's deed of sale and collar key, don't take it out? Forget it, the lord looks for it himself." The confessed lord said with a smile, he would take the finger of President Ned when he reached out. Storage ring.

President Ned was about to cry, and quickly begged for mercy: "Master Lord, don't worry, don't worry, I'll pay, I'll pay."

As soon as the storage command fell into the hands of the confusing lord, would that be enough?

President Ned was scared. In the storage ring on his finger, if the money he had corrupted in his life fell into the hands of the confusing lord, let ’s say that Lydia ’s covenant was to be lost. In this storage ring, I am afraid that even a **** will not be left.

So President Ned reluctantly surrendered Zoe's contractual credentials as a slave, and the key that the slave wanted, and the confusing lord was so disappointed that he threw him aside, so that he would sell himself. The deed and key were handed to Wang Yan.

The deluded lord is so naked that the bully is bullying, but during the whole process, President Nide ’s two attendants and a group of security staff all bowed their heads respectfully, let alone look, they did n’t even dare to fart Put one.

Just kidding, Lord Wang Yan, the incarnation of Demon Flame, is now in the limelight. Beside him, Chidu and Chibuji are all children of the Demon King, and they are all lords and masters who have reached the legendary level, and their status is higher than one.

In addition, Wang Yan ’s pet succubus, Lydia holding the inheritance of the holy artifact, as strong as a small house and a tall ogres, and three dark spirits who are full of spirits and killing contempt, these are all first-class One of the best masters. In addition, there were five savage and fierce barbarian gladiators, and six enchanting eagle and succubus slaves.

These slaves who surrendered to Wang Yan had long been dissatisfied with the class of slave owners such as President Ned. When Wang Yan stood still, these top-ranked slaves did not move around in silence.

The terror sent out by them is really like a beast of water and fierce.

Surrounded by these gangs of legends and powerful men, the helpers of President Ned, like the rabbits under the watch of fierce beasts, all shrunk their heads, tensed all over, and dared not even move Move more.

This group of security men is not a fool. Who is going to die, dare to provoke this group of fierce and evil top powerhouses? This is true even for the security staff. President Ned didn't dare to rebel against him.

"Huh? This is a slave succession contract. You got Zoe without spending a penny. This lord is really not good for you." Wang Yan opened the slave contract and pretended to helplessly.

This contract is a scroll made of some kind of animal skin. It is all tattooed with tattoos and will never disappear.

However, President Ned bought Zoe's mother, the leader of the blue claw tribe. When Zoe ’s mother gave birth to Zoe, according to the inheritance rights, everything of the slave belonged to the slave owner, including the newborn son.

So as long as you write a credential, the newly born Zoe will become one of the slaves owned by President Ned.

This kind of slave, which was not bought or sold, naturally has no price. Unless you want to trade her, you need to re-draw a new contract.

"Well, the lord will not bully you and give you two thousand magic crystals. We will trade Zoe at the market price."

Wang Yan took away Zoe's deed of sale and keys, and then took out a lot of magic crystals, and stuffed them into President Ned's arms. "How is it? Such a transaction is reasonable?"

"I Lord Lord Moyan, never bully people." Wang Yan said with a smile, patted President Ned's shoulder, and led people away.

Zoe Xi couldn't help but follow Wang Yan, and when passing by President Ned, he even slightly bowed to President Ned and paid a salute, which could make President Ned choke.

He held two thousand magic crystals in his arms, and the whole person was standing weakly in place. Dementia watched Wang Yan and others leave, and he wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

At this moment, he really wanted to slap himself.

A few days ago, Chilie, the son of the demon king, let the two generals, Dunbar and Kas, come to the door and offered a price of 150,000 magic crystals to buy the chief appraiser Zoe.

President Ned is greedy and wants to raise the price to 300,000 magic crystals, plus the real eye is about to be auctioned, which deliberately delayed the transaction for a few days.

In addition, after the flamboyant Lord of Flames came to their black market, President Ned wanted to stagnate the Lord of Flames, so he specially let their signature female slaves and chief appraiser Zoe accompany the reception.

It turned out to be a coincidence, Lord Mo Yan took a fancy to Zoe and forcibly took it away.

Now it is precisely because of the greed of President Ned that he not only lost his talents, but also violated his promise with Chi Lie, the son of the devil.

If you do not take any next steps, then you can imagine his waiting.


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